Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud


that is the date on this story.

That means her crimes were in the latest studies on voter fraud and her crimes have been counted in the studies.

Guess what?

That doesnt make this crime more frequent than the studies show.

Its an infentesimal amount of fruad like this in the nation.

Would you be willing to keep hundereds of thousands of legal voters from voting to stop one person from cheating?

If they'er legal then they should be able to prove it.
Kinda funny that all those illeagal mexicans can show up with required proof and documentation for the Obamas dream act, but asking them to show ID to vote is racist.

Asking an American citizen to produce ID to exercise their constitutional right has not been proven to be necessary.

We have been voting for over two centuries, and suddenly we need ID?

It is absolutely stunning how alleged "conservatives" are drinking Olympic swimming pool quantities of partisan bongwater and demanding the government place more regulations and interventions on their constitutional rights.

And it never occurs to them to ask for evidence of the necessity. Instead, people like you invent fantasies which have no basis in fact to justify your mad cow desires. Gotta stop them Mexicans from swinging elections!


Obama had two years with the house and senate to pass the dream act, but did'nt. He saved it for an election year mandate, to gain the hispanic vote. He also requires them to show proof of being in the US..look it up. Its ok to ask for ID when it fits the lefts agenda.

Are you really this illogical in real life?

It is okay to ask for ID when there is no other means to discover the necessary information.

So, again, I ask for evidence that Voter ID at the voting booth is the only means which can prevent or catch voter fraud.

It isn't. No one has ever produced such evidence.

Instead, we get idiotic threads like this one which posts a story about absentee voting fraud as some kind of "proof" Voter ID is needed. It just never seems to get through thick heads that Voter ID would not catch or prevent that kind of fraud. And when this is pointed out time and time and time and time again, their thick pointy heads translate that to, "Duhhhh, you are saying there is no fraud!"

I'm up against some seriously handicapped intelligence here, which is apparently tireless in its repetitive posting of the same stupidity over and over and over and over again.

It's like fricking Whack-A-Mole around here.

Next up, dead people voting!

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So you make laws to keep them from voting by making it hard to vote?


They are doing nothing but being Americans trying to vote.

You dont what them to vote is the ONLY reason
Willl one of you dimwits please explain two very simple things for me?

1: Show me one person here who has ever said there is no voter fraud.

2: Explain how a Voter ID would have prevented or caught the absentee voter fraud in the OP.

Look up that witch Truthmatters...

As far as whether it would have stopped her... no one knows

Yes you do. You know damn well Voter ID would not stop absentee voting fraud. It just kills you to admit it.


, but can you explain why it hurts to require an ID?

Can you explain how it hurts to require singing Happy Birthday to vote?

You want more government regulations and government intervention in the exercising of your constitutional rights, don't you believe you should prove the necessity of it? Or are you selective in that belief when it suits you?

Regardless... there are a ton of other liberal members here who have said there is no voter fraud...its all made up and in our heads.

Can you link to those claims by the ton of people who say there is NO voter fraud? Should be a piece of cake as there are a TON of them!

Because I think you are making THAT up in your head.

You deny that TM doesn't say that? You deny that others on this board have not made that argument in the threads on voter ID? What fucking board do YOU visit? Or this just more defelection, if you deny it you can get someone to waste time showing you the PUBLIC record that you either already saw or are to stupid to have understood.

As for Regulations, the Federal Government already REQUIRES positive ID for voting. They require the States to do voter purges on a semi regular basis as well. Those States that do not require ID are actually in violation of Federal LAW.
so you would keep hundereds of thousands of Americans from voting to stop one voter from cheating?


Its an infentesimal amount of fruad like this in the nation.

Would you be willing to keep hundereds of thousands of legal voters from voting to stop one person from cheating?

Good GAWD you are stupid!!!

First of all.... How in the Hell do you know this is an "infentesimal amount of fruad"... After all, you cant prove that someone voted for a dead guy, because the dead guy wont be there to dispute it....

Secondly.... How do you know that "hundereds of thousands of legal voters" are being disinfranchised or stopped from voting?
Are there really "hundereds of thousands of legal voters" that can't afford an ID???

If so, we are in bigger trouble than I first imagined :confused:

I supply you with ONE case.... like you always ask for, and now its not enough.

Does this remind anyone of the WMD debates? :eusa_whistle:

You whores for the Democratic party really need to have your fucking heads examined!!!!
Look up that witch Truthmatters...

As far as whether it would have stopped her... no one knows

Yes you do. You know damn well Voter ID would not stop absentee voting fraud. It just kills you to admit it.

Can you explain how it hurts to require singing Happy Birthday to vote?

