Republicans Go Full Retard: "The Big Lie." Democrats: "Hold My Beer."

It could be worse. In Oregon they passed a law protecting trees from homeowners. Cut down your tree on your property, be Dem punished with thousands of dollars in fines. Then Dems slapped a fee on homeowners for leaf cleanup.
They did that around Lake Tahoe CA/NV many years ago.
So if they know they are a bird and try to fly off a building, they can?

They THINK they are, they don't know they are. What they are is what they were born as.

Everything else is pretending, even if you are pretending to yourself as well.
You're getting pretty goofy now. I knew that was coming.
The transition includes more than just the surgery. Only an idiot wouldn't understand that.
Psh. You're cracking me up man.

There is no transition, only delusion. A failure of this person to accept what they were born as.

The other delusion is you thinking that personal delusion trumps authentic science. Please keep that garbage to yourself.
Again, most prominent psychologists would differ with you.
You sure about that?

  • Gender dysphoria: A concept designated in the DSM-5 as clinically significant distress or impairment related to a strong desire to be of another gender, which may include desire to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics.

Most prominent psychiatrists might differ with you. Like I said, whine about trans people all you want, but making a big deal over this aspect is just childish.
Since those very same people are utterly unable to define what the words mean I am unsure of why I should care what they think.

That is the core problem, in order to follow through with this silly attitude you actually have to make the word itself meaningless in its entirety. When you do that, you cant have an opinion on when it is appropriate to use the word as you do not have any idea what you are referring to in the first place.
Trans people (woman to man) who haven't completed the surgical part still have traditional female plumbing and are capable of pregnancy. If you want to whine about trans people, then go ahead, but trying to make a big deal about whether someone with a uterus can become pregnant is just stupid. Even if that person dresses and lives as a man.
Those people arent men otherwise you wouldnt have to say the transgendered part.
I didn't think anything was more delusional than the Republicans' belief in The Big Lie, and Republicans refusing to answer if Joe Biden was elected in a fair and free election. (HT: He was.)

Now we have Democrats saying that people other than women can give birth, and refusing to answer if they can. (HT: They can't.)

After Trump's coup attempt, I didn't think I'd be voting for a Republican for a long time. But Democrats are denying biological reality to appease 0.1% of the population and their over-educated, hyper-tolerant intolerant progressive base.

It's like both parties are trying to out-retard each other. It's utterly insane.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to "populate our earth."​
In response, Johnson's top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.​
Johnson's comments, made to conservative pundit Brian Kilmeade, came in response to a heated exchange Tuesday between U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, and University of California-Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.​
Hawley questioned Bridges' use of the inclusive term "people with a capacity for pregnancy," leading her to call his line of questioning "transphobic" and him to say men cannot get pregnant. Bridges noted that transgender men and some who identify as nonbinary or gender nonconforming can also get pregnant.​
Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, "It's just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they're trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can't. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth."​

Whatever.All that doesn't Address a given.The Left or Democrats DO NOT VALUE
TRUTH. Biden lies every time he opens his yapper.
Cite an example where a Republican elected Politician talks like
they are " detached from reality ". And conversely cite where a
Democrats talks like an American.Not a Globalist.
Hey, it ain't me whose making a big fucking deal about this.

It's the far left progressive wing of the Democratic Party that is out of step with the rest of America.

They set their hair on fire screaming about how you need to speak in the manner they chose and abide by the strictures they demand or be ridiculed, fined and imprisoned.

But YOU are making a big deal because you noticed.

It is a fringe of the left doing this though. They majority of the left is not left because asinine sex issues, they are left because of economic ones. And they are getting more angry every day with that fringe because the economic side of things is being ignored in favor of identity bullshit.
Psh. You're cracking me up man.

There is no transition, only delusion. A failure of this person to accept what they were born as.

The other delusion is you thinking that personal delusion trumps authentic science. Please keep that garbage to yourself.
You are certainly allowed to believe what you want. Won't change anything or anyone.

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