Republicans Go Full Retard: "The Big Lie." Democrats: "Hold My Beer."

Peer reviewed science by peers often proven wrong for a science long proven more politics than scientific.
The way Global Warming was allowed to take off like a helium
box kite.Peer Reviews that were counter to the majority of
Peer Reviews that were totally on board with Al Gores version
of Global Warming were not published and available.
Then Gore was celebrated with his - An Inconvenient Truth -
with a Grammy,an Emmy and academy award role in a
Documentary.Plus shared a Nobel Peace Prize.
Named a runner-up for TIME's Person of the Year.
Then why can't progressives say that?
Because Progressives are not Liberals.Today's Democrat is no
Liberal.Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal.Sam Nunn { Georgia Senator }
was a Lib.Daniel Patrick Moynihan { New York Senator } was a Lib.
Bill Bradley { New Jersey senator } was a lib.
Today's Progressive is a Leftist.They do not feel the need to debate.
Or Tell the God's honest truth.
They play to others of their ilk.They are cultists.
This condition has never happened in America before.
I doubt it can be reversed.But all hope is not yet lost.
Hey, it ain't me whose making a big fucking deal about this.

It's the far left progressive wing of the Democratic Party that is out of step with the rest of America.

YOU started the thread so you must be all stirred up about this. I haven't heard many Democrats even talking about trans people. To read the threads in this forum, it seems that have the right wingers here are scared shitless of trans people.

How many trans people do you know? How are they messing with your life? Why do they upset you so very much.

Meaningless and irrelevant. Nothing but developed survival mechanisms in nature. Pot plants can change gender too, but if you smoke me, you still won't get high. And a starfish can regrow limbs, but that doesn't mean that if you pull my leg off, I'll regrow a foot. And Tardigrades can live in space with no air but if I send you to the Moon w/o a helmet, guess what?

You'll die.
Ya…like peer reviewed articles :rolleyes:
Ah, an appeal to authority, a classic argumentative fallacy.

The peers who addressed the science which established the male-female dichotomy in mammals, and humans by extension, are far more authoritative than the peers that say a man with a penis is a woman. There is established science behind my argument. There always has been. It is indisputable fact. It wasn't until this past decade when social politics tainted the world of science with this idea that sex in homo sapiens is non-static.

But you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me the American scientific community hasn't been influenced by mainstream society as it stands now? I can scarcely believe you, as someone I deem to be highly intelligent in her own right, would ever think that the scientists today aren't influenced by their own sociopolitical views when they mete out the science.

Color me shocked. How dare we actually put provable, testable science out there? Right?
So let me get this straight. You are saying that a serial rapist who is undergoing psychiatric treatment should be free to go out and rape? After all they are working with a medical professional.
Far from being “straight” your statement resembles a bizarre interpretation from Rorschach test.
How many trans people do you know? How are they messing with your life? Why do they upset you so very much.
It's not them. It's you. Encouraging them to be ashamed of what they were born as. Encouraging them to act on a delusion and mutilate themselves to satisfy it and passing it off as "treatment."

It was never them. It was, always, and has been... you.
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Far from being “straight” your statement resembles a bizarre interpretation from Rorschach test.
No. This is.

72 genders.

There are only two. There will only be two. There will never be more than two.
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.
1) "people with a capacity for pregnancy" is a correct statement. She explains it very well.

2) Note that nowhere in this post or this thread is anyone using the term 'female'. Why not? There's your dead giveaway.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.
That's why I quit the organization formerly known as the Republican Party in 2017 and joined the ever growing ranks of the unaffiliated.
Ya…like peer reviewed articles :rolleyes:
Tell ya what, I'll humor you, and read this garbage you mistake for "peer-reviewed" science.

(20 minutes later)

And I hold the same opinion I did before. I didn't get past the author's name, Simon(e) before I felt an urge to click out of the page. I can tell easily enough by how the author spelled their name that they are what they are writing about. That screams bias.

Why does this science not apply to the rest of mammalia? Why? Because we acknowledge the static nature of mammalian development in other mammals. But somehow humans are able to defy this static norm, for whatever reason you and your party decide to gin up. Somehow, for political reasons, we have to deny the science of human development. If you have to twist the science in order to impart legal rights, protections, or statuses, its not science anymore, it's propaganda.

The reasoning does not match the science.
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Ah, an appeal to authority, a classic argumentative fallacy.

The peers who addressed the science which established the male-female dichotomy in mammals, and humans by extension, are far more authoritative than the peers that say a man with a penis is a woman. There is established science behind my argument. There always has been. It is indisputable fact. It wasn't until this past decade when social politics tainted the world of science with this idea that sex in homo sapiens is non-static.

But you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me the American scientific community hasn't been influenced by mainstream society as it stands now? I can scarcely believe you, as someone I deem to be highly intelligent in her own right, would ever think that the scientists today aren't influenced by their own sociopolitical views when they mete out the science.

Color me shocked. How dare we actually put provable, testable science out there? Right?

We didn't say sex was fluid, we said "gender". Gender is a social construct.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

We didn't say sex was fluid, we said "gender". Gender is a social construct.
Gender affirmation surgery on its own means it is not a societal construct any longer. It is an acknowledgment of the science behind an individual's development.

Gender is a social construct inasmuch as that science (biological male, biological female) has driven the construct. Therefore to say "we didn't say sex was fluid" is problematic, when you seek to deviate from the science that drove the construct.
Imagine looking down at a penis and saying “I know I’m a woman”….hahaha…you’re not fucked in the head at all…right?
I'm reminded of the time in Obama's first term he made
a secret policy move.To purposedly allow his CIA to use
propaganda and joking misinformation in an effort to
frustrate al-Qaeda which was forming Isis.
That kind of move is now part of the Democrat playbook.
Change the language and talk nutty.So Lies can be used in
the form of what SNL does on a Saturday night.

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