MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

Here's a compelling argument from one of the world's great scientific minds.

The truth is precisely the opposite. Every path that involves government doing something is far more expensive than doing nothing. Government doing nothing is almost always the most desirable decision because government fucks up everything it touches.

Easy to see why your scalp is on Rush's belt. I'll bet he didn't break out in a sweat for that one.

Doing nothing would eventually spell the end of the civilization that liberals have built, and the re-institution of the primative society that conservatives crave and have been dragged out of by liberal progress.
Speaking of liberal progress, how's the War on Poverty going?
MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’
Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.​

It is hilarious, davedumb, that you accept as gospel

Bzzzzzt!! Wrong answer, Skippy.

I'm not taking anyone's word as gospel. You simply don't know how science is supposed to work.

Normal Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Normal Scientist A: Okay, we'll check that out and revise as necessary. Thanks.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Climate Scientist A: Shut up! All the other climate scientists agree with me, so SHUT UP and support our political agenda!

Inarguably, this is what climate science does.
Lindzen was and remains a whore for the energy corperations. Since the fasification of his 'Iris' hypothesis, he has little standing among real research scientists.

We get it, he is an infidel to climate zealots like yourself.
They tithe to Al Gore in by buying carbon credits.

Tell ya one thing...regardless of where yoy stand on the issue of GLOBAL WARMING the CARBON CREDIT SYSTEM is a truly EVIL system.

That system alone can generate enough wealth to explain why a GLOBAL WARMING myth would have been invented.

I am NOT saying that is what is happening, but the CARBON CREDIT system is pure fucking EVIL.
We've been waiting for years for deniers to come up with some science, any science, that explains how the earth can react to higher concentrations of atmospheric GHGs other than warming.

Nothing. Zero. Nada.

They are a political backwater, now obsolete in the world, with nothing to offer anyone but what they wish was true.

Do nothing dreamers. They've even flushed the little political power that they once had away by acting like jerks.

So, whenever you meet a denier, encourage him or her to continue the approach of being nothing but opinionated.
They tithe to Al Gore in by buying carbon credits.

Tell ya one thing...regardless of where yoy stand on the issue of GLOBAL WARMING the CARBON CREDIT SYSTEM is a truly EVIL system.

That system alone can generate enough wealth to explain why a GLOBAL WARMING myth would have been invented.

I am NOT saying that is what is happening, but the CARBON CREDIT system is pure fucking EVIL.

Speaking of opinionated. Notice the complete absence of anything but, this is what I wish was true and I want to impose my opinion on every one else. Learned at the knee of the great moron, Rushbo.
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We the people of the world, together, own the oceans, ice and atmosphere and some of the land. The land that individuals own, is theirs to manage. The rest is ours to manage.

The idea of a carbon tax is to actively manage what's ours. We should charge the corporations who make money dumping their waste in what we own, and use the money to fund the development of, and promote the use of, technologies that are benign rather than costly in terms of the consequences of their waste.

What could possibly make more sense than that?
MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’
Throughout history, governments have twisted science to suit a political agenda. Global warming is no different, according to Dr. Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.​

It is hilarious, davedumb, that you accept as gospel

Bzzzzzt!! Wrong answer, Skippy.

I'm not taking anyone's word as gospel. You simply don't know how science is supposed to work.

Normal Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Normal Scientist A: Okay, we'll check that out and revise as necessary. Thanks.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Climate Scientist A: Shut up! All the other climate scientists agree with me, so SHUT UP and support our political agenda!

Inarguably, this is what climate science does.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Conservative politician: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate. We prefer our own truth, that's less expensive, so, without any data or models, we will merely impose our beliefs on others.

Climate Scientist A: All the other climate scientists agree with me. The IPCC has the responsibility to advise politicians of the science determined and determinable, behind AGW. That we have done and continue to do. If your politics of doing nothing can't be sold in the political arena, don't expect that we can or would even consider lying about the science to support you.
We've been waiting for years for deniers to come up with some science, any science, that explains how the earth can react to higher concentrations of atmospheric GHGs other than warming.

Nothing. Zero. Nada.

They are a political backwater, now obsolete in the world, with nothing to offer anyone but what they wish was true.

Do nothing dreamers. They've even flushed the little political power that they once had away by acting like jerks.

So, whenever you meet a denier, encourage him or her to continue the approach of being nothing but opinionated.
Oh, look -- yet another progressive who doesn't know how science is supposed to work.
It is hilarious, davedumb, that you accept as gospel

Bzzzzzt!! Wrong answer, Skippy.

I'm not taking anyone's word as gospel. You simply don't know how science is supposed to work.

Normal Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Normal Scientist A: Okay, we'll check that out and revise as necessary. Thanks.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Climate Scientist A: Shut up! All the other climate scientists agree with me, so SHUT UP and support our political agenda!

