Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

Should Homosexual Sex be Included in 5th Grade Sex Ed?

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Do I even want to know how this thread reached this amount of posts?

Everyone does not Hate gays, bo.

I don't hate gays, but I think a church, and a school district, has rights to exclude individuals whose behavior conflicts with their moral beliefs. I wouldn't know why these individuals would WANT to be included in organizations or events in which their behaviour is so clearly unacceptable.

Oh, HELL no.

That's kind of the same reasoning used to excuse redlining. Nope, it's exactly the same reasoning. Why would black people,or Hispanic people, or pick your despised group, WANT to live in a neighborhood where they'd feel unwelcome (insert sickly sweet innocent expression here)? They'd be MUCH more comfortable in the bricks, where most of "their people" already are, no matter the substandard housing, ecological degradation, and distance from decent jobs, and no matter they worked their asses off to afford better. Same with people, whose sexual preference, a protected right under federal law, are not the majority of the population they live within. Why don't they just MOVE to friendlier climes? Hell, after this the families of these kids may have to. But so what...what's the harm?

The harm is in these little bigoted enclaves becoming more powerful than the law they are supposed to operate under. It flies in the face of what America holds up as its standard when it pokes its nose in other parts of the world for reasons far removed from that standard: equal protection under the law.

My question really was less rhetorically based than you assume: I really cannot imagine why Queers whould really care about being accepted in Ibawata Co, MS.

You've proven my worst fear: That some centralized authority will claim to know more about "what America holds up as its standard" than "these little bigoted enclaves."

Happily, in the USA, local people still have the right to determine how they will live. I applaud the Ibawata Co board for illustrating this fact.

Nobody is suggesting they change how "they" live. Its against civil rights law for them to dictate how others live, and that includes preventing those others from participating in "public" school functions.
This was a smart move by the Mississippi School District in banning the High School Prom due to a immoral lesbian couple wanting to attend that would taint the event. Here in the south we want southern family MORAL traditions maintained that will carry on in this christian faith based family conservative values region. It is best to mainstain the status quo of boy girl dates. Louisiana did this last year at a prom and banned the same sex couple by sticking to their moral convictions in doing the right thing. This same sex behavior should recieve zero tolerance at all school events.

Living | Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request | Seattle Times Newspaper

JACKSON, Miss. —
A northern Mississippi school district decided Wednesday not to host a high school prom after a lesbian student demanded she be able to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy and allow 18-year-old Constance McMillen to escort her girlfriend, who is also a student, to the dance on April 2.

Instead, the school board met and issued a statement announcing it wouldn't host the event at Itawamba County Agricultural High School in Fulton, "due to the distractions to the educational process caused by recent events."

The statement didn't mention McMillen or the ACLU. When asked by The Associated Press if McMillen's demand led to the cancellation, school board attorney Michele Floyd said she could only reference the statement.

"It is our hope that private citizens will organize an event for the juniors and seniors," district officials said in the statement. "However, at this time, we feel that it is in the best interest of the Itawamba County School District, after taking into consideration the education, safety and well being of our students."

the board did the wrong thing.

in this day and age why would anyone even care?

obviously the board cancelled the prom KNOWING that the lesbians would be blamed for it.

rather mean spirited and dirty politics if you ask me.
i have not read all the thread, but my two cents are this....

the school did wrong. its not a private school, and for them to make rules regarding the sex of one's prom date, IMO, is a constitutional, at most, violation and likely a title 7 or 9 violation....
Nope... that's still not data nor an admission of your bullshit.... so we still have you down as a complete bullshit artist and flat out liar with zero credibility for any of your uncited assertions

Keeping a tally. YOu are barely into double digits..don't give up now.

Still waiting for you to admit your bullshit or post the facts... you disingenuous piece of shit
Anyone else think it's funny and ironic that some of the most "deviant" posters on this board are calling out others for their "deviant" behavior!

:rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:
i have not read all the thread, but my two cents are this....

the school did wrong. its not a private school, and for them to make rules regarding the sex of one's prom date, IMO, is a constitutional, at most, violation and likely a title 7 or 9 violation....

Yet some on here agree with what they did, I wonder why?
Anyone else think it's funny and ironic that some of the most "deviant" posters on this board are calling out others for their "deviant" behavior!

:rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

Did someone say deviant?


