Missouri Governor signs gun safety for first graders.

First Graders need to learn not to handle guns.....it could save a life

Why do you say this. There has never been any cases of children picking up guns and accidentally killing someone. Huh...what's that...oh ok. Nevermind
Maybe having this course which I am sure you can opt out of if you don't want your kids learning to handle a weapon properly will do some good and show kids how to handle a weapon. I would sign my 6 year old up in a heartbeat. Only people that are scared of guns are anti 2nd amendment retards and scared people who want the government to protect them every step of the way.

Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out
Why do you say this. There has never been any cases of children picking up guns and accidentally killing someone. Huh...what's that...oh ok. Nevermind
Maybe having this course which I am sure you can opt out of if you don't want your kids learning to handle a weapon properly will do some good and show kids how to handle a weapon. I would sign my 6 year old up in a heartbeat. Only people that are scared of guns are anti 2nd amendment retards and scared people who want the government to protect them every step of the way.

Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out

That's not how it works genius.
Maybe having this course which I am sure you can opt out of if you don't want your kids learning to handle a weapon properly will do some good and show kids how to handle a weapon. I would sign my 6 year old up in a heartbeat. Only people that are scared of guns are anti 2nd amendment retards and scared people who want the government to protect them every step of the way.

Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out

That's not how it works genius.

All too often, it is
Why do you say this. There has never been any cases of children picking up guns and accidentally killing someone. Huh...what's that...oh ok. Nevermind
Maybe having this course which I am sure you can opt out of if you don't want your kids learning to handle a weapon properly will do some good and show kids how to handle a weapon. I would sign my 6 year old up in a heartbeat. Only people that are scared of guns are anti 2nd amendment retards and scared people who want the government to protect them every step of the way.

Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out
This is the first of its kind class that I have heard of for kids...probably because there have been instances like that...nothing is going to stop that. That's just bad parenting.
If a kid takes this class they would understand to not touch any weapon without an adult with them and alert etc....
Missouri gov. signs gun-safety course for first-graders | Fox News

Good move...kids need to know how to handle weapons at an early age.
That is quite true. They need to learn that real guns really kill people and the people are not able to jump up and play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians as they can in games people play.

It is perplexing that we offer them plastic guns of all sorts and expect them to know the difference on their own when they pick up a real one. I think real guns should be reserved for sensible children at least 12 years old...and then only with adequate instructions from a knowledgeable adult.
Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out

That's not how it works genius.

All too often, it is

Look man, you're right in some respects. I honestly don't think 5 year old kids should be playing with guns either but unless the gun safety course some piques their inquisitive little selves then I don't have a problem. The question is though, will the gun safety course have that effect?

I've been around guns from the cradle and it was never an issue with me but as you stated, some drunk SOB could leave the heater on the table with the safety off.
Maybe having this course...will show kids how to handle a weapon. I would sign my 6 year old up in a heartbeat.
Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out
This is the first of its kind class that I have heard of for kids...probably because there have been instances like that...nothing is going to stop that. That's just bad parenting.
From what you have written, some people might think that is a category into which you fit quite nicely.

The only way to keep a 6 year old from blowing his brains out consists of only 2 methods:

1. No guns around the kid or in the home that aren't locked up.
2. Expose the kids to guns and let them learn them.

I'm really not certain a gun safety course is a good idea, but most of Misery is rural so most kids like myself grew up with them so it's not like some kid in Chicago who hasn't had the experience.
Little Bobby has been trained in gun safety. Daddy is drunk and passed out on the couch and his loaded Glock is on the coffee table. Bobby says.....I know how to handle guns, I learned it in school

BAM! Blows his little brothers fucking brains out
This is the first of its kind class that I have heard of for kids...probably because there have been instances like that...nothing is going to stop that. That's just bad parenting.
From what you have written, some people might think that is a category into which you fit quite nicely.


There is no argument I could make to you as a foreigner that would ever change your opinion so I won't try. I've been down this road so many times that I'm just bored with it.

The good news is I did smuggle a Webley out of the UK In the summer of 95! Fine instrument of death, but I don't really care for revolvers or hand guns in general. I prefer my evil, black "assault rifles". So many schools and to little time! OK, that was too soon, and in poor taste. Sorry, but sarcasm is a part of my quick wit. Get's me into a lot of trouble.
There is no argument I could make to you as a foreigner that would ever change your opinion so I won't try.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were an American! I did not realize that you are from another country! I guess your fervor for murder-sticks led me astray -- not so common in civilized nations.

I must compliment you on your English -- not without errors, of course, but still, all in all, quite good!!

There is no argument I could make to you as a foreigner that would ever change your opinion so I won't try.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were an American! I did not realize that you are from another country! I guess your fervor for murder-sticks led me astray -- not so common in civilized nations.

I must compliment you on your English -- not without errors, of course, but still, all in all, quite good!!


It's a message board. I save my good writing skills for publications that I'm interested in. I doubt you'd be interested in my hobbies that aren't gun related.

But yes, I enjoy my murder sticks. I don't hunt I just shoot. Gunsmith is a knowledge passed down from my Scottish ancestors so I've always been around guns, moreover, I grew up in rural AmerIka.

To be unarmed in rural Amerika would be a fool's errand. I have coyotes, mountain lions, black bear (rarely), bob cat's to contend with. I show them no quarter when they venture into my yard and kill my cats. That happened last week, and I was not pleased. We kill coyotes and hang their carcasses on fences as a warning to their packs not to trespass. It probably achieves nothing, but it's tradition and I have no problem killing rabid animals that are usually nocturnal. Coyotes usually appear in the day only if they're rabid.

Of course none of those animals are nearly as dangerous than the meth dealers that live next door. Have you ever met an armed man high on meth? I have. That's a shoot to kill moment. Meth heads go for days without food. They can take a beating, get shot, and keep on coming just like those bastards in Iraq.

I keep my "death sticks" around for sport and secondarily for defense. The nearest pig is 30 minutes away and under no lawful obligation to provide me security.

Does this make sense to you?

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