Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is you mind is too small. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

Easy ....show me

Show me 30 million unfilled jobs out there for welfare families to take

You want them to create there own jobs? Show me any time in history when 30 million successful businesses were created in a year

ROFL Why should I do the work of 30million people? It's not my job to invent 30million jobs for 30million people. It's their job.

How about you show me how your war on poverty has eliminated poverty.

Thats not what I asked

I'm just trying to help you prove your claim

Show me any point in history where 30 million new businesses were successfuly started then we can consider your plan as a possiblity

Otherwise we need to call it total bullshit
ROFL ... funny as hell. You're right everyone should quit their jobs right now and go on welfare cause there's no proof that their jobs will last forever.

Then we'll just all stand around and do absolutely nothing, cause doing nothing works great for everyone!

You're right a system in which people actually work to produce something that other people are willing to pay for and then we exchange money that we earned to buy products,... that system is total bullshit, it can't possibly work better than your welfare system that pays people to not produce anything.

So your solution is bullshit like I said
That's correct RW all the workers of the world that are not on welfare is complete bullshit.
We have charity food banks up here, for the poor who do not qualify for extra gvt assistance/food stamps, or it is not enough...and they have been running low on food because of all the additional people needing help. Food is very very very expensive up here all winter long...in the summer prices go down, but are still much higher than most of the nation, (other than local items such as Lobster or shrimp or Halibut, potatoes, blueberries, cranberries, maple syrup)

I'm from southern Michigan and just realized the other day I haven't been buying maple syrup in the Log Cabin bottle...it's corn syrup dyed to look like the real thing....ticked me off! So I went hunting for maple syrup and it was $11 a bottle at Wallys! WTF? We tapped our own maple trees and the guy at the house across the street gave us back the syrup for me shoveling snow off his sidewalk after the bad storms. Now that I've said that I have to buy the good stuff no matter what they charge. :lol:
We have charity food banks up here, for the poor who do not qualify for extra gvt assistance/food stamps, or it is not enough...and they have been running low on food because of all the additional people needing help. Food is very very very expensive up here all winter long...in the summer prices go down, but are still much higher than most of the nation, (other than local items such as Lobster or shrimp or Halibut, potatoes, blueberries, cranberries, maple syrup)

I'm from southern Michigan and just realized the other day I haven't been buying maple syrup in the Log Cabin bottle...it's corn syrup dyed to look like the real thing....ticked me off! So I went hunting for maple syrup and it was $11 a bottle at Wallys! WTF? We tapped our own maple trees and the guy at the house across the street gave us back the syrup for me shoveling snow off his sidewalk after the bad storms. Now that I've said that I have to buy the good stuff no matter what they charge. :lol:
We are in season right now and the Maple trees are all being tapped.... supposedly we are going to have a good Maple syrup season here this year....Vermont is known for its Maple syrup in New England, but I bet cha Maine gives them a good run on the money for that number one spot?

Yes, no other way to go but the real deal!!! Maple syrup all the way!
I'm from southern Michigan and just realized the other day I haven't been buying
We are in season right now and the Maple trees are all being tapped.... supposedly we are going to have a good Maple syrup season here this year....Vermont is known for its Maple syrup in New England, but I bet cha Maine gives them a good run on the money for that number one spot?

Yes, no other way to go but the real deal!!! Maple syrup all the way!

It's all in the BOIL...the old guys in Michigan used to argue how to do the best boil...We gave our neighbor buckets of clear sap and he gave us back a couple bottles of syrup. The pros have clear hose running from their trees into a central collection pot...we only had 4 maple trees but they were hearty and their leaves turned that bright sugar maple red in fall...we'd do a 5 block curb burn both sides of the street...try that these days and the EPA would have you thrown into Gitmo. :lol:
They should either be restricted in what they can buy..or better yet, we should just reduce the amount they receive by about 1/2.

Well the problem with the amount is that cost of living is so dramatically different from place to place. It's just not a good idea to try and fund a social program federally, and that should be what we are debating here. Instead, we're playing this stupid "good guy-bad guy" routine with bleeding heart liberals who know how to do that best.

