MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’

See, that's the issue: I DO argue with what a liberal says -- but then the liberal lies about what I say and projects his own failings upon me.

And conveniently for you, the dirty liberal is _always_ lying. You seem to use your telepathic powers to inform the liberal of what he really believes (as opposed to what he says), hence the reason you know the dirty liberal is lying.

That's because you're crazy, stupid, and obsessed. Someone not crazy would understand that if everyone he talks to is somehow lying, the problem might be with himself. You don't see me screaming that every conservative I speak to is lying.

You simply cannot counter what I say.

Bullshit. Just from today there's your birdkill crap debunked, your fudgefactor crap debunked, your socialist conspiracy debunked. Those weren't differences of opinions, that was me pointing out you were full of shit.

And since you're a cultist, it won't matter. You'll be swearing that wind turbines are slaughtering the whooping cranes, because that's what your cult source claims, even though there's zero evidence for such a thing. You can't ever admit that any source burned you, because you then might have to question all of your cult's sources, and the whole thing might tumble down. And then how would you hate the dirty liberals who always lie to you?
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Someone who admits he unquestioningly believes what AGW scientists tell him is in no position to lecture others about issued views.

No. Thanks to me, and others like me, science will retain its integrity, untainted by politics masquerading as science.

And you have zero qualifications to add to the science, as you've admitted. Mindless cheerleading may make you feel important, but the rest of us are unimpressed.

I have absolutely no desire to impress you. In fact, if I thought that I was impressing any extreme conservative, I'd immediately launch an intense personal self investigation into my humanity.
And that's a big problem you have: To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about), you need the support of conservatives like me. You're never going to get what you want without us.

And frankly, given what you've admitted here already, and that you're not the least bit ashamed of it, I don't believe you're capable of an intense personal self-investigation into your humanity.

You're a mindless robot, and you're PROUD of it.


Humanity does not need media conservatives for anything. We expect nothing from you. We get nothing from you. The delusion that you are politically influential is a dream left over from the last decade that you killed with a display of political incompetence never rivaled. You are merely irrelevant.

Dreamers and doers own the future. Whinners, the past. Lots of luck with that.
See, that's the issue: I DO argue with what a liberal says -- but then the liberal lies about what I say and projects his own failings upon me.

And conveniently for you, the dirty liberal is _always_ lying. You seem to use your telepathic powers to inform the liberal of what he really believes (as opposed to what he says), hence the reason you know the dirty liberal is lying.

That's because you're crazy, stupid, and obsessed. Someone not crazy would understand that if everyone he talks to is somehow lying, the problem might be with himself. You don't see me screaming that every conservative I speak to is lying.

You simply cannot counter what I say.

Bullshit. Just from today there's your birdkill crap debunked, your fudgefactor crap debunked, your socialist conspiracy debunked. Those weren't differences of opinions, that was me pointing out you were full of shit.

And since you're a cultist, it won't matter. You'll be swearing that wind turbines are slaughtering the whooping cranes, because that's what your cult source claims, even though there's zero evidence for such a thing. You can't ever admit that any source burned you, because you then might have to question all of your cult's sources, and the whole thing might tumble down. And then how would you hate the dirty liberals who always lie to you?

See --- now there's the denial in the face of truth that is the HALLMARK of a true cultist...

1) We've explained to you it's NOT about whooping cranes, or songbirds being eaten by cats. THat it's about territorial birds of prey and protected species who will be anniliated from habitat ranges by the attrition of wind kills.

2) We've shown you arrogant hypocrisy of govt protection for wind operators when other energy companies get aggresively prosecuted for the same offenses. Special "govt black ops" carcass baggers arriving to remove the evidence at wind farms..

3) We've shown you a kill of a rare Kite sighting at a wind turbine in front of dozens of avid bird watchers who traveled 100s of miles just to SEE this bird while it was alive.

4) And extended the statistics of this carnage to project the damage despite false claims that LARGER wind turbines are less of a problem..

And YET --- you ECO-FRAUDS claim that you've debunked us... This behaviour is WHY you are losing. Because it's so obviously devious and sociopathic... You THINK you're winning.
You are not... Because you lie and decieve and spin in order to get your way..

Tomorrow when MORE EVIDENCE arrives --- you will ignore it.. That's the life of religious zealot who belongs to a devious dangerous cult...
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See, that's the issue: I DO argue with what a liberal says -- but then the liberal lies about what I say and projects his own failings upon me.

