Mitch McConnell: No GOP sentiment to dismiss impeachment


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There is a video clip on the Fox News website. Looks like the world is going to see a trial.

If I am Trump, I need at least one pitbull lawyer to go on the offensive and demand the calling of witnesses without regard to their positions or influence. If he doesn't counter punch hard, it will only hurt his and the GOP election (some might argue they hurt themselves by even accepting the articles) and there won't be any consequences for their opponents in the Dem Party.
Yea I have just the pitbull lawyer for Trump:

The GOP simply does not want to look as unfair / partisan as the Democrats did with their partisan clown show hearings under the Big Top House circus tent. This will NOT go as they hope.

Once the Democrats present their case the GOP / Trump's lawyers will point out the fact that in both the Intel and Judiciary committee hearings:
1. The Democrats never presented a crime
2. The Democrats never presented evidence of a crime.
3. The Democrats never presented any witnesses (as no one who testified actually witnessed anything)

They will show the transcripts of the conversation between the President and Ukraine PM and the only 2 witnesses to the conversation - the Ukraine PM and President - have testified to and have proved the what the Democrats claim never happened,

They will point out that every 'witness' the Democrats had testify in the Intel Impeachment Committee hearnigs, when pressed to do so, could not name 1 law the President broke or 1 impeachable offense he committed.

They will point out that during the Judiciary Impeachment hearings the Democrats' own Constitutional Expert testified that the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power...

They will point out that during the Judiciary Impeachment hearings the Democrats' own Constitutional Expert testified that the Democrats rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history and that the ONLY ones to have abused their power in all of this has been THE DEMOCRATS.

Based on these recorded facts, there would be no justifiable need to spend any more time on Impeachment, although Democrats will not allow this to happen without throwing tantrums.
The GOP simply does not want to look as unfair / partisan as the Democrats did with their partisan clown show hearings under the Big Top House circus tent. This will NOT go as they hope.

Once the Democrats present their case the GOP / Trump's lawyers will point out the fact that in both the Intel and Judiciary committee hearings:
1. The Democrats never presented a crime

No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.

Everyone's favorite quote these days...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
Looks like this will end Kubchar run for President,, and might give Iowa to the fag from Indiana.. warren is done she won’t win South Carolina
If Hunter Biden and The Two Fake Whistle Blowers are not called as Witnesses, I'll be pissed.

Hunter Biden is already in violation of a court order to reveal his Burisma Earnings, yet Democrats constantly tell us that no one is above the law....unless of course it's them violating Due Process, them Lying under Oath, Them protecting Clinton from Multiple Felonies enough to send her to prison for life, and Them Covering Up a COUP, covering up Extortion, and Bribery, and them Defrauding FISA, it goes on and on.

Honestly, I think our government is SO CORRUPT that I don't trust Mitch McConnel or The GOP to do the right thing. Trump is not part of The Establishment, and it would not shock me to see The Senate Abuse the so called impeachment, and get rid of pesky Trump once and for all.

We'll just have to wait and see. The Right thing is just to dismiss the whole flimsy thing anyways, but doubtful that happens.
There is a video clip on the Fox News website. Looks like the world is going to see a trial.

If I am Trump, I need at least one pitbull lawyer to go on the offensive and demand the calling of witnesses without regard to their positions or influence. If he doesn't counter punch hard, it will only hurt his and the GOP election (some might argue they hurt themselves by even accepting the articles) and there won't be any consequences for their opponents in the Dem Party.

Does "accepting the articles" mean they have to approve of the flaws in the process?

Courts can accept to hear a case, then in the hearing, present all those flaws
to establish there isn't enough basis to proceed forward.

If I were with the GOP and Senate, I would follow the normal protocols and
use that to show where there were steps or procedurally required evidence missing.

In addition, I would recommend a process for taxpayers to seek reimbursement
for the COSTS of pursuing such an expensive process without proper evidence and testimony,
ASSESS the full costs that Democratic party advocates and leaders incurred on taxpayers,
and settle a plan for reimbursing taxpayers by investing like resources into corrections
to bad federal policies also incurred by Democratic abuses of govt such as with ACA.
No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.
Thank you for reminding everyone how the Democrats have politically, biasedly weaponized the Founding Father's Impeachment process, making their worst nightmares come true.

The Speaker of the House, as well, has no power to dictate to the US Senate what procedures or process it must adopt / follow, but I thank the Speaker for demonstrating how she and the Democrats are the only ones in this process who have abused their power, as their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified to during Nadler's committee's Impeachment hearings.