I understand there are people in society who fall through the cracks, who can't hold down a job for whatever reason, maybe it's mental health or physical health or just circumstances of who they are and how they've been raised? But we have millions of them and let's face it, no one is going to let anyone die in the street of starvation.

So we can all agree that some level of humanitarian aid is in order, but it shouldn't be what it is currently, it's way too much. Most of the problem is not the amount but how it is being spent. You see, we hand the financial responsibility over because liberals insist this is some matter of "dignity" for them, but they can't fucking manage money, that's why they are poor! Why the hell are we giving them, basically, a credit card and free will? Why isn't there some sort of oversight or supervision in place? Well, because that would cost a lot of money to do, and there's the "dignity" thing.

I would get rid of the SNAP (food stamps, EBT) and WIC programs altogether. replace them with either Commodity centers or trucks for rural areas, and let people go get a "care package" each week or two. I guarantee we'd be able to provide for every food stamp or WIC recipient at about half the current cost or less. No one will starve, people won't have to go without food. Meanwhile, we stretch our resources out which makes them last longer... this is not rocket science.

But the Liberals.... they have a different viewpoint about money the government spends. They envision Washington D.C. as this big giant endless pile of money from all the rich bastards... it just never ends, we never can run out, and if we do we can just print more as we need to or squeeze the rich bastards more. Money is simply not an object to the Libs. Of course, in such a fantasy universe, you can be as benevolent as you please! Hell, Lobsters and Steak for everybody!
That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people use food stamps to purchase luxury items. Now, a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri is pushing for legislation that would stop people like Greenslate and severely limit what food stamp recipients can buy. The bill being proposed would ban the purchase with food stamps of "cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood or steak."
Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood - The Washington Post
Banning food stamps for thugs who spend it on luxury items, or they're trying to destroy welfare system?
I think that the only way to stop these people to spend our tax money on unnecessary items - is to create list of goods they can buy! And what do you think guys?

Damn right. Why should we allow them to buy healthy food like steak and fish when they can purchase processed frozen dinners that will make them fatter so they will cost us more in the long run when we have to pay for their medical bills. :cuckoo: I just can't figure out how it is that supposedly well educated people can be so fucking stupid.
They should either be restricted in what they can buy..or better yet, we should just reduce the amount they receive by about 1/2.

Well the problem with the amount is that cost of living is so dramatically different from place to place. It's just not a good idea to try and fund a social program federally, and that should be what we are debating here. Instead, we're playing this stupid "good guy-bad guy" routine with bleeding heart liberals who know how to do that best.

I understand there are people in society who fall through the cracks, who can't hold down a job for whatever reason, maybe it's mental health or physical health or just circumstances of who they are and how they've been raised? But we have millions of them and let's face it, no one is going to let anyone die in the street of starvation.

So we can all agree that some level of humanitarian aid is in order, but it shouldn't be what it is currently, it's way too much. Most of the problem is not the amount but how it is being spent. You see, we hand the financial responsibility over because liberals insist this is some matter of "dignity" for them, but they can't fucking manage money, that's why they are poor! Why the hell are we giving them, basically, a credit card and free will? Why isn't there some sort of oversight or supervision in place? Well, because that would cost a lot of money to do, and there's the "dignity" thing.

I would get rid of the SNAP (food stamps, EBT) and WIC programs altogether. replace them with either Commodity centers or trucks for rural areas, and let people go get a "care package" each week or two. I guarantee we'd be able to provide for every food stamp or WIC recipient at about half the current cost or less. No one will starve, people won't have to go without food. Meanwhile, we stretch our resources out which makes them last longer... this is not rocket science.

But the Liberals.... they have a different viewpoint about money the government spends. They envision Washington D.C. as this big giant endless pile of money from all the rich bastards... it just never ends, we never can run out, and if we do we can just print more as we need to or squeeze the rich bastards more. Money is simply not an object to the Libs. Of course, in such a fantasy universe, you can be as benevolent as you please! Hell, Lobsters and Steak for everybody!
Nice post until your last paragraph of useless imaginary "liberal boogeyman" made up crap!

