Mit Romney and Newt already committed us to military action in Iran

Really? The Chinese purchased Tibet like we purchased Alaska? From whom did they purchase it?
When Haiti had its earthquake which countries sent aid? Hint, it wasn't Kuwait. It was Israel. They frequently send aid and expertise to countries that have nothing to do with them. Arabs don't care about anything but killing each other and infidels.
Don't try playing the race card with me, Mahmoud. I'm just as much middle east as you.
I can see your tenure here will be short.

I'm making the comparison of having global bases all around the world compared to having some in a piece land not very far from your country.

A lot of countries sent aid to Haiti, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan even Iran.

SAUDI ARABIA: Unlike Qatar, Iran and Jordan, kingdom fails to cough up Haiti cash -

SAUDI ARABIA: Riyadh commits $50 million to Haiti relief efforts -

You're clearly some racist prick, flat out you're saying Arabs not even Muslims wanna kill infidels. Like being Arab automatically makes you a Muslim who believes you need to kill infidels or some bullshit, are you trolling me or are you serious right now? Cuz if you are serious you're hella stupid, Goldstein Weiner.


You call me a racist prick? That's a laugh.
Israel's efforts in Haiti were extensive.
Media Ignore Israel's Haiti Aid - Made in Israel - News - Israel National News
Saudi Arabia kicked in money only after they were embarassed by the international censure over their piss-poor effort.
How many Arabs are not Muslim? Like the Copts in Egypt? The ones the Muslims are oppressing now?
You are the ignorant troll here, sonny.
I never attacked Israel for donations...I don't see what points you're trying to make with me.

And I'm sure Arabs are predominately Muslims, just like Caucasians are predominately Christians, and Jewish people are predominately Jews...and I'm sure they do oppress other religions in fact.

But this is not a reason to start war with another country, people can make an argument that we oppress homosexuals for not letting them get married, that doesn't mean they start a war with them. Hell people can make an argument we're arresting all these stoners but that doesn't mean start a war. Or when people die in our riots or protests from our cops, do other countries start a war with us for it?'s not their place.
The point is you're an idiot. Oh, we already knew that.
Caucasian is a race. Arab is not a race. Jewish is not a race either. Jews don't oppress people, unless you call legitimate security needs oppression. Not like Arab countries. How many Jewish legislators are in the Egyptian government?
Iran is busy building a bomb in contravention of agreements, and with the stated purpose of aggression. It needs to be stopped. The thread is so great that military force should be an option on the table.
So you're OK with Iran having a bomb, right? A couple of weeks ago the Iranians were discovered to be plotting to blow up the Saudi ambassador in a Washington restaurant. Are you OK with that too?
Sustained bombing campaign of Iran's nuclear installations is in order.

I hope Iran does get the bomb so those dougnut eating starbuck drinking fat ass lazy fuck chicken hawks will shut the fuck up. If they want to attack Iran get their fat ass off the couch buy a rifle and head to Iran LEAVE OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ALONE!

I realize you hate America and engage in stereotypes. But surely even you would be opposed to a nuclear terrorist attack on, say, Washington or New York. Right?

oh are the one that hates America, you want to send young Americans to die for somone's sick agenda. Quit it with the doomsday bullshit. We are more likely to be attacked with the nukes we gave(hypocrisy USA) Israel, especially if the welfare payments ever stopped.

I hope Iran does get the bomb so those dougnut eating starbuck drinking fat ass lazy fuck chicken hawks will shut the fuck up. If they want to attack Iran get their fat ass off the couch buy a rifle and head to Iran LEAVE OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ALONE!

I realize you hate America and engage in stereotypes. But surely even you would be opposed to a nuclear terrorist attack on, say, Washington or New York. Right?

oh are the one that hates America, you want to send young Americans to die for somone's sick agenda. Quit it with the doomsday bullshit. We are more likely to be attacked with the nukes we gave(hypocrisy USA) Israel, especially if the welfare payments ever stopped.