I hope every American fully understands the significance of your words....that the Democrats have been pursuing a partisan removal of the President of the United States from office since the announcement was made Hillary lost, actually from the moment Trump completed his oath of office. Hopefully such partisan, treasonous, party-1st behavior will be punished.
No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.
Thank you for reminding everyone how the Democrats have politically, biasedly weaponized the Founding Father's Impeachment process, making their worst nightmares come true.

The Speaker of the House, as well, has no power to dictate to the US Senate what procedures or process it must adopt / follow, but I thank the Speaker for demonstrating how she and the Democrats are the only ones in this process who have abused their power, as their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified to during Nadler's committee's Impeachment hearings.

I hope every American fully understands the significance of your words....that the Democrats have been pursuing a partisan removal of the President of the United States from office since the announcement was made Hillary lost, actually from the moment Trump completed his oath of office. Hopefully such partisan, treasonous, party-1st behavior will be punished.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Lindsey Graham...Trump lover extraordinaire
No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.
Thank you for reminding everyone how the Democrats have politically, biasedly weaponized the Founding Father's Impeachment process, making their worst nightmares come true.

The Speaker of the House, as well, has no power to dictate to the US Senate what procedures or process it must adopt / follow, but I thank the Speaker for demonstrating how she and the Democrats are the only ones in this process who have abused their power, as their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified to during Nadler's committee's Impeachment hearings.

I hope every American fully understands the significance of your words....that the Democrats have been pursuing a partisan removal of the President of the United States from office since the announcement was made Hillary lost, actually from the moment Trump completed his oath of office. Hopefully such partisan, treasonous, party-1st behavior will be punished.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Lindsey Graham...Trump lover extraordinaire
Have you seen the shit hole Districts these Democrats are coming from,, lol If impeachment was the cleanse America Democrats will be gone
If I'm Trump, I want this trial to go away asap, after the case has been made by both sides and questions are asked and answered. That's when Trump should want an acquittal, right then. But if that doesn't happen, then he should make it known he'll go after the Bidens and anyone else connected to the Ukraine corruption, which could include connections to other top Dems. Right now, the Dems have a very weak case with less than half of poll and survey responses indicating they want him to be removed. I do not know what Guiliani has in the way of evidence of wrong-doing, but I'm sure we'll hear about that fairly soon, plus the Durham Report will come out at some point and it will not reflect well on the Dems. Throw in the fact that the Dems have a true shit-show for candidates running for president, and frankly I think all he has to do is not fuck it up.

That vote to acquit after the questions period is over will be the cruz of the whole thing. It could turn into a real mess for who knows how long, with no one coming out of it without being covered in shit and the American public more dissatisfied with everybody involved even more than they already are. To me, the kicker as far as Trump goes is his record vs what the Dems are offering. It's hard to imagine the independent voters voting for the democrat, no matter who it is. So maybe the real issue is the Senate, the GOP does not want to lose their majority there, cuz then they can continue to fill vacancies on the federal bench plus cabinet positions with people they want. Won't happen if the Dems can take control.
If Hunter Biden and The Two Fake Whistle Blowers are not called as Witnesses, I'll be pissed.

Hunter Biden is already in violation of a court order to reveal his Burisma Earnings, yet Democrats constantly tell us that no one is above the law....unless of course it's them violating Due Process, them Lying under Oath, Them protecting Clinton from Multiple Felonies enough to send her to prison for life, and Them Covering Up a COUP, covering up Extortion, and Bribery, and them Defrauding FISA, it goes on and on.

Honestly, I think our government is SO CORRUPT that I don't trust Mitch McConnel or The GOP to do the right thing. Trump is not part of The Establishment, and it would not shock me to see The Senate Abuse the so called impeachment, and get rid of pesky Trump once and for all.

We'll just have to wait and see. The Right thing is just to dismiss the whole flimsy thing anyways, but doubtful that happens.

tRump is a capitalist racketeer, the worst part of the establishment.
If I'm Trump, I want this trial to go away asap, after the case has been made by both sides and questions are asked and answered. That's when Trump should want an acquittal, right then. But if that doesn't happen, then he should make it known he'll go after the Bidens and anyone else connected to the Ukraine corruption, which could include connections to other top Dems. Right now, the Dems have a very weak case with less than half of poll and survey responses indicating they want him to be removed. I do not know what Guiliani has in the way of evidence of wrong-doing, but I'm sure we'll hear about that fairly soon, plus the Durham Report will come out at some point and it will not reflect well on the Dems. Throw in the fact that the Dems have a true shit-show for candidates running for president, and frankly I think all he has to do is not fuck it up.