Each State does handle their own welfare programs, and each State is different from the next.... they just take the the Feds money to pay for half, the State pays the other half and the State institutes their own rules.

It would cost a lot less, if there could be a pick up place for food, or trucks to come to each neighborhood or a Meals on Wheels type thing....even though sending out trucks seems expensive, when you look at all the "middle men" that get their "cut" of the money spent on food welfare.... the grocer, the manufacturer, the farmer, the Banks that supply the EBT cards are even getting their cut.
Hamburger will cost more than steak if this passes. When the recession hit, hamburger prices here went up 400% within a year, but steak prices dropped 30% because hamburger was a by-product of steaks that was sold at a loss. Now demand drove hamburger prices through the roof because the explosion of unemployed & working poor could only afford the cheapest crap . This was a huge punch in the gut for poor people while the rich who caused the disaster get a break. Even the BLS price index shows hamburger is up 130% while steak is only up 30%. Unless some of the working poor are allowed or can afford steaks, hamburger will cost the same or more than steak.

Hamburger Prices

Steak Prices
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So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
Healthy eh? That is why they don't allow you to buy real cheese but Kraft American is ok.
I did not know that. Are you saying there are already restrictions being implemented in regards to the food allowed to be purchased? People are able to obtain steaks and lobster, but not cheese? Maybe you are making the claim American cheese is not healthy, or at least Kraft American cheese. What the heck are you trying to say?
No I am stating that WIC says meat and eggs are bad but fake cheese is good.
Seems like folks want to run away from admitting who the culprit is and ignore the easy solution. The problem won't be resolved because of the middlemen and mainly, the big grocery stores and processed food industry. There is already a system in place that regulates the types of food that can be purchased. It is called WIC and it selects and labels foods available for expecting mothers and infants. The entire system of food distribution could and should be operated the same way. The food distribution system for the poor could and should provide healthy foods at low cost and force recipients into being educated about healthy nutrition and budget shopping. The poor become educated simply by being limited in their purchasing to these kinds of selections in their buying abilities with the food assistance program.
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
Healthy eh? That is why they don't allow you to buy real cheese but Kraft American is ok.
I did not know that. Are you saying there are already restrictions being implemented in regards to the food allowed to be purchased? People are able to obtain steaks and lobster, but not cheese? Maybe you are making the claim American cheese is not healthy, or at least Kraft American cheese. What the heck are you trying to say?
No I am stating that WIC says meat and eggs are bad but fake cheese is good.
Each state is different, but I know of no state that does not allow eggs in it's WIC program. Jarred meat baby food is usually allowed and so is canned fish such as tuna. I know of no state that allows for imitation cheese, but perhaps you know of one that does.
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As to the OP, I am not ready to definitively say that the removal of steak from poor people's diets is necessarily the best course. To my knowledge red meat historically gave us humans surplus energy to drive higher brain function. Certainly those who cannot support themselves could benefit from such regardless, and more so if one argues that they lack the /skills/ to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps." -- I personally tend to lean toward there being a physical lack of jobs thanks to modern technology, advances in medicine, and the common-place introduction of women, blacks, and illegals into the job market. (This is not to say I do, or do not, support any said changes, but rather speaking from a sheer numbers perspective - the working populace has increased exponentially, and as more people come into more available money and the demand for perceptively limited resources rises, prices will increase as well.)

Seafood, I am told, is good for the heart and joints -- my nutritionist often admonished me for lacking seafood in my diet and has me taking fish oil supplements. Which brings me to related point, I am by no means poor, but my diet is... admittedly abnormal (though I must say cheap by some comparisons I have seen of SNAP benefit's given in this thread - my daily average is $5 a day including soda... and I live in Alaska with one of the highest COL's and food prices in the country.) Ultimately though, I have zero desire to support ANY precedence for the government's dictation of what one may or may not eat. I do not believe that being poor should enable, nor allow, such over-reaching - regardless of any nutritional proofs. It is imo simply wrong for a government to tell their people what they may and may not eat. (And yes, I realize I've already lost that personal opinion all over the damn place in recent years.)

