MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

Looks like more bad liberal science that started with the conclusion.

You guys sure are suckers for that, aren't you? :lol:

But you ought to read it. He's talking about people like Obama, and his followers like you:

"But you ought to read it. He's talking about people like Obama, and his followers like you:"

We, the people, elected President Obama to our leadership position. People like Rush selected you, based on your inability to discriminate, to follow him. His Dunning Kruger business plan. You haven't had an independent thought since.

You know the only talk radio I listen to, PMS?

NPR. :lmao:

You fail. Yet again, you fail.

And Fox News.
They are exactly the same. Your ability to understand that is irrelevant.

Your problem is that I DO understand the scientific method.

Climate science doesn't follow the scientific method. It follows the political method: Establish your conclusion, then find/cherrypick/alter data to support the conclusion, ignore/suppress conflicting data. Then gullible suckers will flock to support you.

Again, all that you know are the politics issued to you by those who take advantage of Dunning Kruger victims for profit.
Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.
The science is the science no thanks to you.
No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.
Argue the politics all day if that floats your boat but you have zero qualifications to add to the science (as you've made perfectly clear here).
And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.
"But you ought to read it. He's talking about people like Obama, and his followers like you:"

We, the people, elected President Obama to our leadership position. People like Rush selected you, based on your inability to discriminate, to follow him. His Dunning Kruger business plan. You haven't had an independent thought since.

You know the only talk radio I listen to, PMS?

NPR. :lmao:

You fail. Yet again, you fail.

And Fox News.
Nope. I don't watch ANY television news. I do like the BBC News Hour on NPR, though.

I'll bet you simply can't comprehend this. :lol:
Your problem is that I DO understand the scientific method.

Climate science doesn't follow the scientific method. It follows the political method: Establish your conclusion, then find/cherrypick/alter data to support the conclusion, ignore/suppress conflicting data. Then gullible suckers will flock to support you.

Again, all that you know are the politics issued to you by those who take advantage of Dunning Kruger victims for profit.
Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.
The science is the science no thanks to you.
No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.
Argue the politics all day if that floats your boat but you have zero qualifications to add to the science (as you've made perfectly clear here).
And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.

Science never lost its integrity. Politics did. You're a victim of it.
You know the only talk radio I listen to, PMS?

NPR. :lmao:

You fail. Yet again, you fail.

And Fox News.
Nope. I don't watch ANY television news. I do like the BBC News Hour on NPR, though.

I'll bet you simply can't comprehend this. :lol:

You're right. I can't. You're the first non Fox News watcher that I've met that mirrors exactly what they teach, coincidently.
I see a little cowboy whining that his Dunning Kruger support group on the news entertainment media has instructed him to advertise for big oil.
I see a stuffed shirt pretending he's important because he can regurgitate the talking points programmed into him by his socialist masters.

One of us is right. Hint: It isn't you.
I must have missed the post where you wrote something scientific. Can you repeat it?
What are you, stupid? I just said I've never claimed to be a scientist. I post the work of scientists.

That you refuse to accept it says nothing about them -- it says reams about you and your closed-mindedness.
Your problem is that I DO understand the scientific method.

Climate science doesn't follow the scientific method. It follows the political method: Establish your conclusion, then find/cherrypick/alter data to support the conclusion, ignore/suppress conflicting data. Then gullible suckers will flock to support you.

Again, all that you know are the politics issued to you by those who take advantage of Dunning Kruger victims for profit.
Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.
The science is the science no thanks to you.
No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.
Argue the politics all day if that floats your boat but you have zero qualifications to add to the science (as you've made perfectly clear here).
And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.

I have absolutely no desire to impress you. In fact, if I thought that I was impressing any extreme conservative, I'd immediately launch an intense personal self investigation into my humanity.
I see a little cowboy whining that his Dunning Kruger support group on the news entertainment media has instructed him to advertise for big oil.
I see a stuffed shirt pretending he's important because he can regurgitate the talking points programmed into him by his socialist masters.

