MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

Anyone withe even 1/2 of an honest mind has known that Globull warming was a fraud all along, along with their confusing temperature terminology. celcius vs centigrade versus Fahrenheit.
So, you don’t trust Exxon.

”ExxonMobil is on the list of Cato’s fossil fuel funders, but as Inside Climate News discovered, the company’s own scientists conducted serious climate research in the 1980s. There was a stark contrast between Exxon’s own internal climate science research and the climate misinformation produced by the think tanks that the company subsequently funded. To summarize,

  • In the early 1980s, Exxon’s own scientists accurately predicted the ensuing global warming to within a margin of 20%;
  • Exxon’s predictions were consistent with those made by mainstream climatescientists;
  • In the late 1980s, Exxon began funding think tanks whose scientists inaccurately predicted that temperatures would remain essentially unchanged;
  • These findings highlight the fact that Exxon knew about the dangers of global warming and yet quietly gave tens of millions of dollars to groups that tried to convince the public otherwise.”
The video says exactly what I am saying.
The normal ice age/interglacial is about 110k long.
We ended the last ice age about 20,000 years ago with a short warming period.
Now that plants have returned and are sequestering CO2 out of the air, we are supposed to be entering into a long cooling period.
But clearly we are not.
Instead, we are spiking with additional warming on top of the warmest part of the natural cycle.
We not only are preventing the natural cooling, but are stacking an artificial warming period on top of what is already the warmest of the natural cycle.
That double warming could easily be catastrophic and end most life on the planet.
Did you miss the part where it explained why there are cycles?
So, you don’t trust Exxon.

”ExxonMobil is on the list of Cato’s fossil fuel funders, but as Inside Climate News discovered, the company’s own scientists conducted serious climate research in the 1980s. There was a stark contrast between Exxon’s own internal climate science research and the climate misinformation produced by the think tanks that the company subsequently funded. To summarize,

  • In the early 1980s, Exxon’s own scientists accurately predicted the ensuing global warming to within a margin of 20%;
  • Exxon’s predictions were consistent with those made by mainstream climatescientists;
  • In the late 1980s, Exxon began funding think tanks whose scientists inaccurately predicted that temperatures would remain essentially unchanged;
  • These findings highlight the fact that Exxon knew about the dangers of global warming and yet quietly gave tens of millions of dollars to groups that tried to convince the public otherwise.”
It doesn't matter who says AGW is real, it's all based upon computer models. Actual climate data tells a different story.
Immaterial. AGW is not about the increase of CO2 in our atmosphere alone. It’s about the rate of increase while modern man has inhabited the earth. So, YOU post any ligit chart you want on CO2 and temp increases from whenever to now over a period of at least 300k years, and we‘ll easily show why deniers are FOS. It’s easy, but you’re afraid to aren’t you ?
View attachment 743075
Show us where 400ppm raises temperatures
There is about 250' of ocean depth that is missing because that water is piled up as several mile high as glaciers on the poles, like Antartica and to a lesser degree, Greenland.
If we were to raise the planetary temperature a full 10 degrees, then the oceans would rise to the max, which is 250' higher than present.
It has happened before, but hundreds of millions of years ago.
For example, the western US is mostly sedimentary rock from an ocean that covered most of the US at one time.
Water ice adds zero to levels.

Why did mile thick ice melt in the northern hemisphere thousands of years ago?

How many feet you think that melt made?
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Water ice adds zero to levels.

Why did mile thick ice melt in the northern hemisphere thousands of years ago?

How many feet you think that melt made?
The Antarctic ice sheet continues to increase vertically and horizontally.
Permanent human stations there have to keep raising their buildings every year or two as the ice sheet grows thicker and thicker.

Facts are anathema to Leftist fear-mongers.
Show us where 400ppm raises temperatures
Show us where that has anything to do with the original post I made. Sounds like more of your made up shit. You really aren’t serious and you know it. You’d have the answers to your unserious questions, all which are available at any climate research website. Try NASA.
Anyone withe even 1/2 of an honest mind has known that Globull warming was a fraud all along, along with their confusing temperature terminology. celcius vs centigrade versus Fahrenheit.
A stupid statement. To believe that is to disbelieve the development of every life saving idea that science has brought up. Somehow you go to the same researchers to save your life, but don’t trust them with climate change.....what idiots you are.
The Antarctic ice sheet continues to increase vertically and horizontally.
Permanent human stations there have to keep raising their buildings every year or two as the ice sheet grows thicker and thicker.

