Their 'separation of church and state' is just ugly anti-religion discrimination

And create an uneducated citizenry. Brilliant.
What a stupid response, when you represent exactly that.


So you vote Democrats, huh?
You're ridiculous. The whole point of the decision is that the mobocratic leftist assholes who control a blue state were taxing everybody and unconstitutionally discriminating against persons of religious ideology, subjecting them to special treatment as second-class citizens. That's precisely why the leftist's understanding of the doctrine of separation is stupid and unjust. You leftist morons don't even grasp the fact that your doctrine is that of the former Soviet Union.

The imperatives of natural and constitutional law demand universal school choice, wherein parents tax dollars follow their children to the school of their choice, whether the school be secular or religious. You leftist thugs of the Marxist doctrine merely want to wholly control the socialization of our nation's children per your ideology, and you stupidly think that common sense and decency doesn't see right through you.
Sometimes I truly get the impression that all the anti-Russian spouting we see from the American left is actually competitiveness over the same ideology....just like how there are many Christian churches, many of which who think they are better than the rest and know the REAL story of Christ. The American left falls into the same ideological territory as the Soviet Union, and feels the need to make a scapegoat out of modern Russia to somehow make themselves look good. Modern Russia is FAIR compared to the twisted, conniving, controlling Democrats in the U.S.. They are much closer to being Soviet than modern Russia is. At least it's obvious that's where they want to take us.....
Try comparing our education and literacy to that of countries that do not have a public education system.

That's already obvious! What she's pointing out is how Americans think we are King Shit of the World...while our ACTUAL position among other developed nations is considerably lower.

A concept wayyyy over your head, I guess.....

Try comparing our education and literacy to that of countries that do not have a public education system.

Thank you for the dispositive proof that you are a moron.....I provided the chart of comparable nations to ours. vote Democrat????
Sometimes I truly get the impression that all the anti-Russian spouting we see from the American left is actually
No, it's just hating fascism, something that all decent people do. Needless to say, you don't.

Russia invaded a peaceful democratic nation unprovoked, and is committing war crimes and genocide. You lovingly tongue Russian butts. I'm making it clear where we all stand. You suck genocidal fascist kesiters, while we punch fascists. That makes us the good guys, and it makes your side shit humans.
To note, I read the hyperbole in response to your question and I want to first state I am in no way aligned with those view points.

That said, I only know what I've read about the system noted here, It is stated that funding a public school is hard because of so few kids, so people have started their own small schools for this venture. I will note that I fully support public schools but if this is the case in Maine, then it is. I also don't think people should have to bus their kids an hour away or something to attend school.

Now more to your question..........since it is the taxpayers kids going to these schools, I don't understand why you are unable to understand that they want some of that sent to private schools, especially since the public schools seem to not be able to meet the needs in this case. Now you have the question of the kinds of private schools to fund but that was not your question.
We need quality public schools,
We do not need those funds that cover All SCHOOL CHILDERN spent on private schools.
WE SPENT our money for private school years that We thought were in the best interest for our childern.
WE fully support our taxes going towards Public schools. The word PUBLIC says it all.
We need quality public schools,
We do not need those funds that cover All SCHOOL CHILDERN spent on private schools.
WE SPENT our money for private school years that We thought were in the best interest for our childern.
WE fully support our taxes going towards Public schools. The word PUBLIC says it all.

I support public schools but I also understand they are not everything for all people.
No, it's just hating fascism, something that all decent people do. Needless to say, you don't.

Russia invaded a peaceful democratic nation unprovoked, and is committing war crimes and genocide. You lovingly tongue Russian butts. I'm making it clear where we all stand. You suck genocidal fascist kesiters, while we punch fascists. That makes us the good guys, and it makes your side shit humans.
You are still living Obama-era lies. They illegally tried to hijack the Ukrainian government to turn it against Russia and put American weapons there. Nothing peaceful there. It was a Cold War-style "dick move" on our part. Dems are still trying to erase that history with this constant bullshit about Russian war crimes and "unprovoked" attacks to distract from the truth. Russia seized an opportunity to eject an imposter government that WE put there and had no business doing. We would do the same thing if some other country hijacked the Mexican or Canadian government and turned it against us and put their weapons there. We would consider a direct act of aggression and we would do something about it, rightfully so.
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