Missouri Republicans tackle the big problems right off the bat....

Is it the same place that hates free speech and gun rights for the people?
Conservatives are known as the American Taliban for good reason – the Christo-fascist right’s war on women is well documented, Republicans denying and violating a woman’s right to privacy is just part of that campaign:

Conservatives are known as the American Taliban for good reason – the Christo-fascist right’s war on women is well documented, Republicans denying and violating a woman’s right to privacy is just part of that campaign:


:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Thanks for a great post.

Who said that the reason there's a dress code in the Missouri government is that men cannot control their dicks and must never be tempted?

You don't have a lot of faith in the male sex.

I wonder why.

I don't wonder why you don't get something as simple as maintaining a certain level of dignity in the legislative process.

You do know the word, right?


We'll all understand if you simply can't grasp it. We've known you for a while.

If you're still struggling with confusion, refer to post #54.

There's every reason to believe males can't con-trol their dicks simply by reading posts in this forum. All one has to do in anti-choice threads is mention that males should keep their pants zipped to avoid pregnancies and all hell breaks loose.

I don't get it.

What is so terrifying about a woman who does not look, dress and act like a slut?

Everything the left does is driven by fear. Why do y'all fear someone who maybe dresses like your grandma?

Modesty and dignity are now sinful.

Why does a dignified looking woman send you into fits of rage?

Your cute little phony outrage on behalf of women who choose to work in a milieu that has a dress code is kind of weird.

Nobody is making those women work that particular job.

Y'all are just backward.

The new puritans.

And the hatred for women rolls on.
Next, women will have to cover those ankles.
/——/ Some should.

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