Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

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And, just when you thought that gay people (and even straight children related to gay people) had no problems with being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country...here's another story:

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents - CNN.com

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

The archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, is defending its decision not to re-enroll two children in a Catholic school in Boulder next year because their parents are lesbians.

and more to the article.

I'm not going to weed through all 21 pages, so my apologies in advance if this has already been mentioned, but why would parents want to send their child to a place that preaches and teaches that their lifestyle is not appropriate.:confused:
Discrimination is discrimination. And to stop the prom altogether in order to discriminate against two students is the worst kind of discrimination.

Nice of that school district to turn the entire student populace against the couple just because they wanted to go to the Prom. Perhaps next time they'll just host a public stoning.

Neg rep to you "US Army Retired", but there's nothing new there.

As for the students themselves, there should certainly be a lawsuit against the school district appearing in short order for such a blatant attempt at ostricizing these two individuals from the community.

Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

I'd make my own prom and not invite the girl with the tux.
Go ahead. Won't fly. You can not hold the school district responsible for discrimination if they did not actually discriminate against anyone. By canceling the Prom they solved ALL the legal problems.

I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

I'd make my own prom and not invite the girl with the tux.

That's what they'll do.

There will be a prom for homosexuals, and a prom for heterosexuals.

There will be a prom for Star-bellied sneeches and Plain-bellied sneeches

There will be a prom for Liberals and a prom for Conservatives

There will be a prom for cat lovers and a prom for dog lovers

There will even be a prom for those that like OctoErotic Art.
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Isn't it charming what religious organizations do to children these days? Maybe it's all for the best...those children have a lesser chance of being diddled by a Catholic priest.

Yes, a charming reminder that everyone doesn't except deviant homosexual behaviour, nor will they be compelled to tolerate it.

So you think 2 lesbians raising a child are deviants, and that their kids should be punished for it?

Of course, it's a Catholic School, meaning private, so they have that right to reject the children because of the parents sexual orientations. Of course we all know all straight parents never do anything sexually "deviant" right Samson?
Exactly, sex is only for producing kids, and only in the missionary position. Sodomy includes oral sex, folks.
Nope... that's still not data nor an admission of your bullshit.... so we still have you down as a complete bullshit artist and flat out liar with zero credibility for any of your uncited assertions
This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event.

We don't want two girls dancing together!!!


OMG, next thing you know girls will be going to the rest rooms in groups! :eek:
Here in the south we want southern family MORAL traditions maintained that will carry on in this christian faith based family conservative values region. Living | Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request | Seattle Times Newspaper

JACKSON, Miss. —
A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy and allow 18-year-old Constance McMillen to escort her girlfriend, who is also a student, to the dance on April 2.

Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn't host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. When asked by The Associated Press if McMillen's demand led to the cancellation, school board attorney Michele Floyd said she could only reference the statement.

I couldn't help but wonder why the Seattle (Washington) Times would publish News about the happenings in Itawamba County, MS. I also wonder why they stated that the school board's statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. Why not also print that the board's statement didn't mention President Obama, or Elvis?

One of the reasons people may want to live in MS is the strength in traditional values that oppose open displays of Homosexuality. The greatest strength of American School Systems is that they adhere to LOCAL customs, not the fucking customs of the Seattle Times.


But that's not what they want... They want Validation... From Coast to Coast... And Household to Household... And Church to Church.

If you don't Embrace their Choice, you are the Enemy...

They don't want to be "Catholic"... They want to Change the Catholic Church until it Embraces the Sin...

Same goes for other Churches and Organizations that Refuse to Validate this Deviant Choice.

Let Adult Deviancies be for Adults...

Stay away from the Schools and the Children.


I'm sure the hundreds of students who now don't get a prom because the school administrators couldn't handle a girl in a tux are delighted that their moral wellbeing was being looked out for.

I'd make my own prom and not invite the girl with the tux.

That's what they'll do.

There will be a prom for homosexuals, and a prom for heterosexuals.

There will be a prom for Star-bellied sneeches and Plain-bellied sneeches

There will be a prom for Liberals and a prom for Conservatives

There will be a prom for cat lovers and a prom for dog lovers

There will even be a prom for those that like OctoErotic Art.

Aren't there some places in the South where they have White Proms and Black Proms?
Fortunately, it has no relevance, except in EZ's overactive little imagination.

Ironically, while she may disagree with the decisions of the archdiocese of Denver, or Itawamba County School District, she's quite comfortable enforcing her own intolerance.

The day that this site allows octoporn to be posted is the day we lose a large chunk of our membership and prolly a mod or two.

And as well you should be concerned: That's my point

The same could be said for the Catrholic Church, or Itawamba County: The day they support Queers, is the day they "lose a large chunk of their membership."

You and the OP are dinosaurs....

And yet, that school's sports program probably has wrestling, which is as gay as gay gets.:lol::lol:

:lol: I always thought that, sweaty men in tights grabbing each other and rubbing their bodies all over each other. I'd hear some wrestlers from my HS say that they would not shower for days so they smelled bad for their opponent
What is wrong with lesbian proms?


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