And conveniently for you, the dirty liberal is _always_ lying. You seem to use your telepathic powers to inform the liberal of what he really believes (as opposed to what he says), hence the reason you know the dirty liberal is lying.

That's because you're crazy, stupid, and obsessed. Someone not crazy would understand that if everyone he talks to is somehow lying, the problem might be with himself. You don't see me screaming that every conservative I speak to is lying.

You simply cannot counter what I say.

Bullshit. Just from today there's your birdkill crap debunked, your fudgefactor crap debunked, your socialist conspiracy debunked. Those weren't differences of opinions, that was me pointing out you were full of shit.

And since you're a cultist, it won't matter. You'll be swearing that wind turbines are slaughtering the whooping cranes, because that's what your cult source claims, even though there's zero evidence for such a thing. You can't ever admit that any source burned you, because you then might have to question all of your cult's sources, and the whole thing might tumble down. And then how would you hate the dirty liberals who always lie to you?

See --- now there's the denial in the face of truth that is the HALLMARK of a true cultist...

1) We've explained to you it's NOT about whooping cranes, or songbirds being eaten by cats. THat it's about territorial birds of prey and protected species who will be anniliated from habitat ranges by the attrition of wind kills.

2) We've shown you arrogant hypocrisy of govt protection for wind operators when other energy companies get aggresively prosecuted for the same offenses. Special "govt black ops" carcass baggers arriving to remove the evidence at wind farms..

3) We've shown you a kill of a rare Kite sighting at a wind turbine in front of dozens of avid bird watchers who traveled 100s of miles just to SEE this bird while it was alive.

4) And extended the statistics of this carnage to project the damage despite false claims that LARGER wind turbines are less of a problem..

And YET --- you ECO-FRAUDS claim that you've debunked us... This behaviour is WHY you are losing. Because it's so obviously devious and sociopathic... You THINK you're winning.
You are not... Because you lie and decieve and spin in order to get your way..

Tomorrow when MORE EVIDENCE arrives --- you will ignore it.. That's the life of religious zealot who belongs to a devious dangerous cult...

How many birds would you sacrifice to draught and flood and habitat change to save the few rumored to be killed by wind wind energy machines? How many humans?
And conveniently for you, the dirty liberal is _always_ lying. You seem to use your telepathic powers to inform the liberal of what he really believes (as opposed to what he says), hence the reason you know the dirty liberal is lying.

That's because you're crazy, stupid, and obsessed. Someone not crazy would understand that if everyone he talks to is somehow lying, the problem might be with himself. You don't see me screaming that every conservative I speak to is lying.

Bullshit. Just from today there's your birdkill crap debunked, your fudgefactor crap debunked, your socialist conspiracy debunked. Those weren't differences of opinions, that was me pointing out you were full of shit.

And since you're a cultist, it won't matter. You'll be swearing that wind turbines are slaughtering the whooping cranes, because that's what your cult source claims, even though there's zero evidence for such a thing. You can't ever admit that any source burned you, because you then might have to question all of your cult's sources, and the whole thing might tumble down. And then how would you hate the dirty liberals who always lie to you?

See --- now there's the denial in the face of truth that is the HALLMARK of a true cultist...

1) We've explained to you it's NOT about whooping cranes, or songbirds being eaten by cats. THat it's about territorial birds of prey and protected species who will be anniliated from habitat ranges by the attrition of wind kills.

2) We've shown you arrogant hypocrisy of govt protection for wind operators when other energy companies get aggresively prosecuted for the same offenses. Special "govt black ops" carcass baggers arriving to remove the evidence at wind farms..

3) We've shown you a kill of a rare Kite sighting at a wind turbine in front of dozens of avid bird watchers who traveled 100s of miles just to SEE this bird while it was alive.

4) And extended the statistics of this carnage to project the damage despite false claims that LARGER wind turbines are less of a problem..

And YET --- you ECO-FRAUDS claim that you've debunked us... This behaviour is WHY you are losing. Because it's so obviously devious and sociopathic... You THINK you're winning.
You are not... Because you lie and decieve and spin in order to get your way..

Tomorrow when MORE EVIDENCE arrives --- you will ignore it.. That's the life of religious zealot who belongs to a devious dangerous cult...

How many birds would you sacrifice to draught and flood and habitat change to save the few rumored to be killed by wind wind energy machines? How many humans?