You need to go back and do some more 420. Maybe you'll see the truth. Or maybe you'll die. BUt in either case we wont have to listen to your bullshit.
I realize you hate America and engage in stereotypes. But surely even you would be opposed to a nuclear terrorist attack on, say, Washington or New York. Right?

oh are the one that hates America, you want to send young Americans to die for somone's sick agenda. Quit it with the doomsday bullshit. We are more likely to be attacked with the nukes we gave(hypocrisy USA) Israel, especially if the welfare payments ever stopped.


You need to go back and do some more 420. Maybe you'll see the truth. Or maybe you'll die. BUt in either case we wont have to listen to your bullshit.

Don't worry worry I'm quite healthy and will be around for a long time with a can of neocon bullshit repellent.
The point is you're an idiot. Oh, we already knew that.
Caucasian is a race. Arab is not a race. Jewish is not a race either. Jews don't oppress people, unless you call legitimate security needs oppression. Not like Arab countries. How many Jewish legislators are in the Egyptian government?
Iran is busy building a bomb in contravention of agreements, and with the stated purpose of aggression. It needs to be stopped. The thread is so great that military force should be an option on the table.

Oh man, where do I start? Whatever you want to call Arabs and Jews a people or a race as I'd like to refer to them, they are a type of people are they not?

I hope we can find common sense somewhere with you. As to your point about Jews not oppressing people. If I recall correctly aren't they the ones building illegal settlements on Palestinian lands all the time? Haven't they stole enough Palestinian land for you to be convinced of that?

Do I really need a Youtube video to prove these things to you? I hope not...

And Iran building a nuke? You know this? Cuz even US intelligence can't confirm or deny this, it really is ridiculous to claim in definition when currently the situation is purely speculation ultimately.
The point is you're an idiot. Oh, we already knew that.
Caucasian is a race. Arab is not a race. Jewish is not a race either. Jews don't oppress people, unless you call legitimate security needs oppression. Not like Arab countries. How many Jewish legislators are in the Egyptian government?
Iran is busy building a bomb in contravention of agreements, and with the stated purpose of aggression. It needs to be stopped. The thread is so great that military force should be an option on the table.

Oh man, where do I start? Whatever you want to call Arabs and Jews a people or a race as I'd like to refer to them, they are a type of people are they not?

I hope we can find common sense somewhere with you. As to your point about Jews not oppressing people. If I recall correctly aren't they the ones building illegal settlements on Palestinian lands all the time? Haven't they stole enough Palestinian land for you to be convinced of that?

Do I really need a Youtube video to prove these things to you? I hope not...

And Iran building a nuke? You know this? Cuz even US intelligence can't confirm or deny this, it really is ridiculous to claim in definition when currently the situation is purely speculation ultimately.

Hey, Ahmed, shove it.
Israel won the land in several wars. They can do what they want with it. The Palis ought to be thankful they weren't removed and dumped in Jordan, like any other country would have done. Or rounded up and killed, as every Muslim country does.
The IAEA confirmed IRan is building nukes. Iran confirmed Iran is building nukes. Anyone who think Iran is not building nukes is an idiot.
Suppose we just let Iran build all the bombs it wants THEN deal with it when they start getting dropped. Ron Paul will issue arrest warrants.
Suppose we just let Iran build all the bombs it wants THEN deal with it when they start getting dropped. Ron Paul will issue arrest warrants.
Yeah....right.....nukes get dropped.'s 2011.

You Luddites/Cold-War-fans need to catch-up.

Do not sit and lie like a liberal when trying to make a point favoring Dr. Paul. It makes you look like a leftist and it doesn't further your cause or garner support for Dr. Paul. Newt and Mitt did NOT commit any troops to war.. They stated a Reaganesque policy and drew a line in the sand, one which the majority of American's agree with.
Aw, no.

You think Grenada is ready for ANOTHER distraction-invasion, like (after) that LAST....

Suppose we just let Iran build all the bombs it wants THEN deal with it when they start getting dropped. Ron Paul will issue arrest warrants.