Facts are anathema to Leftist fear-mongers.
More made up shit.
Like so many other Biden Leftists, he's a Hunter Biden Charm School Graduate.
Nobody talks such spite and hate face to face, say at a party. They would be shown the door
tout de suit.

It’s good that we can make any of the fascist loving, anti science righties uncomfortable enough to start blocking anyone who calls them out for making up shit. That’s what their goal has always been from the other side. With every block, it becomes a capitulation by the deniers that whining bullsht doesn’t work.
First it was Hillary, now it’s Hunter. Let’s continue listening to the ignorant Humpers whine instead of advocate for policies they don’t have...
The Antarctic ice sheet continues to increase vertically and horizontally.
Permanent human stations there have to keep raising their buildings every year or two as the ice sheet grows thicker and thicker.

Facts are anathema to Leftist fear-mongers.
Kind of an uninformed remark, typical of the ignorance of the poster, a make believe engineer. . Over all the sea ice is decreasing. Just because it increases in a few selected areas because the water has LESS salinity and freezes at a high temps, just supports AGW.
You guys and gal wannabes are totally uninformed and delusional.
Show us where that has anything to do with the original post I made. Sounds like more of your made up shit. You really aren’t serious and you know it. You’d have the answers to your unserious questions, all which are available at any climate research website. Try NASA.
I asked a scientific question, you gave me a Greta in return

Did we steal your childhood too?
I asked a scientific question, you gave me a Greta in return

Did we steal your childhood too?
Do you need help going to the NASA web site ?
How about any of the hundreds of the science research facilities ?
You don’t know how to find the answer ? It has nothing to do with the post..
Do you need help going to the NASA web site ?
How about any of the hundreds of the science research facilities ?
You don’t know how to find the answer ?

I’m 99.999% certain that increasing CO2 from 280 to 400ppm will only raise temperatures far out in the decimal column, less than 1/100th of a degree.

It’s over a decade now jc456 skookerasbil and I have been asking the AGW cult to present any scientific evidence linking that CO2 increase to temperature. The AGW Cult has consistently only given two meaningless responses: CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas, Denier and called us deniers

Maybe you can do better?
I’m 99.999% certain that increasing CO2 from 280 to 400ppm will only raise temperatures far out in the decimal column, less than 1/100th of a degree.

It’s over a decade now jc456 skookerasbil and I have been asking the AGW cult to present any scientific evidence linking that CO2 increase to temperature. The AGW Cult has consistently only given two meaningless responses: CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas, Denier and called us deniers

Maybe you can do better?
They also provide temperature reconstruction curves that aren't in agreement with northern hemisphere ice core data and use an arbitrary and meaningless reference date to make it appear that the present temperature is abnormal when in reality 8,500 of the past 10,000 years has been as warm or warmer than the past decade. In other words our present temperature is quite normal for an interglacial period and is in fact about 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods. They really couldn't be more dishonest.

Does that sound right to you, Toro and IS_JESS_AN_ACCOUNT ?
They also provide temperature reconstruction curves that aren't in agreement with northern hemisphere ice core data and use an arbitrary and meaningless reference date to make it appear that the present temperature is abnormal when in reality 8,500 of the past 10,000 years has been as warm or warmer than the past decade. In other words our present temperature is quite normal for an interglacial period and is in fact about 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods. They really couldn't be more dishonest.

Does that sound right to you, Toro and IS_JESS_AN_ACCOUNT ?
When you say "northern hemisphere ice core data" you mean Greenland ice core data, which have long been known to disagree with global temperatures.
When you say "northern hemisphere ice core data" you mean Greenland ice core data, which have long been known to disagree with global temperatures.
Because the global temperature reconstructions are bullshit. Why else would they select an arbitrary and meaningless reference point?

If you want to see what's going on with the earth's climate you have to look at the northern hemisphere because it's the northern hemisphere which drives the planet's climate.
Climate change is the old White supremacy. Unstable liberals link both to almost every calamity that we face. That's because fear and irrationality are the easiest way for them to control their unsophisticated constituents.

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