Mitch Mash

And I think you do.

Walk me through how Russia can be a serious threat to our way of life. Is the SU going to come back and declare war? Are they going to hack us and fuck our shit up that way? Nukes? What scenario do you think I should be seriously concerned about the possibility of?
Which one aren't you worried about? They are agressively expansionist, again. They are restarting the cold war. They are continuing to try to hack us. These short range missiles they are probably already dusting off are meant to threaten our European allies, and all indications are they are cooperating with China on many levels if it's china you're concerned about.
The Democrats are 100% opposed to election security.
That is why the block voter ID laws so that non-citizens can erase the votes of American citizens.
And I think you do.

Walk me through how Russia can be a serious threat to our way of life. Is the SU going to come back and declare war? Are they going to hack us and fuck our shit up that way? Nukes? What scenario do you think I should be seriously concerned about the possibility of?
Which one aren't you worried about? They are agressively expansionist, again. They are restarting the cold war. They are continuing to try to hack us. These short range missiles they are probably already dusting off are meant to threaten our European allies, and all indications are they are cooperating with China on many levels if it's china you're concerned about.

Crimea was begging to be part of Russia. The people were and are still thrilled about the annexation. No problem there in my opinion. Their meddling in world affairs pales in comparison to our own. We hack and spy on them constantly; why wouldn't they attempt to do the same?

Do you really think the Russians are stupid enough to instigate a military conflict with us or our allies? You're overestimating their might and malice and underestimating their intelligence and self awareness. The Russians love their children too. There will be no nuclear war, or any war. Major nations in 2019 have nothing to gain by going to war. You're afraid of nothing. Use your damn head.

The only thing Donald and Putin's bromance is doing is easing tensions between our two governments that historically dislike each other. You're afraid of war you say? Then you should be happy about the progress Trump is making diplomatically.
When the Democrats demand that the polls be open for two weeks it is so that the Democrat Voters can have plenty of time to vote multiple times. We need better election security.
A hollywood democrat upset with a republican leader. How totally unexpected.
A Republican leader that`s blocking implementation of laws to protect our elections. Are any of Trump`s goons not under the thumb of Putin? These are bi-partisan bills traitor. Meanwhile the coal miners in his state have bouncing paychecks that he doesn`t give a damn about.
Russian asset Mitch McConnell blocks every election security bill in the Senate (Updated)

'Our paychecks bounced': US workers in limbo as coalmines suddenly close
Haha you have 30 million illegal Latins influencing our elections you hack!
And Trump`s Voter Fraud Commission couldn`t find a single 1 (one) of those 30 million illegal votes. He went 0 for 30 million. :)
A hollywood democrat upset with a republican leader. How totally unexpected.
A Republican leader that`s blocking implementation of laws to protect our elections. Are any of Trump`s goons not under the thumb of Putin? These are bi-partisan bills traitor. Meanwhile the coal miners in his state have bouncing paychecks that he doesn`t give a damn about.
Russian asset Mitch McConnell blocks every election security bill in the Senate (Updated)

'Our paychecks bounced': US workers in limbo as coalmines suddenly close
Haha you have 30 million illegal Latins influencing our elections you hack!
And Trump`s Voter Fraud Commission couldn`t find a single 1 (one) of those 30 million illegal votes. He went 0 for 30 million. :)
Because dems refused to give Kopech their voter rolls to prove dead people are voting...TURN THEM OVER DEMOCRATS, what are you afraid of??
Right, that's why they need missiles and tanks to do it.

You're simply ignorant; you need to do some research. Almost everybody in Crimea identifies as Russian and wanted to be part of Russia. The missiles and tanks were a show of force for the Ukranian government that didn't want those people to get their wish. Without Russia's involvement it never would have happened because Ukraine wouldn't have allowed Crimea to peacefully leave their control. Putin was able to pull it off without any real conflict because everybody that lives there was on board.

