MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

Humanity does not need media conservatives for anything. We expect nothing from you. We get nothing from you. The delusion that you are politically influential is a dream left over from the last decade that you killed with a display of political incompetence never rivaled. You are merely irrelevant.

Dreamers and doers own the future. Whinners, the past. Lots of luck with that.
Progressives demand power and control, but can't un-ass the couch long enough to do anything to get it. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you, then expect them to hand the reins of power over to you.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed, kid. :lol:

We're solving problems every day that you don't even recognize yet. You're still waiting for someone else to find a no risk solution because you find the future so frightening and while you're pissing your pants we're implementing.

Any questions as to why you're irrelevant?
You ain't doing shit, kid. Well, aside from whining on the internet that nobody's kissing your ass in the manner to which you feel entitled.

Are you ever going to get around to accomplishing anything to merit that level of arrogance?

Meanwhile, back in reality, you don't get to wreck the economies of the entire Western world just so you can feel good about helping baby Gaea. You want to live in a yurt and burn buffalo crap for heat, be my guest. I like the modern world, myself.

Just burn your buffalo crap stove downwind from me, mmmkay?
Progressives demand power and control, but can't un-ass the couch long enough to do anything to get it. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you, then expect them to hand the reins of power over to you.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed, kid. :lol:

We're solving problems every day that you don't even recognize yet. You're still waiting for someone else to find a no risk solution because you find the future so frightening and while you're pissing your pants we're implementing.

Any questions as to why you're irrelevant?
You ain't doing shit, kid. Well, aside from whining on the internet that nobody's kissing your ass in the manner to which you feel entitled.

Are you ever going to get around to accomplishing anything to merit that level of arrogance?

Meanwhile, back in reality, you don't get to wreck the economies of the entire Western world just so you can feel good about helping baby Gaea. You want to live in a yurt and burn buffalo crap for heat, be my guest. I like the modern world, myself.

Just burn your buffalo crap stove downwind from me, mmmkay?

Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.

Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.
We're solving problems every day that you don't even recognize yet. You're still waiting for someone else to find a no risk solution because you find the future so frightening and while you're pissing your pants we're implementing.

Any questions as to why you're irrelevant?
You ain't doing shit, kid. Well, aside from whining on the internet that nobody's kissing your ass in the manner to which you feel entitled.

Are you ever going to get around to accomplishing anything to merit that level of arrogance?

Meanwhile, back in reality, you don't get to wreck the economies of the entire Western world just so you can feel good about helping baby Gaea. You want to live in a yurt and burn buffalo crap for heat, be my guest. I like the modern world, myself.

Just burn your buffalo crap stove downwind from me, mmmkay?

Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.

Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.

Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.
Mamooth is a flat-out, bald-faced liar. If he/she/it told me the sun rises in the east, I'd get up early with a compass.

Great. I got another obsessive stalker.

Dave, some friendly advice. Things tend to not go well for them who go obsessive about me. Look at the examples of PolarBear or Gslack. And I don't have to do a thing; my stalkers eventually self-destruct all by themselves. You might want to pull out of your sanity graveyard spiral while it's still possible.
If I had to choose which of two behaviors: following the 97% or following the 3, constitute an act of faith, three guesses which way I'd go (and the first two don't count).
We're solving problems every day that you don't even recognize yet. You're still waiting for someone else to find a no risk solution because you find the future so frightening and while you're pissing your pants we're implementing.

Any questions as to why you're irrelevant?
You ain't doing shit, kid. Well, aside from whining on the internet that nobody's kissing your ass in the manner to which you feel entitled.

Are you ever going to get around to accomplishing anything to merit that level of arrogance?

Meanwhile, back in reality, you don't get to wreck the economies of the entire Western world just so you can feel good about helping baby Gaea. You want to live in a yurt and burn buffalo crap for heat, be my guest. I like the modern world, myself.

Just burn your buffalo crap stove downwind from me, mmmkay?

Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.
You keep telling us there's a serious problem.

Reality seems to disagree.

Me, I'd rather go with reality than someone with a political agenda.
Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.
You tell me, cultist.
Mamooth is a flat-out, bald-faced liar. If he/she/it told me the sun rises in the east, I'd get up early with a compass.

Great. I got another obsessive stalker.

Dave, some friendly advice. Things tend to not go well for them who go obsessive about me. Look at the examples of PolarBear or Gslack. And I don't have to do a thing; my stalkers eventually self-destruct all by themselves. You might want to pull out of your sanity graveyard spiral while it's still possible.
Is this the part where I'm supposed to be intimidated?'s not working. :lol:

Look, we both know you tell nothing but lies. It explains your emotional outbursts when I point them out.

What you're pissed off about is that I call you on them.

I don't know where you usually hang out on the internet, but they've done you no favors by blindly and unquestioningly accepting your uncorroborated statements as fact. It hasn't prepared you at all for life outside the prog echo chamber.

One fact you need to accept, and then you might be interesting to talk to:

No one owes you agreement. Stop insisting you're entitled to it.
Dave, you're just boring now.

You suck hard at the science. You're incapable of anything except parroting links you don't understand. Scream, pout, stamp your widdle feet, you'll still suck, and we'll be around to point it out and laugh at you.

See ya' round. For now, I'm going to do what upsets you most, which is not give you any of the attention you crave. You'll need to hit rock-bottom before you can recover.
You ain't doing shit, kid. Well, aside from whining on the internet that nobody's kissing your ass in the manner to which you feel entitled.

