Republicans Go Full Retard: "The Big Lie." Democrats: "Hold My Beer."

You are certainly allowed to believe what you want. Won't change anything or anyone.
I believe what the science tells me, you believe in someone who has a hard time knowing what gender they are.

Never. Ever. Lecture me about science again, since clearly, you are not beholden to its absolute nature.
Republicans really don't talk much about the last presidential but election democrats talk about it a lot. The dirty little secret is that the left doesn't really trust the legitimacy of the Biden administration. Democrats act like losers and play the victim card even when they won the freaking election.
I think both sides are taking it to the point of ridiculous. Republicans are persecuting trans people passing laws prohibiting medical care or calling gender-affirming families child-abusers. They demonize trans people by conflating them with pedos as if they aren’t already marginalized and frequently victims of hate crimes.

Yet the Democrats are going completely loopy with all this relabeling of women in order to accomodate trans women, a Baskin Robbins panoply of genders which makes no sense and personalized pronouns for every Tom, Dick and Sherry…at some point the craziness on both sides has to stop.

I have no problem with referring to a transgender woman as a woman, or calling her “she”. It is simple respect for a fellow human being and it certainly isn’t going to kill me to do it.
But she isn’t the same as a biological woman and that too needs to recognized, such as in the area of sports for example. It isn’t going to kill the left to acknowledge that Just as it isn’t going to kill the right to treat transgender people with the same respect they treat anyone else with. Likewise, they should quit politicizing medical care that should be between the doctor and the patient, not the doctor, patient and politician.
You sure about that?

  • Gender dysphoria: A concept designated in the DSM-5 as clinically significant distress or impairment related to a strong desire to be of another gender, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics.

You really should read the links you post. Your link does identify gender dysphoria and identifies potential forms of treatment.


Support for people with gender dysphoria may include open-ended exploration of their feelings and experiences of gender identity and expression, without the therapist having any pre-defined gender identity or expression outcome defined as preferable to another.2 Psychological attempts to force a transgender person to be cisgender (sometimes referred to as gender identity conversion efforts or so-called “gender identity conversion therapy”) are considered unethical.2,3

Support may also include affirmation in various domains. Social affirmation may include an individual adopting pronouns, names, and various aspects of gender expression that match their gender identity.4,5& Legal affirmation may involve changing name and gender markers on various forms of government identification.6 Medical affirmation may include pubertal suppression for adolescents with gender dysphoria and gender-affirming hormones like estrogen and testosterone for older adolescents and adults.7, 8 Medical affirmation is not recommended for prepubertal children.7, 8 Some adults (and less often adolescents) may undergo various aspects of surgical affirmation.7, 8

Family and societal rejection of gender identity are some of the strongest predictors of mental health difficulties among people who are transgender.9 Family and couples’ therapy can be important for creating a supportive environment that will allow a person’s mental health to thrive. Parents of children and adolescents who are transgender may benefit from support groups. Peer support groups for transgender people themselves are often helpful for validating and sharing experiences.
Republicans are persecuting trans people passing laws prohibiting medical care or calling gender-affirming families child-abusers.
They are child abusers. Encouraging and nurturing a psychological disorder instead of seeking proper treatment is abuse.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

I know I am usually a super smart ass, but sincerely, thanks for this post.
You really should read the links you post. Your link does identify gender dysphoria and identifies potential forms of treatment.


Support for people with gender dysphoria may include open-ended exploration of their feelings and experiences of gender identity and expression, without the therapist having any pre-defined gender identity or expression outcome defined as preferable to another.2 Psychological attempts to force a transgender person to be cisgender (sometimes referred to as gender identity conversion efforts or so-called “gender identity conversion therapy”) are considered unethical.2,3

Support may also include affirmation in various domains. Social affirmation may include an individual adopting pronouns, names, and various aspects of gender expression that match their gender identity.4,5& Legal affirmation may involve changing name and gender markers on various forms of government identification.6 Medical affirmation may include pubertal suppression for adolescents with gender dysphoria and gender-affirming hormones like estrogen and testosterone for older adolescents and adults.7, 8 Medical affirmation is not recommended for prepubertal children.7, 8 Some adults (and less often adolescents) may undergo various aspects of surgical affirmation.7, 8

Family and societal rejection of gender identity are some of the strongest predictors of mental health difficulties among people who are transgender.9 Family and couples’ therapy can be important for creating a supportive environment that will allow a person’s mental health to thrive. Parents of children and adolescents who are transgender may benefit from support groups. Peer support groups for transgender people themselves are often helpful for validating and sharing experiences.
But you just told everyone here that we should believe the person, aka not seek any methods of mitigation or treatment. You essentially inferred that we do not acknowledge the delusion for what it really is. You suggested we let the transition happen, let the person be ruled by a delusion.

Thanks for falling into the trap.
It happens with presurgical trans people. Some who have started transition well before the surgery, and have been living as a man for quite a while.
They are still not men. I like this living as a man: WTF does that mean? They watch sports and scratch their privates? If they were really men they would keep their boobs and play with them all day.
But you just told everyone here that we should believe the person, aka not seek any methods of mitigation or treatment. You essentially inferred that we do not acknowledge the delusion for what it really is. You suggested we let the transition happen, let the person be ruled by a delusion.

Thanks for falling into the trap.
You really need to read the links you post better.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

Your first sentence is a lie. Thread closed.
So, treatment means believing the person and convincing them to adhere to the scientific norms. The opposite of what BULLDOG wants to happen.
They are child abusers. Encouraging and nurturing a psychological disorder instead of seeking proper treatment is abuse.
No, they aren’t if they are working with a medical professional.
No, they aren’t if they are working with a medical professional.
Then what is this whole thing about "believing" them then? What that infers to me is that we accept, not treat, this delusion.

What posters like BULLDOG want is for us to tailor our societal and scientific beliefs around a delusion, to ignore eons of human evolution for the sake of making some deluded individual feel better about themselves.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie,
You tards named it a "big lie!" Why should anyone care what you claim?

and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)
Now all that is needed is the PROOF. I mean, you tards have stated the "big lie" is baseless and has been debunked 10,000 times, you'd think ONE of you morons could actually then PROVE IT.
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You really need to read the links you post better.
IT's a delusion. IT's just a fantasy of women's studies professors (the power behind the butt bumper movement).....they have always wanted to be men, we mocked them 30 years ago for they can transform into really ugly dude like things, but are still really women.....Like they say you can't put lipstick on a pig.

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