I would much prefer to err on the side of caution and, perhaps foolish, hope for education, than to categorically deny steak and seafood to the poor, nor anyone else, and worse to do so based on a somewhat selfish and egotistical opinion that, if I am /forced/ to give to charity, I then have the right to /rule/ over such personal decisions. -- That is a mighty high horse if you ask me. While I might concede that perhaps better choices could be made, I still believe that choice should be /encouraged/ through education, rather than dictated by anyone.

Plus it brings forth debate of on whom's basis do we dictate such/diet? I'm no expert, but I'm fairly certain the dietary needs of each person are different just from my daily life; while I can be content on 250 calories a day, my husband, who shares a very similar lifestyle atm, needs at least 2-3k - we have vastly different metabolisms, I don't get hungry, he's always hungry, etc. Similar differences hold true through my children, my parents, and even my friends. The UN claims that the /minimum/ is 1.8k calories a day, but I can guarantee you that is NOT the case for me and I've had a similar low-calorie diet almost my entire life - it has not held me back in any aspect of my life (save for the fish oil which I take mostly for my arthritis, and purportedly could have staved off the symptoms had I taken it earlier in my life.)

Frankly, coldly, even if one wishes to argue based on a personal distaste for such forced charity, let them eat their twinkies and die early off your dime. One can lead a horse to water...

The rest is mildly OT: I am admittedly naïve on details for welfare programs. My only experience is that I had a casual friend in High School who received WIC when she became pregnant, but obviously that was over 20 years ago and things have likely changed. As far as I am aware it only paid for prenatal care so I'm not even sure it's a "similar program" or whatever, but I saw it mentioned in the thread. I pretty much lost touch with her when she dropped out and I went to college. Small town rumor is she died of a cocaine overdose some 6 years, and 5 children, later.) But I digress.

I have traditionally, purposefully, distanced myself from the politics of welfare believing that a) my opinion would be biased in a number of ways, and b), perhaps foolishly, believing that the program /was/ operating as a hand up, not a hand out; to which, I find some of the stories in here about fraud and abuse troubling (most specifically the resale of EBT cards.) In any event, I'd like some details;

Is there a back end? Like do the case workers go over things like budgeting, clipping coupons, educating the recipients, etc? The whole "give a man a fish" thing. And if there /is/ such a back end, then what can we do to increase their effectiveness - as clearly a recipient stocking up on soda, chips, and candy is not likely to be following any good advice. IF there is no back end like that, perhaps we can consider implementing such? A two-fold "solution" in a way, we can hire /less/ skilled workers to recant from a website [perhaps even from their Obama-phones?] about basic budgeting, nutrition, and so forth - of course more skilled workers would likely need to handle special needs situations. Would that not both, help with the unemployment issue, as well as give folks on welfare a better foundation for their budgeting?

Is there a way we can prevent the resale of EBT cards? I know a lot of folks have issues with requiring poor people to acquire an ID (Though for the life of me I cannot understand their argument. I can't even leave the house without my USAA auto insurance card; to go out lacking any form of identification is simply unthinkable to me.) Perhaps an on card photo similar to what Costco does or something? It is, perhaps, a minor inconvenience for the cashier to glance at the photo vs the person purchasing, but I don't think it would be /that/ difficult for them to do and certainly the technology for such printing of cards is relatively cheap and easy these days.
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
Healthy eh? That is why they don't allow you to buy real cheese but Kraft American is ok.
I did not know that. Are you saying there are already restrictions being implemented in regards to the food allowed to be purchased? People are able to obtain steaks and lobster, but not cheese? Maybe you are making the claim American cheese is not healthy, or at least Kraft American cheese. What the heck are you trying to say?
No I am stating that WIC says meat and eggs are bad but fake cheese is good.
Meat us not an option on WIC.
Cheese must be in 8 oz or 16 oz blocks.
No sliced cheese and no American cheese 'food'.
You can get Lobster for $2.99 to $3.99 a pound all summer long here where I live, with a local Lobster shack near by...it's much cheaper than buying sirloin steak up here....and I would suppose a good steak is cheaper in Cattle Country than Lobster would be.

I can't wait till Summer! ( Actually I'd be happy with Spring.....it is snowing again right now.... so sick of it....) I want my Lobster, darn it!

