Missouri Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Curfew In Ferguson

Watching live tv and they said it is not tear gas. it is smoke bombs. no word about a shooting.
The only thing they are doing is moving the crowd to another area to loot and riot in.
Hey dumbasses:

The video was:

A) NOT RELATED to the shooting
B) Requested by the media in a Freedom of Information Act request

Now, for the turds around here without a fucking brain: A police department can deny a FOIA request IF the requested item is part of an ongoing investigation.

Since the robbery was NOT related to the shooting, and, 1 offender is dead, and the PD decided the other guy never committed a crime, then that case is "ex-cleared" (which it says on the incident report shown in NBC). MEANING....that video is no longer part of an investigation, so the Chief MUST RELEASE IT BY LAW.

PD's have, I think, 7 days to comply with a FOIA request, or deny it. The robbery happened on Saturday. Video released within 7 days.


People are pissed because they are saying "OH, we wanted the video, but not THAT video; Chief, we only want you to release stuff....that makes cops look like shitty asshole tyrants, NOT stuff that, well, does anything else; Give us some shit that makes you all look bad, THAT is what we wanted".

Ya'll some sorry ass idiots.
As I recall the Governor claimed the city cops were over reacting. As I recall the Fed thought the city cops were over reacting. As I recall all it took was a little understanding and all would be set to a peaceful time and place.

I would suggest the city cops and authorities in that city are owed several apologies.

Ohh and where is President Obama and his notes of sorrow? Is he sorry that so much destruction and looting have occurred?

Obama's AG warned the dumbass Chief not to release the video. He released it anyway. So, here we are...

Withhold the truth, Old 'Contempt of Congress' Holder's modus operandi.

I am not a fan of holder, or of the criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration, but I find myself in agreement with Holder that the video should not have been released. It had absolutely no bearing on the shooting, and could do nothing more than throw gas on the fire. It gave the gangbangers an excuse to riot and loot, and they did.

I would bet that most of the rioters and looters came out of St Louis, just for the ocassion.
Obama's AG warned the dumbass Chief not to release the video. He released it anyway. So, here we are...

Withhold the truth, Old 'Contempt of Congress' Holder's modus operandi.

I am not a fan of holder, or of the criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration, but I find myself in agreement with Holder that the video should not have been released. It had absolutely no bearing on the shooting, and could do nothing more than throw gas on the fire. It gave the gangbangers an excuse to riot and loot, and they did.

I would bet that most of the rioters and looters came out of St Louis, just for the ocassion.

Yes, a lot of outside leftist agitators were brought in. This is how the left stirs the base and motivate them to vote. There has to be an injustice of some kind, preferably a black. This was made to order.
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