You want more government regulations and government intervention in the exercising of your constitutional rights, don't you believe you should prove the necessity of it? Or are you selective in that belief when it suits you?

Regardless... there are a ton of other liberal members here who have said there is no voter fraud...its all made up and in our heads.

Can you link to those claims by the ton of people who say there is NO voter fraud? Should be a piece of cake as there are a TON of them!

Because I think you are making THAT up in your head.

You deny that TM doesn't say that? You deny that others on this board have not made that argument in the threads on voter ID?

I have not seen that. Show me.

[What fucking board do YOU visit? Or this just more defelection, if you deny it you can get someone to waste time showing you the PUBLIC record that you either already saw or are to stupid to have understood.

The claim was made, I would like to see the evidence.

What I see is that people post example of fraud and then say that is why we need voter ID. Then I point out that Voter ID will not stop that kind of fraud, like, say, absentee voter fraud in the OP. Or I point out that there are existing methods in place which would prevent that kind of fraud if those methods were properly managed. Like, say, dead people voting can be prevented by proper maintenance of voter registration rolls. No Voter ID needed.

Then, somewhere in their pointy little heads, the Voter ID proponents translate that to mean opponents of voter ID say there is no fraud.

So...noooooo...that is not what is being said. What is being said is that there is no evidence Voter ID is the only way to stop the kind of fraud which occurs.

As for Regulations, the Federal Government already REQUIRES positive ID for voting. They require the States to do voter purges on a semi regular basis as well. Those States that do not require ID are actually in violation of Federal LAW.

Show me the Federal regulations which require Voter ID please.
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that is the date on this story.

That means her crimes were in the latest studies on voter fraud and her crimes have been counted in the studies.

Guess what?

That doesnt make this crime more frequent than the studies show.

Its an infentesimal amount of fruad like this in the nation.

Would you be willing to keep hundereds of thousands of legal voters from voting to stop one person from cheating?

Would you deny MILLIONS their rights to own weapons for a few people that violate the law? Approximately Half of the population legally own firearms, That is almost 200 million people and you would remove that right because of a few thousand people that violate the law. What is the difference? BY the way dumb ass Federal Law already requires positive ID to vote. It further requires periodic purges of Each States voter rolls.

One person voted at least 10 times. That means that a couple hundred fraudulent voters could easily tip a close vote in any precinct. Meanwhile you claim Bush cheated in Florida and Ohio, which is? There IS voter fraud or there isn't?
so you would keep hundereds of thousands of Americans from voting to stop one voter from cheating?


Yes you fucking whore....

If its not important enough for them to value and hold dear, then FUCK EM!!

BTW bitch.... there are not "hundereds of thousands of Americans" without an ID. :mad:
Or at least, they get turned back at the door.

Which is the way it should be.
Yes you do. You know damn well Voter ID would not stop absentee voting fraud. It just kills you to admit it.

Can you explain how it hurts to require singing Happy Birthday to vote?

You want more government regulations and government intervention in the exercising of your constitutional rights, don't you believe you should prove the necessity of it? Or are you selective in that belief when it suits you?

Can you link to those claims by the ton of people who say there is NO voter fraud? Should be a piece of cake as there are a TON of them!

Because I think you are making THAT up in your head.

You deny that TM doesn't say that? You deny that others on this board have not made that argument in the threads on voter ID?

I have not seen that. Show me.

[What fucking board do YOU visit? Or this just more defelection, if you deny it you can get someone to waste time showing you the PUBLIC record that you either already saw or are to stupid to have understood.

The claim was made, I would like to see the evidence.

What I see is that people post example of fraud and then say that is why we need voter ID. Then I point out that Voter ID will not stop that kind of fraud, like, say, absentee voter fraud in the OP.

Then, somewhere in their pointy little heads, the Voter ID proponents translate to mean opponents of voter ID say there is no fraud.

So...noooooo...that is not what is being said. What is being said is that there is no evidence Voter ID is the only way to stop the kind of fraud which occurs.

As for Regulations, the Federal Government already REQUIRES positive ID for voting. They require the States to do voter purges on a semi regular basis as well. Those States that do not require ID are actually in violation of Federal LAW.

Show me the Federal regulations which require Voter ID please.
Federal law requires positive identification of all persons voting. Unless you are brain dead or stupid you can look it up yourself or keep claiming that the Federal Government does not care if illegals or dead vote.

That is why the States that have passed ID requirements can legally do it. There is no Federal law that dictates how the id is obtained or when that is left to the States.
so you would keep hundereds of thousands of Americans from voting to stop one voter from cheating?


How is it exactly that hundreds of thousands can make it to the grocery store to use their EBT cards, yet somehow they are incapable of producing an ID card? Enlighten me...

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