That vote to acquit after the questions period is over will be the cruz of the whole thing. It could turn into a real mess for who knows how long, with no one coming out of it without being covered in shit and the American public more dissatisfied with everybody involved even more than they already are. To me, the kicker as far as Trump goes is his record vs what the Dems are offering. It's hard to imagine the independent voters voting for the democrat, no matter who it is. So maybe the real issue is the Senate, the GOP does not want to lose their majority there, cuz then they can continue to fill vacancies on the federal bench plus cabinet positions with people they want. Won't happen if the Dems can take control.

He could attack Iran. You do know I predicted that.
Why would the GOP pass on letting the dems making themselves look like retards for a couple more months? Go ahead and move that clown show to the Senate for a replay. It’s a gift.
Heil Schiffler!

If Hunter Biden and The Two Fake Whistle Blowers are not called as Witnesses, I'll be pissed.

Hunter Biden is already in violation of a court order to reveal his Burisma Earnings, yet Democrats constantly tell us that no one is above the law....unless of course it's them violating Due Process, them Lying under Oath, Them protecting Clinton from Multiple Felonies enough to send her to prison for life, and Them Covering Up a COUP, covering up Extortion, and Bribery, and them Defrauding FISA, it goes on and on.

Honestly, I think our government is SO CORRUPT that I don't trust Mitch McConnel or The GOP to do the right thing. Trump is not part of The Establishment, and it would not shock me to see The Senate Abuse the so called impeachment, and get rid of pesky Trump once and for all.

We'll just have to wait and see. The Right thing is just to dismiss the whole flimsy thing anyways, but doubtful that happens.

tRump is a capitalist racketeer, the worst part of the establishment.
The GOP simply does not want to look as unfair / partisan as the Democrats did with their partisan clown show hearings under the Big Top House circus tent. This will NOT go as they hope.

Once the Democrats present their case the GOP / Trump's lawyers will point out the fact that in both the Intel and Judiciary committee hearings:
1. The Democrats never presented a crime

No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.

Everyone's favorite quote these days...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Interesting. Let's review Article Two, Section Four of the United States Constitution, shall we. Please point out the language supporting that position that no crime is needed for impeachment of the President:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article II

The express language of Article Two, Section Four expressly states that removal from office on impeachment and conviction is justified only for crimes, not simply based on political disagreement by way of the opposing partisan body voting that one's conduct is "out of bounds in [his] role," as you suggest. That standard would be subject to arbitrary and capricious enforcement--the exact type of partisanship that the founders sought to avoid in placing the impeachment clause in the Constitution.

Regardless of what Lindsey Graham may have said in the past, it is certainly worth noting that this is the first and only time a U.S. President has been impeached without a single crime being included in the Articles of Impeachment. We can similarly point out all of the hypocrisy of the left-winger Dems (Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, et al) who said during the Clinton impeachment proceedings that impeachment must never be used as a political process to remove a president, and must only be used when it is bipartisan and uncontroverted.
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The GOP simply does not want to look as unfair / partisan as the Democrats did with their partisan clown show hearings under the Big Top House circus tent. This will NOT go as they hope.

Once the Democrats present their case the GOP / Trump's lawyers will point out the fact that in both the Intel and Judiciary committee hearings:
1. The Democrats never presented a crime

No crime is necessary. Impeachment is a purely political procedure.

Everyone's favorite quote these days...

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

Interesting. Let's review Article Two, Section Four of the United States Constitution, shall we. Please point out the language supporting that position that no crime is needed for impeachment of the President:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Article II

The express language of Article Two, Section Four expressly states that removal from office on impeachment and conviction is justified only for crimes, not simply based on political disagreement by way of the opposing partisan body voting that one's conduct is "out of bounds in [his] role," as you suggest. That standard would be subject to arbitrary and capricious enforcement--the exact type of partisanship that the founders sought to avoid in placing the impeachment clause in the Constitution.

Regardless of what Lindsey Graham may have said in the past, it is certainly worth noting that this is the first and only time a U.S. President has been impeached without a single crime being included in the Articles of Impeachment. We can similarly point out all of the hypocrisy of the left-winger Dems (Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, et al) who said during the Clinton impeachment proceedings that impeachment must never be used as a political process to remove a president, and must only be used when it is bipartisan and uncontroverted.

You might want to learn the definition of a "high crime". it is not what you think it is.

I do not think that Trump should be impeached, but to pretend that some sort of crime is necessary is not really helpful.

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