Massive adoption of wind turbines will NOT do a thing for draught (sic sp..) or flood or habitat change. In fact --- it's NOT an alternate energy source.. It's a SUPPLEMENTAL energy source that must be FULLY BACKED by some RELIABLE source of power..
See --- now there's the denial in the face of truth that is the HALLMARK of a true cultist...

1) We've explained to you it's NOT about whooping cranes, or songbirds being eaten by cats. THat it's about territorial birds of prey and protected species who will be anniliated from habitat ranges by the attrition of wind kills.

2) We've shown you arrogant hypocrisy of govt protection for wind operators when other energy companies get aggresively prosecuted for the same offenses. Special "govt black ops" carcass baggers arriving to remove the evidence at wind farms..

3) We've shown you a kill of a rare Kite sighting at a wind turbine in front of dozens of avid bird watchers who traveled 100s of miles just to SEE this bird while it was alive.

4) And extended the statistics of this carnage to project the damage despite false claims that LARGER wind turbines are less of a problem..

And YET --- you ECO-FRAUDS claim that you've debunked us... This behaviour is WHY you are losing. Because it's so obviously devious and sociopathic... You THINK you're winning.
You are not... Because you lie and decieve and spin in order to get your way..

Tomorrow when MORE EVIDENCE arrives --- you will ignore it.. That's the life of religious zealot who belongs to a devious dangerous cult...

How many birds would you sacrifice to draught and flood and habitat change to save the few rumored to be killed by wind wind energy machines? How many humans?

Massive adoption of wind turbines will NOT do a thing for draught (sic sp..) or flood or habitat change. In fact --- it's NOT an alternate energy source.. It's a SUPPLEMENTAL energy source that must be FULLY BACKED by some RELIABLE source of power..

Building power plants does not create the consequences of AGW. Burning fossil fuel in them does. The less fuel burned, the less expensive will be the consequences. Every watt from a sustainable source is another watt free from the cost of fuel, and free from the cost of AGW consequences due to waste disposal.

Simple economics, as well as science, seems to be elusive to conservative "thinking".
How many birds would you sacrifice to draught and flood and habitat change to save the few rumored to be killed by wind wind energy machines? How many humans?

Massive adoption of wind turbines will NOT do a thing for draught (sic sp..) or flood or habitat change. In fact --- it's NOT an alternate energy source.. It's a SUPPLEMENTAL energy source that must be FULLY BACKED by some RELIABLE source of power..

Building power plants does not create the consequences of AGW. Burning fossil fuel in them does. The less fuel burned, the less expensive will be the consequences. Every watt from a sustainable source is another watt free from the cost of fuel, and free from the cost of AGW consequences due to waste disposal.

Simple economics, as well as science, seems to be elusive to conservative "thinking".

I'm sure you'll jump to invest in that new Nat Gas plant that has to dump it's energy to ground everytime the wind blows.. And you'll happily pay the FULL STAFF to operate and maintain it 24 hours a day even tho it's forced to cycle down for 20 minutes every 2nd hour when the wind blows..

By any logical fashion -- fuel is being wasted doing that --- wind OUGHT to be charged for the inefficiencies but never will --- and maintenance costs go UP due to thermal cycling of the plant. Lifetime goes down...

What a great deal eh PMZ??? Pony up pardner....
Put your money where your mouth is ---- granny always said..
What's elusive to leftist thinking seems to be logic and reason, engineering, and basic economics.... Pretty much cover it..

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Massive adoption of wind turbines will NOT do a thing for draught (sic sp..) or flood or habitat change. In fact --- it's NOT an alternate energy source.. It's a SUPPLEMENTAL energy source that must be FULLY BACKED by some RELIABLE source of power..

Building power plants does not create the consequences of AGW. Burning fossil fuel in them does. The less fuel burned, the less expensive will be the consequences. Every watt from a sustainable source is another watt free from the cost of fuel, and free from the cost of AGW consequences due to waste disposal.

Simple economics, as well as science, seems to be elusive to conservative "thinking".

I'm sure you'll jump to invest in that new Nat Gas plant that has to dump it's energy to ground everytime the wind blows.. And you'll happily pay the FULL STAFF to operate and maintain it 24 hours a day even tho it's forced to cycle down for 20 minutes every 2nd hour when the wind blows..