Inarguably, this is what climate science does.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Conservative politician: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate. We prefer our own truth, that's less expensive, so, without any data or models, we will merely impose our beliefs on others.

Climate Scientist A: All the other climate scientists agree with me. The IPCC has the responsibility to advise politicians of the science determined and determinable, behind AGW. That we have done and continue to do. If your politics of doing nothing can't be sold in the political arena, don't expect that we can or would even consider lying about the science to support you.
But you're already lying about the science.
Inarguably, this is what climate science does.

You fail your own argument.

And Abraham chimes in with a resounding "Nuh-UH, you big doodyhead!!"

When, without justification you characterize a position as "inarguable", you have at least attempted to end any examination by the parties involved to ascertain the validity of your claim. I quite firmly believe your position is grade A bullshit and that I could argue against it successfully without breaking a sweat; so your attempt is a failure, but if you're going to stand up for open debate you'd best practice what you preach.
We've been waiting for years for deniers to come up with some science, any science, that explains how the earth can react to higher concentrations of atmospheric GHGs other than warming.

Nothing. Zero. Nada.

They are a political backwater, now obsolete in the world, with nothing to offer anyone but what they wish was true.

Do nothing dreamers. They've even flushed the little political power that they once had away by acting like jerks.

So, whenever you meet a denier, encourage him or her to continue the approach of being nothing but opinionated.
Oh, look -- yet another progressive who doesn't know how science is supposed to work.

Davedumb is a good example of the ignorant rightwingnuts who, because of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, imagine that they "know how science is supposed to work" better than all of the actual working scientists in the world.

Dunning-Kruger Effect
Psychology Today
by Daniel R. Hawes
June 6, 2010
The Dunning-Kruger effect describes a cognitive bias in which people perform poorly on a task, but lack the meta-cognitive capacity to properly evaluate their performance. As a result, such people remain unaware of their incompetence and accordingly fail to take any self-improvement measures that might rid them of their incompetence.

Dunning and Kruger often refer to a "double curse" when interpreting their findings: People fail to grasp their own incompetence, precisely because they are so incompetent. And since, overcoming their incompetence would first require the ability to distinguish competence from incompetence, people get stuck in a vicious cycle.

"The skills needed to produce logically sound arguments, for instance, are the same skills that are necessary to recognize when a logically sound argument has been made. Thus, if people lack the skills to produce correct answers, they are also cursed with an inability to know when their answers, or anyone else's, are right or wrong. They cannot recognize their responses as mistaken, or other people's responses as superior to their own."​
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We've been waiting for years for deniers to come up with some science, any science, that explains how the earth can react to higher concentrations of atmospheric GHGs other than warming.

Nothing. Zero. Nada.

They are a political backwater, now obsolete in the world, with nothing to offer anyone but what they wish was true.

Do nothing dreamers. They've even flushed the little political power that they once had away by acting like jerks.

So, whenever you meet a denier, encourage him or her to continue the approach of being nothing but opinionated.
Oh, look -- yet another progressive who doesn't know how science is supposed to work.

If I ever needed a science advisor I wouldn't choose a little boy who apparently hasn't left the cowboy fantasy behind yet.
Bzzzzzt!! Wrong answer, Skippy.

I'm not taking anyone's word as gospel. You simply don't know how science is supposed to work.

Normal Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Normal Scientist A: Okay, we'll check that out and revise as necessary. Thanks.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Scientist B: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate.

Climate Scientist A: Shut up! All the other climate scientists agree with me, so SHUT UP and support our political agenda!

Inarguably, this is what climate science does.

Climate Scientist A: We believe _____ is happening, and here is our data and research that led us to this conclusion.

Normal Conservative politician: I see a flaw. Your data are incomplete, and your models are inaccurate. We prefer our own truth, that's less expensive, so, without any data or models, we will merely impose our beliefs on others.

Climate Scientist A: All the other climate scientists agree with me. The IPCC has the responsibility to advise politicians of the science determined and determinable, behind AGW. That we have done and continue to do. If your politics of doing nothing can't be sold in the political arena, don't expect that we can or would even consider lying about the science to support you.
But you're already lying about the science.

That's what you wish was true. It's not. Man up and stop your whining.
Who cares......climate science is an internet hobby in 2013.......nothing more. Having zero impact on public policy which is what you get when you fuck around with the data.
Yo, Skooker, no one cares what you think.

Well....perhaps s0n....perhaps!!! But my presence in here is all about bringing it back to real. The theory behind climate science is just that: theory. In the meantime, I continue to highlight that fact in an effort to keep everybody's electricity bills from increasing 100% if the climate nutters had their way via jackass schemes like Crap and Tax. I continue to paint a bleak picture for the k00ks in here.......and have a hoot doing it too!:coffee:

s0n......stick to the study of giants. People might pay attention!!


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