Mitch McConnell... If the Reports Are True, He May Be Tapping Out


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.

You realize that both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are both from Kentucky? So... the two Senators from the same state basically hold the future of the repeal and replace of Obamacare in their hands.
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.

You realize that both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are both from Kentucky? So... the two Senators from the same state basically hold the future of the repeal and replace of Obamacare in their hands.
Doubt it.
It is really something when the Kentucky Fried Chicken is considered an honest player.

You realize that both Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are both from Kentucky? So... the two Senators from the same state basically hold the future of the repeal and replace of Obamacare in their hands.
Doubt it.

You doubt it? Rand Paul and his little group of Ultra-Conservative Tea Partiers are needed to get enough votes to pass the bill... and he has said that he will not vote for the bill as it is, and that means he is going to like it even less when McConnell adds more money to it for Medicaid and opiate addiction. Then if they put money in it for Planned Parenthood too? It will NEVER happen.
Expand Medicaid like the leftists wanted. How republican of them
McConnell is the GOP's version on Nancy Pelosi...or more like what would be spawned from Pelosi and Harry Reid having a child....which coincidently is almost enough to make pro-lifers convert to pro-abortionists. :p
Well to be honest, it might be a smart move to fix Obamacare. If they did that, it could kill 2 birds with one stone. They could keep a lot of voters happy, and at the same time, Republicans could show that they can do health care better than Democrats... all while being able to say they took the high road in the situation by working bipartisan with the Democrats.
Iceweasel, post: 17622683
Obiecare can't be saved. If it continues as is, it's on Obama.

Nope. Not True. It became Trumpcare on Inauguration Day. He cut off funding the government advertising program to encourage and assist new ACA sign-ups. He has used his executive powers to harm the ACA.

You should be asking Trump why he lied about having a plan to provide healthcare insurance for everybody better and cheaper.

What he has endorsed since becoming President does not match his promises to his idiot Trump voters and all the uninsured Americans or with pre-existing and potential pre-existing conditions 50+ year olds that are being dumped for a tax break for rich people like him.

You gotta learn that Obama is not in office to be slammed and lied about anymore.
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I already stated this current bill won't pass and Obamacare will collapse and then dems will either work with moderate republicans or get crushed in 2018 and 2020.
Iceweasel, post: 17622683
Obiecare can't be saved. If it continues as is, it's on Obama.

Nope. Not True. It became Trumpcare on Inauguration Day. He cut off funding the government advertising program to encourage and assist new ACA sign-ups. He has used his executive powers to harm the ACA.

You should be asking Trump why he lied about having a plan to provide healthcare insurance for everybody better and cheaper.

What he has endorsed since becoming President does not match his promises to his idiot Trump voters and all the uninsured Americans or with pre-existing and potential pre-existing conditions 50+ year olds that are being dumped for a tax break for rich people like him.

You gotta learn that Obama is in office to be slammed and lied about anymore.
Obama is in office? He lied to sucker people into the unAffordable Healthcare Act. Trump is trying but it requires the votes, the GOP only has 2 over dems, so he needs them all. Sorry if letting people keep more of their money disturbs you so much.
Mitch McConnell has come to the conclusion that he must give in and start setting aside money for Medicaid expansion and opiate addiction in order to get moderate Republicans on board with his bill, but doing that means Republicans like Rand Paul will not give in, so then he is going to argue if they don't come together and pass the bill that it will be dead in the water and... GASP... they will have to then change gears and simply start working on how to SAVE OBAMACARE!

Mitch McConnell just blew up one of Trump’s biggest lies
Mitch doesn't care

He just wants to put out a loser bill and then claim he tried to repeal Obamacare and blame the Democrats and the Media
"McConnell is basically conceding that Republicans can’t just let the ACA implode, as Trump seems to believe."

SassyIrishLass, post: 17622603
Sorry dude, I'm not paying to read WAPO

You don't have to:

All of these claims are absurd in their own way, but they add up to a big bundle of unified nonsense. Yet McConnell is now laying waste to this entire story-line. McConnell’s argument to fellow Republicans — that failure means talks with Democrats over the ACA’s future — concedes a number of points. It concedes that, despite Trump’s claim of a desire for talks with Democrats, Republicans cannot work with Democrats, as long as Republicans remain wedded to their own priorities — that there is simply no bipartisan consensus possible, as long as Republicans are hellbent on cutting health spending on poor people by hundreds of billions of dollars to finance an enormous tax cut for the rich. After all, McConnell is arguing that passing a bill that does this, on a purely partisan basis, is the only way to avert any need to dilute the GOP’s devotion to those priorities.

McConnell’s argument to Republicans also concedes that the ACA exchanges do not haveto continue struggling; lawmakers can act to prevent this. And it concedes that Republicans will not want that to happen and will feel pressure to do something about it (presumably because, as a recent Kaiser poll suggested, they risk taking the blame for it). McConnell is basically conceding that Republicans can’t just let the ACA implode, as Trump seems to believe.

Trump lied if he lets it implode by cutting off promised funds to keep the Private insurers in the market.

He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Iceweasel, post: 17622974
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.

Republicans and independents beyond the 15% of deplorables are the pool of Americans to join the Trump haters if Trump and his Republican controlled Congress devastate the ACA on purpose.
He promised universal health care for everybody. Forcing the ACA to implode with nothing to replace it better and cheaper for American consumers will be such an outrageous lie, Trump will be hated much more than he already is.
Libs can't hate anymore than they do. It's not possible. I revel in the knowledge it's screwing up their lives and health. If obie's plan that was rammed down our throats fail, it's his legacy.
Actually, it is Red States that are suffering the most

Blue States spent the effort to set up strong healthcare networks
Mitch should be tapping according to the latest CBO score:

Cuts To Medicaid In GOP Health Bill Would Get Even Bigger Over Time, CBO Says

The poor, elderly and disabled would feel the effects.

That big cut to Medicaid that Republicans swear isn’t part of their health care legislation would get even bigger in the future, a new government report predicts.

In fact, by 2036, the federal government would be spending 35 percent less on Medicaid than it would if current laws remained in place, according to the projection.


Cuts To Medicaid In GOP Health Bill Would Get Even Bigger Over Time, CBO Says

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