Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

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the article in the OP was a wire story from the associated press.

you should get out more.

The OP was printed in the Seattle Times.

I'd rather wonder why The Seattle Times prints all of Sheild Byrd's AP releases from Jackson, MS. Odd.

the OP was printed/carried by a number of outlets.

JACKSON, Miss. — A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo. - Google Search

it's a gay conspiracy, obviously.


Samson is a deep thinker like that.
the article in the OP was a wire story from the associated press.

you should get out more.

The OP was printed in the Seattle Times.

I'd rather wonder why The Seattle Times prints all of Sheild Byrd's AP releases from Jackson, MS. Odd.

the OP was printed/carried by a number of outlets.

JACKSON, Miss. — A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo. - Google Search

it's a gay conspiracy, obviously.

Yes, it is wider spread than I realized.
The OP was printed in the Seattle Times.

I'd rather wonder why The Seattle Times prints all of Sheild Byrd's AP releases from Jackson, MS. Odd.

the OP was printed/carried by a number of outlets.

JACKSON, Miss. — A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo. - Google Search

it's a gay conspiracy, obviously.


Samson is a deep thinker like that.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws


Then why aren't sodomy laws unconstitutional?

The SCOTUS ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that the sodomy laws are unconstitutional and unenforceable.

Why is polygamy illegal

Polygamy should not be illegal.


Thanks, I stand corrected. I forgot about the Lawrence v. Texas case. But I'm pretty sure that cohabitation laws are still valid as well as polygamy and bigamy laws.
The SCOTUS ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that the sodomy laws are unconstitutional and unenforceable.

Polygamy should not be illegal.


Thanks, I stand corrected. I forgot about the Lawrence v. Texas case. But I'm pretty sure that cohabitation laws are still valid as well as polygamy and bigamy laws.

True Libertarians should agree with Contumacious.

Got to say the man sticks to his guns. "Respect", as they say.
Yep... because both you and rdean will admit to pulling shit out of your collective asses.... but you'll certainly keep trying to congratulate him for sidestepping and attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of others...

All both of you have to do it put up or just state that you posted unsubstantiated generalization bullshit

More :deadhorse:-ism. I wonder if you can keep this going all day...all week...maybe it can become the Centerpiece of your posting genre.

I'll drive both of you nuts til you admit or put up the supportive facts... just keeps going to further expose you and discredit you

My goodness...you really think you matter that much to us, don't you? :lol::lol::lol:
Discrimination is discrimination. And to stop the prom altogether in order to discriminate against two students is the worst kind of discrimination.

Nice of that school district to turn the entire student populace against the couple just because they wanted to go to the Prom. Perhaps next time they'll just host a public stoning.

Neg rep to you "US Army Retired", but there's nothing new there.

As for the students themselves, there should certainly be a lawsuit against the school district appearing in short order for such a blatant attempt at ostricizing these two individuals from the community.

Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.
Discrimination is discrimination. And to stop the prom altogether in order to discriminate against two students is the worst kind of discrimination.

Nice of that school district to turn the entire student populace against the couple just because they wanted to go to the Prom. Perhaps next time they'll just host a public stoning.

Neg rep to you "US Army Retired", but there's nothing new there.

As for the students themselves, there should certainly be a lawsuit against the school district appearing in short order for such a blatant attempt at ostricizing these two individuals from the community.

Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

They can still have a "prom."

But the school will not sponsor it.

Don't you think the girls should sponsor their own prom? Have all the guys show up in dresses, and all girls in tux. Serve finger sammiches and Brat on the menue......
Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

Yeah, they solved all their legal problems alright.

And now they just have to be responsible for the possibility of a lynching of these poor girls by the rest of the student body due to the fact that they are now being denied a prom too.

I was in the military and so were you, we both know this tactic well, and this school board is a bunch of nasty fucks for using it.

And the OP is just as nasty for publicly approving of this decision.

Our HS tried something akin to this my graduation year. It used to be that it was MANDITORY for graduating seniors to attend a religious service at the HS auditorium the nite before graduation. One of my friends, who happened to be a Quaker, challenged that Manditory rule. It got to the point that she and her parents threatened a lawsuit under the First Amendment. The school backed down but....suddenly...we were not going to hold our graduation ceremony outside in the new football stadium as was planned. Suddenly...we held it in the Auditorium, on the stage, in late June, in 90 degree weather, with no air conditioning. I think they were hoping for some peer pressure, but we all rallied behind her and gladly sweated out the graduation ceremony.
Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

They can still have a "prom."

But the school will not sponsor it.

Don't you think the girls should sponsor their own prom? Have all the guys show up in dresses, and all girls in tux. Serve finger sammiches and Brat on the menue......

What makes you think that only gays would go to such a prom?
I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

They can still have a "prom."

But the school will not sponsor it.

Don't you think the girls should sponsor their own prom? Have all the guys show up in dresses, and all girls in tux. Serve finger sammiches and Brat on the menue......

What makes you think that only gays would go to such a prom?

What makes you think I think only gays would go to such a prom?
More :deadhorse:-ism. I wonder if you can keep this going all day...all week...maybe it can become the Centerpiece of your posting genre.

I'll drive both of you nuts til you admit or put up the supportive facts... just keeps going to further expose you and discredit you

My goodness...you really think you matter that much to us, don't you? :lol::lol::lol:

Still showing you are a bullshit artist, not credible, and willing to throw out pure ass-pulled bullshit....
I'll drive both of you nuts til you admit or put up the supportive facts... just keeps going to further expose you and discredit you

My goodness...you really think you matter that much to us, don't you? :lol::lol::lol:

Still showing you are a bullshit artist, not credible, and willing to throw out pure ass-pulled bullshit....

go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the prom they solved all the legal problems.

yeah, they solved all their legal problems alright.

And now they just have to be responsible for the possibility of a lynching of these poor girls by the rest of the student body due to the fact that they are now being denied a prom too.

I was in the military and so were you, we both know this tactic well, and this school board is a bunch of nasty fucks for using it.

And the op is just as nasty for publicly approving of this decision.

our hs tried something akin to this my graduation year. It used to be that it was manditory for graduating seniors to attend a religious service at the hs auditorium the nite before graduation. One of my friends, who happened to be a quaker, challenged that manditory rule. It got to the point that she and her parents threatened a lawsuit under the first amendment. The school backed down but....suddenly...we were not going to hold our graduation ceremony outside in the new football stadium as was planned. Suddenly...we held it in the auditorium, on the stage, in late june, in 90 degree weather, with no air conditioning. I think they were hoping for some peer pressure, but we all rallied behind her and gladly sweated out the graduation ceremony.

I'm so sick of that argument...blacks can't be racist, etc. Grow up...bigotry is everywhere and practiced against everyone for whatever reasons the bigots decide. Same with racism.

I didn't say blacks can't be racist. This is at least the third strawman in the last page or so. What I did say is it's impossible to practice bigotry against bigots.

No it's not....you can be a bigot against a bigot who is a bigot for a completely different reason than you are.

If I stop a white person from racial discrimination I am not practicing bigotry against that racist person.
If I fight against homophobic bigots I am not practicing bigotry against them. If you understand then snap your fingers.

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