Mississippi religious rights bill passed

Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
For those against such a the law I ask: Should a tattoo artist have right to deny a white supremacy tattoo which in effect would be restricting the consumers right to free speech? Say the artists was Jewish and the customer wanted a swastika, would you want him fined or his shop closed for refusing customer service?
Gay marriage denies children their previous contractual rights in marriage to both a mother and father...for life...which harms them. Even divorce which still seeks to keep children in contact with both their mother and father, is kinder to children than gay marriage.

The US Supreme Court has already spoken on Constitutional rights that harm children. New York vs Ferber reinforces this new Mississippi law. Not only can religious people object, but also those who object to harming children. Look for this law to be expanded soon to include secular "child abuse" objections...:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 756–57 (1982)
It is evident beyond the need for elaboration that a State’s interest in “safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor” is “compelling.” . . . Accordingly, we have sustained legislation aimed at protecting the physical and emotional well-being of youth even when the laws have operated in the sensitive area of constitutionally protected right https://law.ku.edu/sites/law.drupal.ku.edu/files/docs/law_review/v61/02-Preston_Final.pdf
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
For those against such a the law I ask: Should a tattoo artist have right to deny a white supremacy tattoo which in effect would be restricting the consumers right to free speech? Say the artists was Jewish and the customer wanted a swastika, would you want him fined or his shop closed for refusing customer service?
Gay marriage denies children their previous contractual rights in marriage to both a mother and father...for life...which harms them. Even divorce which still seeks to keep children in contact with both their mother and father, is kinder to children than gay marriage.

The US Supreme Court has already spoken on Constitutional rights that harm children. New York vs Ferber reinforces this new Mississippi law. Not only can religious people object, but also those who object to harming children. Look for this law to be expanded soon:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 756–57 (1982)
It is evident beyond the need for elaboration that a State’s interest in “safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor” is “compelling.” . . . Accordingly, we have sustained legislation aimed at protecting the physical and emotional well-being of youth even when the laws have operated in the sensitive area of constitutionally protected right https://law.ku.edu/sites/law.drupal.ku.edu/files/docs/law_review/v61/02-Preston_Final.pdf
No one should be forced into participation of something they find repugnant...

If it's repugnant to you to work in a business that's required by law to serve black people,

then don't take that job.

Actually the linkage you claim between race and life style are apples and oranges, which discloses your inability to articulate the very essence of the discussion, that of freedom of choice, by your interpretation then it is illegal by your standards to refuse service to those unclean, not wearing shoes or shirt?
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Hard to believe nobody agrees with your interpretation

You have the same admiration for Sharia Laws?
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Hard to believe nobody agrees with your interpretation

You have the same admiration for Sharia Laws?
You mean people don't give a shit about the constitution....no not a surprise really..
Wow! What a big win! Gay marriage is still legal.
And? They weren't trying to make it illegal but since these faggots have taken it BEYOND "marriage" and are attacking bakers,florists,justice of the peace's,t shirt makers etc these laws are necessary.

The Homosexuals are attacking people!! Oh no--My Homophobic min is going nuts!!

The Homosexuals are forcing gay sex upon poor heterosexuals!! Men are getting butt plugged. Women are having their rugs munched!!

Gay sex has taken over the streets of Mississippi.

Or should we call the state 'Mister Skippy" now?

Thee LGBT mafia has forced changed the identity of that State to Rainbow Skippy. So so sad!:confused:
All the bill really does is guarantee the state will have to spend millions of dollars that it can't afford to defend a hateful bill. It does nothing to stop gay marriage. I thought republicans said they were against wasting money.

They're only against wasting money on things like healthcare for poor women and feeding the hungry.

Peeping Tom RWNJ traitors would end the constitution if they could. Then they would institute sharia law.
Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
Mississippi bill: OK to not help with same-sex marriage - Daily Journal

All knew this would happen. SC oversteps its boundaries and states pass laws protecting their workers from the nut case homosexual mafia.

So it's OK to disregard the Constitution?
Its OK to disregard the bastardized reading of the Constitution by thugs in robes called the SC.

In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.

Odious wants a dictator.

Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Hard to believe nobody agrees with your interpretation

You have the same admiration for Sharia Laws?
You mean people don't give a shit about the constitution....no not a surprise really..

You're the one who wants to change it.

I dare you to say you are against this:

Looks like they dusted off some old Jim Crow legislation

They never learn do they?
The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
We love the Constitution

Ever read the 14th amendment?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
What about the Mississippi clerks who do not like to marry mixed race couples.......should they be accommodated too?
In your version of the Constitution, to whom is the responsibility for interpreting it delegated?
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Hard to believe nobody agrees with your interpretation

You have the same admiration for Sharia Laws?
You mean people don't give a shit about the constitution....no not a surprise really..
Do you support the use of Sharia Law is covered in the first amendment?
Its also OK to protect people's RELIGIOUS RIGHTS guaranteed under the 1st amendment

Isn't it interesting that some religous rights through aren't to be guaranteed?

"Rep. Omeria Scott, D-Laurel, offered an amendment to provide the same protection for an official who believed a divorced couple should not remarry. She quoted numerous Bible passages to make her point, but Gipson, a minister, opposed the amendment, which was defeated 77-40.​

If people have religious objection to remarriage for divorced people? Fuck'em.

The leftards really truly do hate the constitution don't they....lets just do away with the first amendment! That will make them happy! No more free speech or freedom of religion!

Are you only person in America who doesn't know that religious freedom doesn't protect the right of ritual human sacrifice?
That has what to do with this?
Ever read the first? Its clear. The 14th amendment is as well and you have bastardized it to fit YOUR definition of what you want.Its just another reason why we need to get rid of it and install a system of 1 leader who makes the laws.
1 ultimate leader. This is the reason democracy doesn't work.
You are free to worship as you please
When your religious views contradict our laws....you lose
Laws made AFTER the constitution aka they go against what our constitution says therefore the constitution overrules the illegal and unconstitutional "law" since the constitution is THE law of the land now law made after it.
Hard to believe nobody agrees with your interpretation

You have the same admiration for Sharia Laws?
You mean people don't give a shit about the constitution....no not a surprise really..
Do you support the use of Sharia Law is covered in the first amendment?

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