By any logical fashion -- fuel is being wasted doing that --- wind OUGHT to be charged for the inefficiencies but never will --- and maintenance costs go UP due to thermal cycling of the plant. Lifetime goes down...

What a great deal eh PMZ??? Pony up pardner....
Put your money where your mouth is ---- granny always said..
What's elusive to leftist thinking seems to be logic and reason, engineering, and basic economics.... Pretty much cover it..


I've never met anyone with less problem solving imagination than you. You're clearly of the mindset that all of the problems that can be solved, have been solved.

Just another good reason for your irrelevance. You are in no way equipped to contribute.

If you were given responsibility, on the day that the fossil fuels were all gone, and the planet was as inhospitable to life as it once was, you'd still be on your ass saying there are no solutions because you couldn't think of any.

It's a good thing that people like you are such a minority.
Building power plants does not create the consequences of AGW. Burning fossil fuel in them does. The less fuel burned, the less expensive will be the consequences. Every watt from a sustainable source is another watt free from the cost of fuel, and free from the cost of AGW consequences due to waste disposal.

Simple economics, as well as science, seems to be elusive to conservative "thinking".

I'm sure you'll jump to invest in that new Nat Gas plant that has to dump it's energy to ground everytime the wind blows.. And you'll happily pay the FULL STAFF to operate and maintain it 24 hours a day even tho it's forced to cycle down for 20 minutes every 2nd hour when the wind blows..

By any logical fashion -- fuel is being wasted doing that --- wind OUGHT to be charged for the inefficiencies but never will --- and maintenance costs go UP due to thermal cycling of the plant. Lifetime goes down...

What a great deal eh PMZ??? Pony up pardner....
Put your money where your mouth is ---- granny always said..
What's elusive to leftist thinking seems to be logic and reason, engineering, and basic economics.... Pretty much cover it..


I've never met anyone with less problem solving imagination than you. You're clearly of the mindset that all of the problems that can be solved, have been solved.

Just another good reason for your irrelevance. You are in no way equipped to contribute.

If you were given responsibility, on the day that the fossil fuels were all gone, and the planet was as inhospitable to life as it once was, you'd still be on your ass saying there are no solutions because you couldn't think of any.

It's a good thing that people like you are such a minority.

Oh pleeeeeze... Thought YOU had all the answers here.. I'm gonna go take a nap.. Tired of solving problems for unappreciative luddites like you.. Go build your own DNA replicator...

Just get your wallet out and always carry a flashlight.. That's what all those imaginary heroes of leftist wisdom you hear in your head are leading you towards.

Tell me who is gonna fund NEW CAPACITY on the grid under the current rules for carrying wind power first.. YOU wanna invest under those rules?
I have absolutely no desire to impress you. In fact, if I thought that I was impressing any extreme conservative, I'd immediately launch an intense personal self investigation into my humanity.
And that's a big problem you have: To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about), you need the support of conservatives like me. You're never going to get what you want without us.

And frankly, given what you've admitted here already, and that you're not the least bit ashamed of it, I don't believe you're capable of an intense personal self-investigation into your humanity.

You're a mindless robot, and you're PROUD of it.


Humanity does not need media conservatives for anything. We expect nothing from you. We get nothing from you. The delusion that you are politically influential is a dream left over from the last decade that you killed with a display of political incompetence never rivaled. You are merely irrelevant.

Dreamers and doers own the future. Whinners, the past. Lots of luck with that.

LOL......"dreamers".......coming from the guy who is convinced that solar and wind will dominate our future!!!

Or.....not :2up::eusa_dance::2up: >>>>>>>>>>

more mega green energy fAiL!!!!

Indiana firm acquires MV-1 wheelchair accessible vehicle | The Detroit News

The science nerds on here might be brilliant on some level, but they cant do math for shit......but in the real world, it matters.:lol:

Green energy is beyond gay.......the pipe dream of hopeless idealists who got beat up too many times in the schoolyard.....the same assholes as those who drive around in those gay Prius cars for the expressed purpose of making a statement, "Look at me.....I care more than you about our environment and fuck you!!". Once a social oddball, always a social oddball.
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Why on earth would anybody think that someone who can't even grasp that there's a problem , much less work on solving it, is of any value at all? They're the slugs of society. Parasites.
I have absolutely no desire to impress you. In fact, if I thought that I was impressing any extreme conservative, I'd immediately launch an intense personal self investigation into my humanity.
And that's a big problem you have: To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about), you need the support of conservatives like me. You're never going to get what you want without us.

