MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

Another diversionary question. Google it and look for any dissertation from the accepted 3400 sources. Wtf should I waste time doing research you can do yourself. It’s for sure “yo Bible “ can’t give you the right answers.

So you can't answer it even with all these imaginary sources that explain it all better than Clarissa?
So you can't answer it even with all these imaginary sources that explain it all better than Clarissa?
The worse part for you is, I can find it from all the reliable science sources at near light speed, while you’ll consciously remain stooooopid. You’re an embarrassment.
I posted a reference. You have posted NOTHING that’s supported by any consensus science.

No, you posted an opinion piece that has no basis in science, or the scientific method.
Yeah, I make up such good shit that they used some of it for LANDSAT 1.

Sure you do. You’re a real stud……..on the internet. I bet you’ll next claim you don’t wet your pants.
No, you posted an opinion piece that has no basis in science, or the scientific method.
Geesus, you use the phrase “scientific method” like you actually know what it is. Did Tucker give you that line ?
There is COPIOUS data that says otherwise.
Gee, you’re keeping it well hidden. You can’t even find one supporting post from any science research facility ANYWHERE can you ? Just one. That’s all we’re asking…just one.

“Copious“ to you must mean two…Tucker and drop out Hannity. .
No, you (Lefty) posted an opinion piece that has no basis in science, or the scientific method.

Westy my Friend, you are wasting so much time and effort. I enjoy reading your material, not your replies
to a screeching troll who contributes nothing except inane generalizations he pretend are science.
Put him on Ignore, I beg you.
Westy my Friend, you are wasting so much time and effort. I enjoy reading your material, not your replies
to a screeching troll who contributes nothing except inane generalizations he pretend are science.
Put him on Ignore, I beg you.
You can read ? Amazing. Why don’t you read what the rows and columns of the periodic table represent ? You fked that one up big time. Cut and paste, cut and paste…..get a life.

BTW, putting me in ignore is a capitulation to you all being losers.
So you can't answer it even with all these imaginary sources that explain it all better than Clarissa?
Of course I can. Is Carissa one of the hundreds of accredited science institutes, or a country posted site, or US govt science affiliate or an affiliated corporation ? No fk off. It’s just made up shit.
Water vapor doesn't cause runaway warming because it precipitates under typical conditions.

More specifically, it precipitates out at the upper edge of the atmosphere to space, where the heat energy has to be to leave the planet.
Its way too cold at those high altitudes.
But CO2 never precipitates out.
So although water vapor can hold more heat, it is only CO2 that traps planetary heat.
No, you posted an opinion piece that has no basis in science, or the scientific method.
So, you commiserated with Chem Engineer a real fraud of the first order. Did you cut and paste your way to ignominy too ?
Westy my Friend, you are wasting so much time and effort. I enjoy reading your material, not your replies
to a screeching troll who contributes nothing except inane generalizations he pretend are science.
Put him on Ignore, I beg you.

Ahhhh, c'mon! I like slapping him around! It amuses me!
Of course I can. Is Carissa one of the hundreds of accredited science institutes, or a country posted site, or US govt science affiliate or an affiliated corporation ? No fk off. It’s just made up shit.

Your Universities are worthless if they can't explain how CO2 suddenly drives temperature when lagged temperature over a 450,000 year data set
You believe the glacial/interglacial cycle will be condensed into 500 years? Why?

The reason the normal glacial/interglacial cycle takes 110k years is that it has to do with the effect of biology on atmosphere. When plants do well, they absorb so much CO2 that the planet cools, killing the plants. The plants then die, the CO2 is restored, it gets warmer again, and the plants return.

The problem now is that we are burning fossilized fuel carbon, that was sequestered over 100 million years ago.
We are releasing hundreds of millions of years worth of ancient fossilized carbon, in just a few centuries.
The reason the normal glacial/interglacial cycle takes 110k years is that it has to do with the effect of biology on atmosphere. When plants do well, they absorb so much CO2 that the planet cools, killing the plants. The plants then die, the CO2 is restored, it gets warmer again, and the plants return.

The problem now is that we are burning fossilized fuel carbon, that was sequestered over 100 million years ago.
We are releasing hundreds of millions of years worth of ancient fossilized carbon, in just a few centuries.

Ahhhh, c'mon! I like slapping him around! It amuses me!
You’re dreaming again Trump Humper. You won’t put me on ignore because you lead such a pitiful life making up shit just to get a response.

You’re an expert too ? You also have a degree from some institute that’s on record disagreeing with all your made up shit. Tell us where your degree comes from.
So no evidence

What do you mean "no evidence"?
The fossil record clearly shows there is a 110k year long normal climate cycle.
The changes happening now are all wrong.
It normally should be cooling now, and it should be changing much more slowly.
The graph is evidence SOMETHING has greatly altered the normal cycles.
And since we know the normal cycles are carbon based, and we are dumping hundreds of millions of years worth of fossilized carbon into the air, that has to be it.

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