By the way, I noticed you avoided the rest of my post.
When the Democrats demand that the polls be open for two weeks it is so that the Democrat Voters can have plenty of time to vote multiple times. We need better election security.
And the Repubs can stuff the ballot boxes with more absentee votes as they did in NC. You should learn more before making silly allegations.
North Carolina investigators zero in on absentee ballots in unresolved House race
Even more interesting than the article is the attached comments:

'Sons Of Anarchy' Star Ron Perlman Blasts Sen. Mitch McConnell In Twitter Rant
You mean "Moscow Mitch"?
When the Dems color was Commie red and the Soviet Union was in full bloom, you guys loved them. Putin knows that 60 million of his people died in the 1930's and 1940's. Grew up in that system. A system pushed and won in 1917 by the globalists. Putin is not a globalist because of it. Perhaps if we really lose a good percentage of our population you will understand it. And you want it.
Confound, that thumping you hear is Kruchev banging his shoe on his UN desk saying 'We will bury you!" Did you think Russia could do it without American compliance? Do you think the Russian influence would be 'up-front' and immediate? The cold war was NEVER over, dude! All Russia needs at the moment is for it's largest competitor to back off Russian aggressions. Ukraine is in it's grip. Watch for the Baltic States to return to the 'soviet' next, with Trump's blessings.

There is no way in hell Russia is capable of being any kind of real threat to us. You are worried about nothing. Even the notion that western Europe needs our protection from Russia is completely fucking asinine. You people have no concept of how powerful we are and how weak they have become. This entire Russia scare is ridiculous. You're all off your rockers, seriously. Maybe if you'd stop treating them like boogeymen we could mend a decades old rift between our two governments.
Wow, that sounds a lot like what goeth before the fall. Here we are all atwitter about a bunch of refugees seeking asylum and calling their plight an invasion, so we lock them up in situations that would be condemned for dog catchers, and all the while dismissing the REAL threat of Russian influence that is confirmed by all those agencies Trump discredits daily ...and you let him by swallowing his hook, his line and his sinker.
A hollywood democrat upset with a republican leader. How totally unexpected.
A Republican leader that`s blocking implementation of laws to protect our elections. Are any of Trump`s goons not under the thumb of Putin? These are bi-partisan bills traitor. Meanwhile the coal miners in his state have bouncing paychecks that he doesn`t give a damn about.
Russian asset Mitch McConnell blocks every election security bill in the Senate (Updated)

'Our paychecks bounced': US workers in limbo as coalmines suddenly close
Haha you have 30 million illegal Latins influencing our elections you hack!
And Trump`s Voter Fraud Commission couldn`t find a single 1 (one) of those 30 million illegal votes. He went 0 for 30 million. :)
And he had 'the best people' too. Like the ones that went to Hawaii to check out Obama's birth certificate.
Even more interesting than the article is the attached comments:

'Sons Of Anarchy' Star Ron Perlman Blasts Sen. Mitch McConnell In Twitter Rant
You mean "Moscow Mitch"?
When the Dems color was Commie red and the Soviet Union was in full bloom, you guys loved them. Putin knows that 60 million of his people died in the 1930's and 1940's. Grew up in that system. A system pushed and won in 1917 by the globalists. Putin is not a globalist because of it. Perhaps if we really lose a good percentage of our population you will understand it. And you want it.
Anybody know what the hell this post means?
And I think you do.

Walk me through how Russia can be a serious threat to our way of life. Is the SU going to come back and declare war? Are they going to hack us and fuck our shit up that way? Nukes? What scenario do you think I should be seriously concerned about the possibility of?
Democrats aren't worried about Russia being a serious threat. Democrats are worried about the number of people here, citizens, who would rather be Russian than democrat.
When the Democrats demand that the polls be open for two weeks it is so that the Democrat Voters can have plenty of time to vote multiple times. We need better election security.
And the Repubs can stuff the ballot boxes with more absentee votes as they did in NC. You should learn more before making silly allegations.
North Carolina investigators zero in on absentee ballots in unresolved House race

We have had two reported cases of voter fraud here. Both cases, it was Republicans. About the only way to do real voter fraud is to be far enough up on the food chain to think you can get away with it. In one of the cases, it was done by the State Republican Committee Chair. We need to watch both sides closely. And stop this nonsense of saying it's always just the other side. Voter fraud is so rare, unlike NC, it has so little affect that it has zero affect on any election results.

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