And frankly, given what you've admitted here already, and that you're not the least bit ashamed of it, I don't believe you're capable of an intense personal self-investigation into your humanity.

You're a mindless robot, and you're PROUD of it.


Humanity does not need media conservatives for anything. We expect nothing from you. We get nothing from you. The delusion that you are politically influential is a dream left over from the last decade that you killed with a display of political incompetence never rivaled. You are merely irrelevant.

Dreamers and doers own the future. Whinners, the past. Lots of luck with that.
Progressives demand power and control, but can't un-ass the couch long enough to do anything to get it. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you, then expect them to hand the reins of power over to you.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed, kid. :lol:
See, that's the issue: I DO argue with what a liberal says -- but then the liberal lies about what I say and projects his own failings upon me.

And conveniently for you, the dirty liberal is _always_ lying. You seem to use your telepathic powers to inform the liberal of what he really believes (as opposed to what he says), hence the reason you know the dirty liberal is lying.

That's because you're crazy, stupid, and obsessed. Someone not crazy would understand that if everyone he talks to is somehow lying, the problem might be with himself. You don't see me screaming that every conservative I speak to is lying.

You simply cannot counter what I say.

Bullshit. Just from today there's your birdkill crap debunked, your fudgefactor crap debunked, your socialist conspiracy debunked. Those weren't differences of opinions, that was me pointing out you were full of shit.

And since you're a cultist, it won't matter. You'll be swearing that wind turbines are slaughtering the whooping cranes, because that's what your cult source claims, even though there's zero evidence for such a thing. You can't ever admit that any source burned you, because you then might have to question all of your cult's sources, and the whole thing might tumble down. And then how would you hate the dirty liberals who always lie to you?

See --- now there's the denial in the face of truth that is the HALLMARK of a true cultist...

1) We've explained to you it's NOT about whooping cranes, or songbirds being eaten by cats. THat it's about territorial birds of prey and protected species who will be anniliated from habitat ranges by the attrition of wind kills.

2) We've shown you arrogant hypocrisy of govt protection for wind operators when other energy companies get aggresively prosecuted for the same offenses. Special "govt black ops" carcass baggers arriving to remove the evidence at wind farms..

3) We've shown you a kill of a rare Kite sighting at a wind turbine in front of dozens of avid bird watchers who traveled 100s of miles just to SEE this bird while it was alive.

4) And extended the statistics of this carnage to project the damage despite false claims that LARGER wind turbines are less of a problem..

And YET --- you ECO-FRAUDS claim that you've debunked us... This behaviour is WHY you are losing. Because it's so obviously devious and sociopathic... You THINK you're winning.
You are not... Because you lie and decieve and spin in order to get your way..

Tomorrow when MORE EVIDENCE arrives --- you will ignore it.. That's the life of religious zealot who belongs to a devious dangerous cult...
Mamooth is a flat-out, bald-faced liar. If he/she/it told me the sun rises in the east, I'd get up early with a compass.
I get a kick out of the little cowboy issuing advice. How bizarre is that!
And that's a big problem you have: To launch your bid for world socialism (which as I've just proved, climate science is all about), you need the support of conservatives like me. You're never going to get what you want without us.

And frankly, given what you've admitted here already, and that you're not the least bit ashamed of it, I don't believe you're capable of an intense personal self-investigation into your humanity.

You're a mindless robot, and you're PROUD of it.


Humanity does not need media conservatives for anything. We expect nothing from you. We get nothing from you. The delusion that you are politically influential is a dream left over from the last decade that you killed with a display of political incompetence never rivaled. You are merely irrelevant.

Dreamers and doers own the future. Whinners, the past. Lots of luck with that.
Progressives demand power and control, but can't un-ass the couch long enough to do anything to get it. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you, then expect them to hand the reins of power over to you.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed, kid. :lol:

We're solving problems every day that you don't even recognize yet. You're still waiting for someone else to find a no risk solution because you find the future so frightening and while you're pissing your pants we're implementing.

Any questions as to why you're irrelevant?
I get a kick out of the little cowboy issuing advice. How bizarre is that!

I get a kick out of a progressive, who's unable to think for himself, believing he's qualified to tell me how to live my life.

Interesting delusion progressives share. Does it have something to do with patchouli oil?

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