Before or after he sends sternly worded notes to tax evaders? :lol:
Newt and Mitt did NOT commit any troops to war.. They stated a Reaganesque policy and drew a line in the sand, one which the majority of American's agree with. Iran can never have a nuclear weapon, period.

Didn't watch the debate, but basically there are only two possibilities. Either in saying "Iran can never have a nuclear weapon, period," they DID commit us to war, or else what they said was just empty words. If we're not willing to go to war with Iran, there's no way we can stop them from getting nuclear weapons if they're determined enough to do it.

So either WTT is right, or these two candidates are all bluff.

(Which, come to think of it, WOULD be a "Reaganesque line in the sand." He was all talk and no action, too.)
.....Except when it came to......

Well......there's that......



I believe we heard all of this about rhetoric about N. Korea too and we did nothing there. Do you really think that we will do anything to threaten the supply of oil from the Persian Gulf? As fragile as our economy is now a spike in oil prices would completely push us into a another recession if not a depression and what does that do to National Security?
Yeah.....we've only had..... think-that-one-thru.




solar_power_88009355.jpg we try, AGAIN.....or, make like Republicans, and RUN-AWAY from (this) one-more-problem??

The point is you're an idiot. Oh, we already knew that.
Caucasian is a race. Arab is not a race. Jewish is not a race either. Jews don't oppress people, unless you call legitimate security needs oppression. Not like Arab countries. How many Jewish legislators are in the Egyptian government?
Iran is busy building a bomb in contravention of agreements, and with the stated purpose of aggression. It needs to be stopped. The thread is so great that military force should be an option on the table.

Oh man, where do I start? Whatever you want to call Arabs and Jews a people or a race as I'd like to refer to them, they are a type of people are they not?

I hope we can find common sense somewhere with you. As to your point about Jews not oppressing people. If I recall correctly aren't they the ones building illegal settlements on Palestinian lands all the time? Haven't they stole enough Palestinian land for you to be convinced of that?

Do I really need a Youtube video to prove these things to you? I hope not...

And Iran building a nuke? You know this? Cuz even US intelligence can't confirm or deny this, it really is ridiculous to claim in definition when currently the situation is purely speculation ultimately.

Hey, Ahmed, shove it.
Israel won the land in several wars. They can do what they want with it. The Palis ought to be thankful they weren't removed and dumped in Jordan, like any other country would have done. Or rounded up and killed, as every Muslim country does.
The IAEA confirmed IRan is building nukes. Iran confirmed Iran is building nukes. Anyone who think Iran is not building nukes is an idiot.
You must be kidding look at the map of settlements:

Israeli settlers have already admitted on illegal settlements being built several times on different videos if you want me to show you those as well

And the land that's not theirs yet? What do you think they do to it?:

[ame=]Illegal Israeli settlers release sewage on Palestinian farms - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Israeli settlers disrupt Palestinian harvest - YouTube[/ame]

Rounded up and killed like every Muslim country does? If anything most of these killoffs are done by dictators that were US supported at one given time or another, or am I wrong that this govt. did not support Saddam Huessin? You wanna argue that too moron? Come on now, you're going to look stupider and stupider the more you argue with me.

Hey what about the Spainish genocide against Muslims in that country? I'm sure you were for that too, fucking Nazi. You don't give a shit about random people and what their beliefs are or anything as long as you can see a label, the killing doesn't eat at your conscious does it?
Oh man, where do I start? Whatever you want to call Arabs and Jews a people or a race as I'd like to refer to them, they are a type of people are they not?

I hope we can find common sense somewhere with you. As to your point about Jews not oppressing people. If I recall correctly aren't they the ones building illegal settlements on Palestinian lands all the time? Haven't they stole enough Palestinian land for you to be convinced of that?

Do I really need a Youtube video to prove these things to you? I hope not...

And Iran building a nuke? You know this? Cuz even US intelligence can't confirm or deny this, it really is ridiculous to claim in definition when currently the situation is purely speculation ultimately.