I bought 2 pounds of breaded shrimp for $10 a couple days ago....easily four adult servings, delicious, and full of nutrients. All a person on welfare or otherwise has to do is keep their eyes open and clip coupons if they're so inclined. I watched a black guy present a cashier a couple dozen coupons a few weeks back....while the others in line were getting fed up with it, I enjoyed him showing the gumption to save as much as he could....he wasn't your stereotype black thug...just a middle-aged guy trying to get the best price he could.
aint nothing wrong with using coupons....i was behind a lady who's bill came to $130.00 and after the coupons she ended up paying $56.00.....
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
Healthy eh? That is why they don't allow you to buy real cheese but Kraft American is ok.
I did not know that. Are you saying there are already restrictions being implemented in regards to the food allowed to be purchased? People are able to obtain steaks and lobster, but not cheese? Maybe you are making the claim American cheese is not healthy, or at least Kraft American cheese. What the heck are you trying to say?
No I am stating that WIC says meat and eggs are bad but fake cheese is good.
Meat us not an option on WIC.
Cheese must be in 8 oz or 16 oz blocks.
No sliced cheese and no American cheese 'food'.
Each state has it's own list. I only looked at a couple of them to get the general idea. Here is the resource I used.

[I know, I remember not long ago buying ground beef for .99¢ a pound if you bought at least 3 pounds. All I see is ground chuck now.

That was before Obama.

Meat has quadrupled to quintupled in price since 2008.

Tofu is affordable though...

I'm not saying this is deliberate social engineering, but as another poster pointed out, red meat promotes higher brain function; higher brain function results in independent thoughts and conservative views - the last thing the left wants. Besides, soy beans are high in estrogen, making men the way the left wants them...
Hamburger will cost more than steak if this passes. When the recession hit, hamburger prices here went up 400% within a year, but steak prices dropped 30% because hamburger was a by-product of steaks that was sold at a loss. Now demand drove hamburger prices through the roof because the explosion of unemployed & working poor could only afford the cheapest crap . This was a huge punch in the gut for poor people while the rich who caused the disaster get a break. Even the BLS price index shows hamburger is up 130% while steak is only up 30%. Unless some of the working poor are allowed or can afford steaks, hamburger will cost the same or more than steak.

Hamburger Prices

Steak Prices

It's the Obama attack on the middle class, drive food costs up to reduce the purchasing power of the bourgeoisie that the democrats are obsessed with destroying. Remember, the left doesn't hate the rich, the left LOVES the rich - Soros, Pelosi, Tim Cook, Algore, et al. The left hates the middle class, the bourgeoisie, those usurpers who attempt to have lives like the elite. democrats are dedicated to crushing the middle class and putting the middle into poverty.
You don't know what you're talking about, and you were exposed.

And that makes you doubt your manhood. Which in turn makes you angry. Which in turn causes you to lash out at the women who oppress you.

I wouldn't let you "oppress" my pants with a steam iron....probably burn them like you do every dinner you cook. Once again you live for the last word and then likely stomp out and slam the door, your saggy old ass quivering from the end of your adrenaline rush. It's always entertaining to see a fishwife like you go all "chauvinist" on your betters. Frankly, I have enjoyed you embarrassing yourself in this thread. It seems something about me triggers RAGE in you....maybe I remind you of the one who got away that you compare your husband to each and every paycheck he brings home. I know you...there's thousands of you hating the negro woman because her kids get snack food while you serve week-old moldy chicken......and that's the secret spice in your recipe....racism with a touch of sour grapes. bon appetite hag.

We have charity food banks up here, for the poor who do not qualify for extra gvt assistance/food stamps, or it is not enough...and they have been running low on food because of all the additional people needing help. Food is very very very expensive up here all winter long...in the summer prices go down, but are still much higher than most of the nation, (other than local items such as Lobster or shrimp or Halibut, potatoes, blueberries, cranberries, maple syrup)

Every food bank I've ever seen has the same income standards as the foodstamp program.

However there's a lot of lying that goes on, on the part of the recipients, and since foodbanks are primarily run by churches and Christians, they overlook it for the most part.

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