Missouri Republicans tackle the big problems right off the bat....


I guess you'll just have to stay out of the Missouri state house.

That'll show 'em they can't push you demonrats around!

Reminds me of Saudi Arabia and other gulf states REQUIRING American women in the military to keep their sleeves rolled all the way down.....and not being allowed to drive military vehicles when there for Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
Lol, yep the repugs sure are a lot like those Islamic theocratic states aren't they! The good news is that mist the repugs are my age so they are not long for this world. Hopefully my grandchildren grow up in a kinder world than I did.
Everything to do with so-called "christian" taliban "values".
Right. Because dressing for the occasion is a Christian invention and is probably racist, colonial oppression as well.

If it weren’t for stupid bitches like you men wouldn’t have to spend so much time explaining shit to you. The worst part is having to dumb it down so your little brain can process it.
Well dress code that requires no showing of arms? Lol, a little ridiculous! But OK let's not even go there, let's just imagine it isn't over reach. How does Republicans making of such rules turn into the Dems requiring a uniform? Doesn't quite track.

That's okay. Neither do you, but we let you in here anyway.

Lol, yep the repugs sure are a lot like those Islamic theocratic states aren't they! The good news is that mist the repugs are my age so they are not long for this world. Hopefully my grandchildren grow up in a kinder world than I did.

In your -- ahem -- mind, sure.

No accounting for what goes on in there.


Yes, I was born in the early 50's. I remember the 50's vividly.

People had respect for one another.


If you were born in the 1950's, you have no memory of the 1950's at all. As a child, you were shielded from all of the politics and social issues of the time. TV was happy, happy, all of the time.

Tell me what you learned growing up about the House Unamerican Activities Committee, racial segregation, poverty in America, voting rights. Were you even aware they existed when you were growing up? White men had respect for one another. No one else even had a voice. Everyone else knew their place and stayed in it.

I grew up in the 1950's too, and I remember what my life was like. It really was idealique. Endless days of sunshine, blue skies, love and happiness. When I grew up, I realized the reality of it all and it's nothing like you think it was.
Who is this "we" you speak of? YOU have nothing to do with who posts here, but that's a great sense of self-importance you've got going on there.


I am important.

I'm glad you noticed.

It means you've got more going for you that we ll give you credit for.

If you were born in the 1950's, you have no memory of the 1950's at all. As a child, you were shielded from all of the politics and social issues of the time. TV was happy, happy, all of the time.

Tell me what you learned growing up about the House Unamerican Activities Committee, racial segregation, poverty in America, voting rights. Were you even aware they existed when you were growing up? White men had respect for one another. No one else even had a voice. Everyone else knew their place and stayed in it.

I grew up in the 1950's too, and I remember what my life was like. It really was idealique. Endless days of sunshine, blue skies, love and happiness. When I grew up, I realized the reality of it all and it's nothing like you think it was.

So, you didn't grow up in America AT ALL.

If you watched any of the talking heads- including those on Far Left stations like MSNBC and CNN- the men all wear suits and ties. Libs know that you have to look serious to be taken serious as well.


I just looked up Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X on my search engine. The former, I found only one photo of him without a tie. Ditto the latter.

If you watched any of the talking heads- including those on Far Left stations like MSNBC and CNN- the men all wear suits and ties. Libs know that you have to look serious to be taken serious as well.

You're missing the point of the thread. In the year 2023, a group of white men are telling women what they can and cannot wear to work. It boggles the mind that you think this isn't a problem.

Whether a suit a tie is the appropriate business attire is neither here nor there. It's MEN who decided what their business uniform should be. Now they're telling women what to wear. Kind of goes along with telling them whether or not to have a baby. Doesn't it.

Maybe men should have to conduct their lives in the manner which women decide is best for the men.
"civilly sued"? :heehee: He broke the law by failing to report. He belongs in jail. But the documentary coming out will cover all that, gramps.

Suuuuure it will. Lardass.
The women should all show up in burkas one day.

This was brought to the floor by women.

In my company, the number one dress complaint is about women inappropriately dressed. And the complaints are always from other women. 🤦‍♂️
You're missing the point of the thread. In the year 2023, a group of white men are telling women what they can and cannot wear to work. It boggles the mind that you think this isn't a problem.

Whether a suit a tie is the appropriate business attire is neither here nor there. It's MEN who decided what their business uniform should be. Now they're telling women what to wear. Kind of goes along with telling them whether or not to have a baby. Doesn't it.

Maybe men should have to conduct their lives in the manner which women decide is best for the men.

The bills sponsor was a female. 🤦‍♂️

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