One of us is right. Hint: It isn't you.
I must have missed the post where you wrote something scientific. Can you repeat it?
What are you, stupid? I just said I've never claimed to be a scientist. I post the work of scientists.

That you refuse to accept it says nothing about them -- it says reams about you and your closed-mindedness.

As I said, I personally have never seen a post from you that involved anyone's science.
Again, all that you know are the politics issued to you by those who take advantage of Dunning Kruger victims for profit.
Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.

No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.
Argue the politics all day if that floats your boat but you have zero qualifications to add to the science (as you've made perfectly clear here).
And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.

Science never lost its integrity. Politics did. You're a victim of it.
The AGW cult certainly would like me to be:
First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.​
This from the IPCC whom you hold in such high regard.

There can be no doubt: Climate science has lost its integrity.
And Fox News.
Nope. I don't watch ANY television news. I do like the BBC News Hour on NPR, though.

I'll bet you simply can't comprehend this. :lol:

You're right. I can't. You're the first non Fox News watcher that I've met that mirrors exactly what they teach, coincidently.
I'm sure it comforts you to pretend that, but no.

Conversely, you're indistinguishable from every other faux-superior AGW cultist I've ever run across. :lol:
Again, all that you know are the politics issued to you by those who take advantage of Dunning Kruger victims for profit.
Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.

No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.
Argue the politics all day if that floats your boat but you have zero qualifications to add to the science (as you've made perfectly clear here).
And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.

I have absolutely no desire to impress you. In fact, if I thought that I was impressing any extreme conservative, I'd immediately launch an intense personal self investigation into my humanity.
And that's a big problem you have: To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about), you need the support of conservatives like me. You're never going to get what you want without us.

And frankly, given what you've admitted here already, and that you're not the least bit ashamed of it, I don't believe you're capable of an intense personal self-investigation into your humanity.

You're a mindless robot, and you're PROUD of it.

I see a little cowboy whining that his Dunning Kruger support group on the news entertainment media has instructed him to advertise for big oil.
I see a stuffed shirt pretending he's important because he can regurgitate the talking points programmed into him by his socialist masters.

One of us is right. Hint: It isn't you.
I must have missed the post where you wrote something scientific. Can you repeat it?
What are you, stupid? I just said I've never claimed to be a scientist. I post the work of scientists.

That you refuse to accept it says nothing about them -- it says reams about you and your closed-mindedness.

As I said, I personally have never seen a post from you that involved anyone's science.
So, you're ignorant and closed-minded -- and it's MY fault.

To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about),

There's your admission to being a political cultist. Like we've been saying all along. Thanks for confirming it, thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Those who can talk about the science, do. Those who can't, they babble about the vast global socialist conspiracy.
To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about),

There's your admission to being a political cultist. Like we've been saying all along. Thanks for confirming it, thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Those who can talk about the science, do. Those who can't, they babble about the vast global socialist conspiracy.
I guess you purposefully overlooked who said that. You know, the IPCC? High priests of the AGW Cult?

But then, AGW cultists have to purposefully overlook a LOT. Don't you?

One guy said that. If someone was a rather shameless liar, they could claim one guy represents the entire IPCC and the entire environmental movement.

But then, if it pushes the agenda of your political cult, there's no lie too shameless for you to tell. The only moral principle you have left is "The ends always justify the means for my side".

That's another reason why you hate us, obviously. Moral relativists usually hate moral absolutists, because we make you moral relativists look so bad. The shining light of our moral absolutism seems to cause physical pain to the relativists, like sunlight burning a vampire.
One guy said that. If someone was a rather shameless liar, they could claim one guy represents the entire IPCC and the entire environmental movement.
So...a member of an academic society who states that AGW is real and a danger to us all is speaking the truth, but a member of an NGO charged with investigating AGW who states that it's all about world socialism is lying.

That about cover it?
But then, if it pushes the agenda of your political cult, there's no lie too shameless for you to tell. The only moral principle you have left is "The ends always justify the means for my side".
Yep, that's the way it works for the AGW cult, all right. No question.
That's another reason why you hate us, obviously. Moral relativists usually hate moral absolutists, because we make you moral relativists look so bad. The shining light of our moral absolutism seems to cause physical pain to the relativists, like sunlight burning a vampire.