Are you ever going to get around to accomplishing anything to merit that level of arrogance?

Meanwhile, back in reality, you don't get to wreck the economies of the entire Western world just so you can feel good about helping baby Gaea. You want to live in a yurt and burn buffalo crap for heat, be my guest. I like the modern world, myself.

Just burn your buffalo crap stove downwind from me, mmmkay?

Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.

Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.

Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.

Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.
Dave, you're just boring now.

You suck hard at the science. You're incapable of anything except parroting links you don't understand. Scream, pout, stamp your widdle feet, you'll still suck, and we'll be around to point it out and laugh at you.

See ya' round. For now, I'm going to do what upsets you most, which is not give you any of the attention you crave. You'll need to hit rock-bottom before you can recover.

:lol: The only emotional reaction you can possibly inspire in me is amusement.

But you just keep insisting you're better than me based on no evidence whatsoever.

Progs are good at that sort of thing.
Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.

Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.

Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.

Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.
Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.
Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.

Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.
Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.

Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.
Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.
Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.

Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.
If you weren't a global warming cultist, you might have a point.
Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.

Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.
If you weren't a global warming cultist, you might have a point.

I don't believe that mankind can get any closer to the truth than through science, nor any farther than through religion. Politics is somewhere in between.

So I'm not a global warming anything. I'm a believer in science. If science said that atmospheric GHG concentration was benign, I'd be very happy. When they prove that it leads to a less stable climate, and one different than we built civilization to accommodate, that doesn't make me happy, but anxious to see the problem addressed and mitigated.

I made my living engineering solutions. This is just another problem to solve to me.
Tell us again why doing nothing in the face of serious problems is so cool. Why ignoring science is so smart. Why hoping for the best is smarter than working for the best. Why hiding from learning is smarter than being as open as possible to it.

Tell us what it's like to blindly follow the ignorant.

Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.

Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.

You don't know what science says. You don' t know what science is. Here's a clue for you, it's not determined by majority vote.

The choices dolts make are never tough. They just meekly follow whatever their masters tell them to believe.
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Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.
Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.

Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.

Science doesn't have an agenda, but people who call themselves scientists often do have an agenda. Anyone who believes humans become infallible the minute the attach the word "scientist" to their resume is the ultimate fool.

Lysenko also called himself a scientists and he called what he was doing "science."
Spending trillions of dollars to solve a non problem is shear idiocy. If anyone is ignoring science, it's the warmist cult members. You aren't "working for the best." You're working to destroy this country.

Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.

You don't know what science says. You don' t know what science is. Here's a clue for you, it's not determined by majority vote.

The choices dolts make are never tough. The just meekly follow whatever their masters tell them to believe.

I do know science. That’s one of the advantages of being educated in them. What I don't know, except second hand, are all of the propaganda points that media evangelical political entertainers are paid to deliver to their minions by businesses who profit from the status quo.

The one intelligent thing in your post is your recognition that science isn't determined by the man in the street or media talking heads.

In the case of AGW it's determined by the IPCC.
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Crap science with an agenda says its necessary.

Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.

Science doesn't have an agenda, but people who call themselves scientists often do have an agenda. Anyone who believes humans become infallible the minute the attach the word "scientist" to their resume is the ultimate fool.

Lysenko also called himself a scientists and he called what he was doing "science."

It's the job of scientists to 'police' their profession as those not educated in it are unable to. Just like all professions. By definition.

Allowing media evangelical political entertainers to even think that they can is idiotic.
Science says it's necessary. A few political entertainers says it's not.

Not a tough choice for me.

You don't know what science says. You don' t know what science is. Here's a clue for you, it's not determined by majority vote.

The choices dolts make are never tough. The just meekly follow whatever their masters tell them to believe.

I do know science. That’s one of the advantages of being educated in them. What I don't know, except second hand, are all of the propaganda points that media evangelical political entertainers are paid to deliver to their minions by businesses who profit from the status quo.

The one intelligent thing in your post is your recognition that science isn't determined by the man in the street or media talking heads.

I'm the case of AGW it's determined by the IPCC.

Wrong again, dipstick. Government bureaucrats don't determine what science is. It's not even determined by a majority vote of scientists. You just proved that you're a scientific ignoramus.

I really do marvel at the way a complete ignoramus like you can be so arrogant about your understanding of global warming. Every time you post you only prove you don't know what you're talking about.
Little cowboy, you'll never sell to anyone with a reasonably functional brain, the idea that science has an agenda, except for finding the truth, and that political entertainers, have anything but an agenda, including obscuring the truth.

Science doesn't have an agenda, but people who call themselves scientists often do have an agenda. Anyone who believes humans become infallible the minute the attach the word "scientist" to their resume is the ultimate fool.

Lysenko also called himself a scientists and he called what he was doing "science."

It's the job of scientists to 'police' their profession as those not educated in it are unable to. Just like all professions. By definition.

Allowing media evangelical political entertainers to even think that they can is idiotic.

It's everyone's job to police the ideas that so-called "scientists" are trying to put over on us. If recent history has shown anything, it's that so-called "climate scientists" can't be trusted. They have rigged the peer review process to exclude any criticism of their bogus theories and they have been caught fudging the data.

If you think your "move along people. Nothing to see here" routine is fooling anyone, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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