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In a civilian environment, I say let em do what they want as the displayed gayness should not really affect other people or impede their ability to enjoy the prom. A stupid decision by the school IMO as they are imposing what they determine to be moral and just on all attendees.

Personally, I dont understand the queers but as long as they keep to themselves, why should anyone else ever intervene ? My .02
i have not read all the thread, but my two cents are this....

the school did wrong. its not a private school, and for them to make rules regarding the sex of one's prom date, IMO, is a constitutional, at most, violation and likely a title 7 or 9 violation....

Yet some on here agree with what they did, I wonder why?

come on EZ, you don't really wonder why....you know. in their opinions homosexuality is bad. as such, they don't believe a public school should be forced to allow two homosexuals attend the prom as a couple.

i have no doubt that on many political issues, these posters and i see eye to eye. however, for me, discriminating against homosexuality is wrong in a secular government. it outright violates the constitution. furthermore, the major reason against homosexuality, not the only reason, but the prominent one, is religion. i don't believe religious beliefs should be forced upon public schools. what if the majority in this country were islamic?

let's look at this sans religion. what then is the justification? one could argue state's interest in promoting the family unit, man/woman, make babies, create a more populace state. deviant sexual behavior....ah....problem with this train of thought is....homosexual behavior is not illegal in this country and laws that made such behavior illegal have been struck down by scotus.
In my day ('60-'70's) going to the prom with your same sex significant other would not have happened. Back then if you liked the same sex it was not out in the open, just like if you were pregnant you kept it hidden. The only thing back then that was OUT THERE was alcohol and drugs. The world has changed and not in the right way. Parents are told not to discipline their children like we were...spanked on the behind (with whatever the parent could get a hold of!). Children were taught to respect their elders...and now curse at adults as if cursing to one of their friends. At the same time, who are we to judge? Our Beholder is the one who is going to hold us accountable for all of our sins, so how do we know that he is against what that young woman wanted to do? WE DON'T. We are taught that God does not condone that type of behavior BUT how do we truly know that he does not forgive people who practice that lifestyle? WE DON'T.
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You keep throwing out strawman arguments, I'll keep calling you out on them. Fact is Rosa Parks was born black, the same isn't true in the lesbians case.

Lol....you obviously don't know what "strawman" means. Let's break this down as much as possible:

1. The lesbian students did not violate any school policy.

2. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is as much against the law as discrimination based on skin color.

3. It does not matter if people are born gay or not. It does not justify discrimination against them.

1.The Itawamba County school district's policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. So they did in fact seek to violate policy.

2. tell that to the citixens of California who struck down same sex marriage.

3. Choice has a lot to do with it. They chose to be lesbians and they chose to attempt to violate policy.

1. First you said they violated the policy then change it saying they sought to violate. Is that your final answer?

2. Tyranny by the majority is why the Constitution was created, and it is illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation. Every state that denies same sex couples is guilty of violating the Constitution.

3. Choice is completely irrelevant. An adult American Citizen should not be punished for choosing a sexual orientation some do not agree with. By your logic if the majority disapproved of christian churches they would be good Americans if they sought to stop church services.
I think they should have just bought their tickets and gone to the prom. Then the school board could call the cops and had them arrested...it would have made a stronger statement. And how awesome to have such drama at a prom...usually a boring dance full of drunks.
In my day ('60-'70's) going to the prom with your same sex significant other would not have happened. Back then if you liked the same sex it was not out in the open, just like if you were pregnant you kept it hidden. The only thing back then that was OUT THERE was alcohol and drugs. The world has changed and not in the right way. Parents are told not to discipline their children like we were...spanked on the behind (with whatever the parent could get a hold of!). Children were taught to respect their elders...and now curse at adults as if cursing to one of their friends. At the same time, who are we to judge? Our Beholder is the one who is going to hold us accountable for all of our sins, so how do we know that he is against what that young woman wanted to do? WE DON'T. We are taught that God does not condone that type of behavior BUT how do we truly know that he does not forgive people who practice that lifestyle? WE DON'T.

Yea...I grew up in the "Good ole' days" of the 60s and 70s. I saw friends beaten and bruised by their fathers. Domestic violence was a family issue. I saw women abused and unable to get out of a marriage because they couldn't work.
Gay kids were endlessly taunted and beaten up and nothing was done about it. After all...."They were asking for it"

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