Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

Drumpf supporters are anti-vax and Drumpf is doing nothing to convince them to get vaxxed. Tells you exactly what kind of lump of shit he is.
I know it's fun to take your frustration out by calling names, but so far you seem like a moderately intelligent person...You don't need to do that..

Why would Trump have to tell people to get the vaccine or not? Even though he has done so multiple times, in office, and out, Biden is the POTUS, HE needs to find a way to stop denegrating people who didn't vote for him, and talk to people like they are all Americans...He said he wanted to, but has failed at doing so...So, that was a lie...
The point of the “emergency approval” was to get it to the market before it had been tested to the standards that are usually required of such a treatment. If its safety and efficacy had been adequately proven, then there'd be no need for the “emergency approval”.
It was adequate enough to get it to distribution dummy. Its not on the market or you would be paying for it.
Mitch's "Chinese wife" is from Taiwan, dipshit

thanks for clarifying that in that lovely way that liberal men respond to women.

Still....she and mitch are in the sack with the chinese.
I know it's fun to take your frustration out by calling names, but so far you seem like a moderately intelligent person...You don't need to do that..

Why would Trump have to tell people to get the vaccine or not? Even though he has done so multiple times, in office, and out, Biden is the POTUS, HE needs to find a way to stop denegrating people who didn't vote for him, and talk to people like they are all Americans...He said he wanted to, but has failed at doing so...So, that was a lie...
"Why would Trump have to tell people to get the vaccine or not?"

That's what leaders do. They lead by example and when necessary by voice. It's long been necessary. He knows his supporters tend to be undereducated. He even made a remark about how he loves uneducated supporters.
News flash. It was already their fault. 99% of the deaths from the Rona are people that are not vaxxed.
Most of those death among blacks, hispanics namely illegals, and the Millenial such nitwits-------you know the dem core voting base--but republicans are responsible?
"Why would Trump have to tell people to get the vaccine or not?"

That's what leaders do. They lead by example and when necessary by voice. It's long been necessary. He knows his supporters tend to be undereducated. He even made a remark about how he loves uneducated supporters.
Would it surprise you to find out that he has said on more than one occasion for people to get the vaccine?
Would it surprise you to find out that he has said on more than one occasion for people to get the vaccine?
No. I'm pretty sure he has said it privately or at someplace where there was not much attention. Did he get up on a national stage with the country watching and say it like Biden did?
You've never come close to coming off as intelligent. Even by accident.

Your logic:
I'm waiting for a long term study to see if the vax has side affects.
I'm good with everything shutting down until I get that study.
I'm good with the virus killing me or the people around me until I get my study.

Youre a fucking idiot. :)

LOL....if you cant see the stupidity in your post you're a moron.
Enjoy your side affects .....
What was the point of your post then?

Op decided to fil us on on what Mitch thinks.

So my post was a simple courtesy in response so that you all know what I think about what Mitch thinks.

I was pretty clear on what I thought about what Mitch thinks, too.

What, I gotta have a reason to share an opinion all a sudden? Do I need someone's approval?
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That's kind of the point.

This new mRNA vaccine technology has never before been used on humans, and it has never been adequately tested. It's something very different from traditional vaccination. Anyone know who receives it is being used as a test subject for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective.

To take that kind of risk, out of fear of an overhyped flu bug that poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority of us, is just plain stupid.

Thank you...
I was floored by the stupidity of his post.
Covid cases are skyrocketing again because of inbred dumbasses who drank the anti-vax GOP/Fox News Kool-Aid.

Yeah, cause the followers of Loui Farrakhan fit that description so fucking well. LMFAO Farrakhan claims the the vaccines are a trick to kill blacks.

Mitch's "Chinese wife" is from Taiwan, dipshit!

She also has been a Secretary in two presidential Cabinets.

I don't give a damn SIR. They're still Deepstate PoSs.

If they were actual conservatives YOU would not be defending them.
And again: Trump got the vaccination, Trump supporters get the vaccination. Your lies are biting you in the ass at this point. Let's look into those Democrats on the plane that claim they were all vaccinated but turned into super spreaders. I think they are lying. I bet none to very few of them actually got the vaccination.
America is once again harmed by rightwing ignorance and stupidity.

Conservatives are destroying this country.
other words, Trump supporters who do not get vaccinated will be blamed for the next shut down as government will run a hate campaign against them with the American people, just like they did successfully with January 6th.
Trump has really turned your brains to tapioca.
Most of those death among blacks, hispanics namely illegals, and the Millenial such nitwits-------you know the dem core voting base--but republicans are responsible?
Notice how you have to male things up out of thin air to have any point to make.
That's kind of the point.

This new mRNA vaccine technology has never before been used on humans, and it has never been adequately tested. It's something very different from traditional vaccination. Anyone know who receives it is being used as a test subject for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective.

To take that kind of risk, out of fear of an overhyped flu bug that poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority of us, is just plain stupid.

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