Hey, Ahmed, shove it.
Israel won the land in several wars. They can do what they want with it. The Palis ought to be thankful they weren't removed and dumped in Jordan, like any other country would have done. Or rounded up and killed, as every Muslim country does.
The IAEA confirmed IRan is building nukes. Iran confirmed Iran is building nukes. Anyone who think Iran is not building nukes is an idiot.
You must be kidding look at the map of settlements:

Israeli settlers have already admitted on illegal settlements being built several times on different videos if you want me to show you those as well

And the land that's not theirs yet? What do you think they do to it?:


Rounded up and killed like every Muslim country does? If anything most of these killoffs are done by dictators that were US supported at one given time or another, or am I wrong that this govt. did not support Saddam Huessin? You wanna argue that too moron? Come on now, you're going to look stupider and stupider the more you argue with me.

Hey what about the Spainish genocide against Muslims in that country? I'm sure you were for that too, fucking Nazi. You don't give a shit about random people and what their beliefs are or anything as long as you can see a label, the killing doesn't eat at your conscious does it?

Hey, sand-******. Sit on it.
Your map itself says "for illustrative purposes only." THat's the only honest thing in your post. The settlements are not illegal as Israel conquered the territory. Do you think French settlements in Alsace-Loraine are illegal? Polish settlements in Silesia?
So US support makes it OK for Arab dictators to kill people? Really?
People have committed genocide for some time. You are an idiot to mention Spain c.1500 since the Jews were expelled along with the Arabs. So what?
The issue here is that Israel has behaved very very tolerantly towards a minority that will not be swayed from the idea that every problem comes from them, and they must kill all Jews.
After expanding the warmongering in Afghanistan, blowing up Libya, sending drones to blow up parts of Pakistan and Somalia and Yemen, you Obamabots aren't still buying that Obama is into peace and diplomacy are you?

Of course the status quo politicians are going to expand warmongering in the middle east, that's like saying the sun is going to come up.
Hey, Ahmed, shove it.
Israel won the land in several wars. They can do what they want with it. The Palis ought to be thankful they weren't removed and dumped in Jordan, like any other country would have done. Or rounded up and killed, as every Muslim country does.
The IAEA confirmed IRan is building nukes. Iran confirmed Iran is building nukes. Anyone who think Iran is not building nukes is an idiot.
You must be kidding look at the map of settlements:

Israeli settlers have already admitted on illegal settlements being built several times on different videos if you want me to show you those as well

And the land that's not theirs yet? What do you think they do to it?:


Rounded up and killed like every Muslim country does? If anything most of these killoffs are done by dictators that were US supported at one given time or another, or am I wrong that this govt. did not support Saddam Huessin? You wanna argue that too moron? Come on now, you're going to look stupider and stupider the more you argue with me.

Hey what about the Spainish genocide against Muslims in that country? I'm sure you were for that too, fucking Nazi. You don't give a shit about random people and what their beliefs are or anything as long as you can see a label, the killing doesn't eat at your conscious does it?

Hey, sand-******. Sit on it.
Your map itself says "for illustrative purposes only." THat's the only honest thing in your post. The settlements are not illegal as Israel conquered the territory. Do you think French settlements in Alsace-Loraine are illegal? Polish settlements in Silesia?
So US support makes it OK for Arab dictators to kill people? Really?
People have committed genocide for some time. You are an idiot to mention Spain c.1500 since the Jews were expelled along with the Arabs. So what?
The issue here is that Israel has behaved very very tolerantly towards a minority that will not be swayed from the idea that every problem comes from them, and they must kill all Jews.

The difference between Palestine and your examples is that the Israelis did not formally annex the West Bank or offer citizenship to its residents, unlike the situation in Alsace or Silesia. If that's the argument, why no formal annexation? Barring that the "settlers" are in actuality, squatters.
They were barred from formally anexing the areas by the US, Europe, etc, all of whom swore that if Israel committed itself to a 2 state solution everything would be A-OK. We see how that worked out.

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