Missouri Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Curfew In Ferguson

I wonder if the drunk lunch lady thinks people out after curfew in an American city should be shot on sight?

I do. What's the purpose of a curfew if it's not going to be enforced?
What in the fuck are sidewalk monkeys doing out in the streets during curfew anyhow?
How to not get your ass kicked by the cops. A public service announcement from Chris Rock.
Chris Rock ~ How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By Th…: [ame=http://youtu.be/igQDvYOt_iA]Chris Rock ~ How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police - YouTube[/ame]

The Ferguson Police Department on Friday released a video that allegedly shows Michael Brown robbing a convenience store. Critics lashed out at police, saying that the footage's release was an attempt to disparage Brown's character.

CNN revealed on Saturday that the Department of Justice found out about the video earlier this week and asked police not to make it public. According to CNN, the DOJ was worried that the footage would spark more violence in Ferguson.

More: Ferguson Police Released Robbery Video Despite DOJ Concerns

Eric Holder warned the Ferguson Chief of Police what would likely happen by releasing the video. The Chief is an idiot.

Eric Holder did not want the video out because he most likely can keep it from any future jury if one comes up. He did not and does not want any possible future jury to see the violence this young person has in him. Him doing this strong arm robbery tells the kind on individual he is and explains what may have happened when he assaulted the police officer if that is the way it turns out to be. Seeing him assault the clerk you could definitely believe he is capable of it. The Chief did the right thing in showing the video.
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So you want us to be like the Philippines, eh?

Yes----that's exactly what he is saying.

That's common fare with Bodey. She ALWAYS does that.. Everyone should just ignore her like I do.. she adds NOTHING to a conversation.

Yet here you are making it about me....when I was asking clarification on something that another poster brought up.

So...what do you "think"? Should we be more like the Philippines?
Yes----that's exactly what he is saying.

That's common fare with Bodey. She ALWAYS does that.. Everyone should just ignore her like I do.. she adds NOTHING to a conversation.

Yet here you are making it about me....when I was asking clarification on something that another poster brought up.

So...what do you "think"? Should we be more like the Philippines?

It appears Italy, circa 1940, is more to the anti-Constitution crowd's liking.

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