Good Gaea's gargantuan gazongas, I don't hate you -- and certainly not for any non-existent moral absolutism you allegedly possess.

We disagree with you. And that's why you hate us.

Honestly, are you getting paid to do this? Because NO ONE could so perfectly summarize the failings of his own side and project them onto the other with a straight face.

So...a member of an academic society who states that AGW is real and a danger to us all is speaking the truth, but a member of an NGO charged with investigating AGW who states that it's all about world socialism is lying.

I'm guessing that made some kind of sense to you and your voices. To anyone else, not so much. You're going off the rails, and you can't see it. Your sanity graveyard spiral has begun. It's just a matter of time now.

Anyways, as you plunge downwards, we can humor you. No, you're not a cultist. Yes, you're right, it's actually the rest of planet earth which is the cult. You and that handful of extremist right wing fringe political junkies are actually the only honest people left on the globe. You've convinced everyone, by golly. That's why they all smiled and walked away, because they were so impressed.
So...a member of an academic society who states that AGW is real and a danger to us all is speaking the truth, but a member of an NGO charged with investigating AGW who states that it's all about world socialism is lying.

I'm guessing that made some kind of sense to you and your voices. To anyone else, not so much. You're going off the rails, and you can't see it. Your sanity graveyard spiral has begun. It's just a matter of time now.

Anyways, as you plunge downwards, we can humor you. No, you're not a cultist. Yes, you're right, it's actually the rest of planet earth which is the cult. You and that handful of extremist right wing fringe political junkies are actually the only honest people left on the globe. You've convinced everyone, by golly. That's why they all smiled and walked away, because they were so impressed.
Yawn. It makes sense because it makes sense. Your inability to comprehend it is your failure, not mine.

What is it with progressives? You all seem to think you're better, smarter, faster than everyone else...yet the basis for that belief seems to be nothing more than "I'm a progressive!!"

Is the unmerited arrogance a result of accepting progressive doctrine, or do arrogant people with no accomplishments to justify it naturally gravitate to progressivism?

To put it in terms you can understand:

Which came first: The horse, or the horse's ass?
You all seem to think you're better, smarter, faster than everyone else...

Not everyone. Just you. Anyone who speaks with you develops a superiority complex.

When you act like a 'tard, people correctly point out that they really are smarter than you. Don't expect us to be all PC and considerate of your tender feewings. You're a 'tard cultist, hence we tell you so.

Wait ... has no one actually broken the news to you before, that you're a 'tard? Why is it always up to me to stage these interventions?

yet the basis for that belief seems to be nothing more than "I'm a progressive!!"

If you can't argue with what a liberal actually says, why not be honest and say so? Lying about what the liberals supposedly believe makes you look even worse. People then don't just think you're a 'tard, they think you're a dishonest 'tard.
You all seem to think you're better, smarter, faster than everyone else...

Not everyone. Just you. Anyone who speaks with you develops a superiority complex.

When you act like a 'tard, people correctly point out that they really are smarter than you. Don't expect us to be all PC and considerate of your tender feewings. You're a 'tard cultist, hence we tell you so.

Wait ... has no one actually broken the news to you before, that you're a 'tard? Why is it always up to me to stage these interventions?

yet the basis for that belief seems to be nothing more than "I'm a progressive!!"

If you can't argue with what a liberal actually says, why not be honest and say so? Lying about what the liberals supposedly believe makes you look even worse. People then don't just think you're a 'tard, they think you're a dishonest 'tard.

See, that's the issue: I DO argue with what a liberal says -- but then the liberal lies about what I say and projects his own failings upon me.

You simply cannot counter what I say. You never have -- because you can't. So you concoct this elaborate fantasy. I'm sure it's compelling in your own mind, but out here in the real world, it's really rather creepy. If we were neighbors, I'd install a security system.

Because you're at least partially insane.

Meanwhile, I'll let you have the last word. I know how important it is to your fragile ego to be able to claim victory (like you've been doing all night).

You're welcome.


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