Missouri Supreme Court Upholds Law That Allows Jailing Parents of Truant Children


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
LOL! A lot..and I do mean a lot...of parents are guilty of this one! Your kid skips..and you go to jail~

The Missouri Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a law that allows parents to be jailed if their children don’t attend school regularly, which the court defined as every day class is in session.
The litigation centered on two single mothers in Lebanon, Mo., who were sentenced to jail after their elementary-school-age children each missed about 15 days of class in the 2021-22 school year. The mothers called in to explain some of the absences, but officials at the Lebanon R-III School District, a southwestern Missouri district with about 4,500 students, referred both to prosecutors.

The district’s handbook, which parents must acknowledge reading, says students should maintain an attendance rate of at least 90% to prepare children for adulthood and professional life and ensure continuity of learning.
The mothers weren’t told that illnesses, even when called in by a parent, were counted as unverified absences unless a doctor’s note was presented, their attorneys argued.

Many parents can't afford to take their kid to a doctor every time they get sick. Many times an illness does not require a trip to a doctor.

The court acknowledged the implication of its decision “if taken to the extreme” but said prosecutors and school officials have discretion not to enforce marginal cases.

So it all depends on who the parents are.
The mothers weren’t told that illnesses, even when called in by a parent, were counted as unverified absences unless a doctor’s note was presented, their attorneys argued.

Many parents can't afford to take their kid to a doctor every time they get sick. Many times an illness does not require a trip to a doctor.

The court acknowledged the implication of its decision “if taken to the extreme” but said prosecutors and school officials have discretion not to enforce marginal cases.

So it all depends on who the parents are.
I'm with the parents on this one..if they want to give the kid a day off..if they have family plans...then it should be their call.
I really don't think this would apply to parents of kids that skip to enjoy the occasional day at the local fishing hole or some such.
I really don't think this would apply to parents of kids that skip to enjoy the occasional day at the local fishing hole or some such.
One would think not..but, technically, it could. In many areas, truancy can be used to sanction kids.....many states use truancy as proof the child is out of control...and charge them in Family Court. In Missouri, it would appear that the parents are arrested.
One would think not..but, technically, it could. In many areas, truancy can be used to sanction kids.....many states use truancy as proof the child is out of control...and charge them in Family Court. In Missouri, it would appear that the parents are arrested.
Yeah, I guess anything is possible these days.....and technically you and your lawyers can be charged under RICO statutes for questioning the validity of a election....Nah, that would never happen....Right? :laughing0301:
Yeah, I guess anything is possible these days.....and technically you and your lawyers can be charged under RICO statutes for questioning the validity of a election....Nah, that would never happen....Right? :laughing0301:
I suppose..assuming I got a bunch of prominent lawyers and such to make phone calls to election officials, while I attempted to twist the arm of a sitting Governor..and maybe had someone hack into some voter data...of course, it would help if I spewed lies and misinformation 24/7 globally. I imagine that having a few thousand people carrying my name on banners bum-rush the nation's capital during the certification of the election I lost....might result in such a charge.
I guess it's plausible~
Way off-topic here...but questioning is a far cry from actively attempting to change the outcome, just sayin'.
Its that way here. And being late 3 times, is considered one absence.
I think its a bit silly but many parents are pieces of shit..
Kinda torn about it.
Its that way here. And being late 3 times, is considered one absence.
I think its a bit silly but many parents are pieces of shit..
Kinda torn about it.
From the OP:

More than 40 states have some kind of truancy statute that penalizes parents or students for chronic absenteeism, through penalties that can include fines, jail time, taking driver’s licenses or referrals to child-welfare agencies.
In recent years, some states have modified those laws or introduced diversion programs in light of cases in which, for example, a parent died in jail or school districts or courts were found to benefit financially from the fines paid.
From the OP:

More than 40 states have some kind of truancy statute that penalizes parents or students for chronic absenteeism, through penalties that can include fines, jail time, taking driver’s licenses or referrals to child-welfare agencies.
In recent years, some states have modified those laws or introduced diversion programs in light of cases in which, for example, a parent died in jail or school districts or courts were found to benefit financially from the fines paid.
Taking their drivers license? Yeah, that will really help the family out :rolleyes:
I suppose..assuming I got a bunch of prominent lawyers and such to make phone calls to election officials, while I attempted to twist the arm of a sitting Governor..and maybe had someone hack into some voter data...of course, it would help if I spewed lies and misinformation 24/7 globally. I imagine that having a few thousand people carrying my name on banners bum-rush the nation's capital during the certification of the election I lost....might result in such a charge.
I guess it's plausible~
Way off-topic here...but questioning is a far cry from actively attempting to change the outcome, just sayin'.

Yeah, I just couldn't resist but it's just goes to show how laws/statutes can be "tailored" to fit any situation if a point wants to be made badly enough.

Show me a man and I'll will show you the "crime". - Lavrentiy Beria

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