Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

Drumpf supporters are anti-vax and Drumpf is doing nothing to convince them to get vaxxed. Tells you exactly what kind of lump of shit he is.
No doubt in anyone's mind you know all about lumps of shit from personal experience. Trump told them, actually everyone, it was their decision.
No, it is not.

The German word for yes is "ja".
I was doing the phonetic thing.
And the last name Joehl is pronounced ‘yale’.
Bob Joehl was Ed Marinaro’s blocking back at Cornell in 1970 and 1971. Whenever Bob Joehl got the ball during away games in the Ivy League, the PA announcer would mispronounce his name as Joel. “Bob Joel the ball carrier.” At that point, several Cornell students would stand and shout ‘Yale!’ and the home fans would have confused looks on their faces.
Mitch has just come out and said that Americans need to get vaccinated or face another shut down
You mean we are out of the LAST shutdown? Coulda fooled me! Is that why I still can't even get a much needed piece of furniture delivered to my house other than dropped off in the middle of my driveway like my home is contaminated with nuclear waste from Chernobyl? And if you have senior issues or don't have a family or friends to help you (the very people most in need of help) then SCREW YOU?
I was doing the phonetic thing.
And the last name Joehl is pronounced ‘yale’.
Bob Joehl was Ed Marinaro’s blocking back at Cornell in 1970 and 1971. Whenever Bob Joehl got the ball during away games in the Ivy League, the PA announcer would mispronounce his name as Joel. “Bob Joel the ball carrier.” At that point, several Cornell students would stand and shout ‘Yale!’ and the home fans would have confused looks on their faces.
Learn to speak the language please before putting your spin on it.

As far as Joehl, it should be pronounced "Y AI uh-l" not "Yale". Don't believe me? Google it. Your Cornell students didn't speak German either.

Mitch has just come out and said that Americans need to get vaccinated or face another shut down

In other words, Trump supporters who do not get vaccinated will be blamed for the next shut down as government will run a hate campaign against them with the American people, just like they did successfully with January 6th.

It will be all their fault.
Their won't be another shutdown. The Feds didn't inact the last shutdown, anyway. Quid Pro Joe can't afford a shutdown.
not true. and it is also not true that it is only trump supporters not getting the fauci Jab.

They aren't the only ones not getting the vaccine but they're one of the least likely to get the vaccine.


These people have no right to tell us to get vaccinated while at the same time allowing the hordes and hordes of Covid positive illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What scum these Government people are... what hypocrites and murderers !

How do they dare!!!!!:mad-61:
Mitch can hug my nuts.

I'll decide on which intrusive medical procedures I will or won't undergo. Not the central government.

Their last 'shutdown' didn't affect my day in any meaningful way, so why should I fear another one? Heh heh.

In fact, it gave me more time to drive my V8 sports car around polluting up the environment.

Maybe the next shutdown will give me more time to shop around for another one.

Exactly right, NC.
How do you know Trump supporters do not get vaccinated? Trump himself got vaccinated. I'm a Trump supporter and I got vaccinated.

Because it’s obvious.

The people on this website who are adamantly against getting the vaccine are nearly all Trump supporters.

Poll results indicate that Republicans are one of the groups least likely to get the vaccine.

Red states tend to have lower vaccine rates compared to blue states.
These people have no right to tell us to get vaccinated while at the same time allowing the hordes and hordes of Covid positive illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What scum these Government people are... what hypocrites and murderers !

How do they dare!!!!!:mad-61:
you have donated your unused vaccine to an immigrant in need; thanks!
Moscow Mitch is right. However, COVID-19 is a good way to raise America's collective IQ by weeding out the morons among us. Let Darwin do his job.

Tell that to the Pelosi staffers that tested positive from the vaccinated fleeing Democrats from TX....Who were also btw, supposed to be vaccinated....

For the record I have had both shots, but I believe it is up to each person to decide for themselves...

This is exactly it.

There's these panicked messages because the politicians owe their lobbyists....

And then there's what we can all see happening in the real world. Which is, people who are double vaxxed getting sick.

Everyone needs to make the best decision for themselves.
However, this just happened, this week I think, so, we don't really know yet...If these people do get sick chances are that we won't hear about it because it would be a bad narrative for Democrats...

They're all getting monoclonal antibodies and/or ivermectin.

Count on that. They can't afford the narrative.

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