Missouri Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Curfew In Ferguson

ANYONE out after curfew....arrest them. Immediately. Throw them in jail and take time in putting them in front of a judge. ALL of them. Anyone caught looting..shoot them. That is exactly what I would do.

You'd shoot them for looting? That's a bit crazy.

Looters should be shot on sight and left for the scavengers.

Yes! We need action like that! You have hit on the recipe for peace and prosperity in these troubled times! Go USMB nutter, go!
A policy of "you loot, we shoot" is the right one. Everyone with a brain KNOWS it is the right one. It is that simple.
A policy of "you loot, we shoot" is the right one. Everyone with a brain KNOWS it is the right one. It is that simple.

This kind of thing is the reason I get a bit annoyed when some idiot claims that "both sides do it".

You won't find anyone on the left here saying something nearly as bat shit crazy as this supposed normal conservative. You won't find any USMB liberal suggesting that people be gunned down without arrest or trial for offenses that aren't punishable by death in any state in the union.

Think it through for a minute, you crazed maniac. Stop and think it through.
A policy of "you loot, we shoot" is the right one. Everyone with a brain KNOWS it is the right one. It is that simple.

Agreed. In times of law enforcement uncertainty, protecting you and your's with deadly force is not only wise, but legal.

Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 563
Defense of Justification

August 28, 2013

Use of physical force in defense of property.

563.041. 1. A person may, subject to the limitations of subsection 2, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he or she reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission by such person of stealing, property damage or tampering in any degree.

2. A person may use deadly force under circumstances described in subsection 1 only when such use of deadly force is authorized under other sections of this chapter.

3. The justification afforded by this section extends to the use of physical restraint as protective force provided that the actor takes all reasonable measures to terminate the restraint as soon as it is reasonable to do so.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.

2. A person may not use deadly force upon another person under the circumstances specified in subsection 1 of this section unless:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such deadly force is necessary to protect himself, or herself or her unborn child, or another against death, serious physical injury, or any forcible felony;

(2) Such force is used against a person who unlawfully enters, remains after unlawfully entering, or attempts to unlawfully enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle lawfully occupied by such person; or

(3) Such force is used against a person who unlawfully enters, remains after unlawfully entering, or attempts to unlawfully enter private property that is owned or leased by an individual claiming a justification of using protective force under this section.

3. A person does not have a duty to retreat from a dwelling, residence, or vehicle where the person is not unlawfully entering or unlawfully remaining. A person does not have a duty to retreat from private property that is owned or leased by such individual.
A policy of "you loot, we shoot" is the right one. Everyone with a brain KNOWS it is the right one. It is that simple.

This kind of thing is the reason I get a bit annoyed when some idiot claims that "both sides do it".

You won't find anyone on the left here saying something nearly as bat shit crazy as this supposed normal conservative. You won't find any USMB liberal suggesting that people be gunned down without arrest or trial for offenses that aren't punishable by death in any state in the union.

Think it through for a minute, you crazed maniac. Stop and think it through.

See...you just lied...AGAIN!
A policy of "you loot, we shoot" is the right one. Everyone with a brain KNOWS it is the right one. It is that simple.

This kind of thing is the reason I get a bit annoyed when some idiot claims that "both sides do it".

You won't find anyone on the left here saying something nearly as bat shit crazy as this supposed normal conservative. You won't find any USMB liberal suggesting that people be gunned down without arrest or trial for offenses that aren't punishable by death in any state in the union.

Think it through for a minute, you crazed maniac. Stop and think it through.

See...you just lied...AGAIN!

Again? You assholes accuse people of lying with every other breath. When are you going to prove it? You won't. You can't.

You have come here...in successive posts....suggesting that LEO's shoot people on sight for being out after a curfew and for stealing. You have had a chance to think about what you said. You repeated yourself for clarity.

You are the antithesis of what this country is all about. I say that without hyperbole. It is right here for all to see.
This kind of thing is the reason I get a bit annoyed when some idiot claims that "both sides do it".

You won't find anyone on the left here saying something nearly as bat shit crazy as this supposed normal conservative. You won't find any USMB liberal suggesting that people be gunned down without arrest or trial for offenses that aren't punishable by death in any state in the union.

Think it through for a minute, you crazed maniac. Stop and think it through.

See...you just lied...AGAIN!

Again? You assholes accuse people of lying with every other breath. When are you going to prove it? You won't. You can't.

You have come here...in successive posts....suggesting that LEO's shoot people on sight for being out after a curfew and for stealing. You have had a chance to think about what you said. You repeated yourself for clarity.

You are the antithesis of what this country is all about. I say that without hyperbole. It is right here for all to see.

Not surprising many folks in this country don't want to do the heavy lifting that must be required.

Sometimes you have to cut off a leg to save a life.

Looters should be shot. Home invaders should be shot. It is quite simple, actually: thugs understand one thing--FORCE. Thugs SHOULD live in fear of getting shot!
ANYONE out after curfew....arrest them. Immediately. Throw them in jail and take time in putting them in front of a judge. ALL of them. Anyone caught looting..shoot them. That is exactly what I would do.

Actually, to enforce a curfew, violators should be shot on sight.

Yeah! That's the American way! Conservatives sure have a love affair with liberty and justice.

Yeah, be like Obama send in a drone that would be more in line with the liberal left. Or send in the tanks as did Clinton.
Not that it matters much but I was on a site and they had this poll. The results, in my opinion, seem to me to be bi-polar:

What do you think?

Are police forces becoming too militarized?

69% Yes

26% No

5% I'm not sure

Have the police in Ferguson, Missouri shown too much force in their actions against protestors?

22% Yes

66% No

12% I'm not sure

My response was, I don't know and No.

I think a better question would be, have the police abused their power. For example, the paramilitary raid at Waco, was that an abuse of power? And were lessons learned that stopped an armed confrontation elsewhere?
Well when you have the Black Panthers, Sharpton and Jackson in there stirring up things, I guess this was bound to happen..This shouldn't have went on this long...I don't think the Rodney King riots lasted this long...
The people who are looting, acting like out of control animals, who have been violent toward police officers have brought this on themselves. Why do you have to destroy someone's personal property who didn't do anything other than owning a business, in order to protest??? They have harmed their own cause for "justice."
The people who are looting, acting like out of control animals, who have been violent toward police officers have brought this on themselves. Why do you have to destroy someone's personal property who didn't do anything other than owning a business, in order to protest??? They have harmed their own cause for "justice."

Whites do not need an excuse to steal a loaf of wonder bread, they pay as they go. Negros are out of control.
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It is clear that the man who said Wilson didn't know that Brown had just robbed the store was lying. Even the reporters didn't believe him. He was trying to diffuse the situation. It didn't work. How would this man KNOW that Wilson stopped Brown without knowing that the store had been robbed? Did he hear that from Officer Wilson? No. He made it up because the video was so inflammatory.
this is the reason for thing's happening still: they should be jailed for inciting rioting and threats to people

don't think what's happening still after how long has it been? isn't being planned, they don't want to let go of this for THEIR AGENDAS and I bet Sharpton and Jackson are right in there with them....

BLACK PANTHERS WARN REPORTERS: “We Cannot Guarantee Your Safety Tonight” in #Ferguson (VIDEO)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, August 16, 2014, 10:51 PM

all of it at:

See anything odd there.....

What's Bill Gates doing there?

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