Republicans Go Full Retard: "The Big Lie." Democrats: "Hold My Beer."

Ah, an appeal to authority, a classic argumentative fallacy.

The peers who addressed the science which established the male-female dichotomy in mammals, and humans by extension, are far more authoritative than the peers that say a man with a penis is a woman. There is established science behind my argument. There always has been. It is indisputable fact. It wasn't until this past decade when social politics tainted the world of science with this idea that sex in homo sapiens is non-static.

But you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me the American scientific community hasn't been influenced by mainstream society as it stands now? I can scarcely believe you, as someone I deem to be highly intelligent in her own right, would ever think that the scientists today aren't influenced by their own sociopolitical views when they mete out the science.

Color me shocked. How dare we actually put provable, testable science out there? Right?
Scientist rely on funding.Almost exclusively.That was how Al Gore
started his - Global Warming - Initiative.As V.P. Gore had many connections
in how to use scientist in a given capacity.Gore kept cutivating his ability
to have funds for Scientist' in specific roles.Global Warming was born
and has never looked back.
This same phenomena was used for guys like The highest paid
government servant Dr.Fauci.
The ugly fact is that the Medical Community has also been
bought { bribed } in order to keep Covid a movement.
Covid was never taken seriously by really serious and honest
folk.Like the Amish.Or the Orthodox Jew.
Because Doctors are capable { very easily } to being Bribed.
Orthodox Jews and the Amish are not easily bribed.
In fact not at all.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

The insane part is that we, most of us, continue to vote for them.
Trans people (woman to man) who haven't completed the surgical part still have traditional female plumbing and are capable of pregnancy. If you want to whine about trans people, then go ahead, but trying to make a big deal about whether someone with a uterus can become pregnant is just stupid. Even if that person dresses and lives as a man.
If you can get pregnant, you're a woman. Period.
Never thought to bring your own bags didga, genius? Then you can save that whopping $.08 & put it in your piggy bank.
Fuck off troll. I've been doing exactly that since the law took effect. Did I get a reduction on my grocery bill for that eight cents for the merchandise, i.e. the bag, that I got and used for multiple purposes--including recycling newspapers moron.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

There is no "Big Lie" and the "coup attempt" was by Democrats over the course of four years and is on-going.

It takes Democrats saying men can get pregnant to get you to admit they are full of sh!t?
If you can get pregnant, you're a woman. Period.
The idea that people are supposed to accept the idea that a man can get pregnant as fact is what is galling. It's freaking impossible.
Trans people are just mentally ill. They haven't changed from woman to man or man to woman. They have altered their appearance with varying success but they are not transformed. Most people don't care or want to think about trans mental illness but Democrats are constantly trying to enforce their own reality regarding a very small segment of the population simply to divide people.
The idea that "it doesn't hurt anyone" to go along with their insanity is false.
If you can get pregnant, you're a woman. Period.
Um ... Then why didn't the First Black Female SCOTUS
Nominee in her nomination hearing explain that when asked
by Senator Marsha Blackburn.The senator from Tennessee asked
Ketanji Brown to define " woman ".
Not stuff like ... - A Woman Under the Influence - { 1974 }
or - A Woman,a Gun and a Noodle Shop - { 2009 }
But I guess Miss Blackburn coulda.
Um ... Then why didn't the First Black Female SCOTUS
Nominee in her nomination hearing explain that when asked
by Senator Marsha Blackburn.The senator from Tennessee asked
Ketanji Brown to define " woman ".
Not stuff like ... - A Woman Under the Influence - { 1974 }
or - A Woman,a Gun and a Noodle Shop - { 2009 }
But I guess Miss Blackburn coulda.
Senator Blackburn has more intelligence and common sense than Ketanji Brown ever dreamed about.
Senator Blackburn has more intelligence and common sense than Ketanji Brown ever dreamed about.
Why open a can of worms.You want Miss Blackburn to re-asked
Ketanji Brown to define what she believes to be a Dream.
Like Martin Luther Kings ... " I Have a Dream ".
Most prominent psychiatrists might differ with you. Like I said, whine about trans people all you want, but making a big deal over this aspect is just childish.
Bullshit. Follow the science lol idiots want to change science.
It could be worse. In Oregon they passed a law protecting trees from homeowners. Cut down your tree on your property, be Dem punished with thousands of dollars in fines. Then Dems slapped a fee on homeowners for leaf cleanup.
Carmel California has the same law. You need a very expensive permit for every tree you want to remove. Trees are part of houses and grow up through balconies.
Trans people (woman to man) who haven't completed the surgical part still have traditional female plumbing and are capable of pregnancy. If you want to whine about trans people, then go ahead, but trying to make a big deal about whether someone with a uterus can become pregnant is just stupid. Even if that person dresses and lives as a man.
That’s called a woman. An adult human female.

Perhaps you need to retake middle school biology?
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

You’re the one that votes for these people and waives their flags.
Ya…like peer reviewed articles :rolleyes:
When I hear stories like the one below, Coyote, this is why I scoff at the "science" you put so much misplaced faith in. The science of today isn't driven by the same core principles it was just 30 years ago. There are agendas, there always will be. When there are people who misuse science like this, to encourage something that should be discouraged, to abuse the emotions of fragile people and throw them deeper into their delusion, I will never lend credence to this pseudoscience you put your trust in. Actual science is supposed to better mankind... not... not whatever this is. This harms people. Physically and mentally.

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You’re the one that votes for these people and waives their flags.
Probably, but does that preclude him from thinking freely? That's what he's doing. Should we as conservatives be discouraging that?
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Fuck off troll. I've been doing exactly that since the law took effect. Did I get a reduction on my grocery bill for that eight cents for the merchandise, i.e. the bag, that I got and used for multiple purposes--including recycling newspapers moron.
Maybe you can start a GoFundMe for that $.08 you're whining about, Ebenezer.

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