Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

If you catch it you can spread it dummy.

Dont know for sure but it's definitely possible. Vaccines dont necessarily keep you from catching anything. They make it less severe.
No, No, No. Vaccine prevents disease.

  1. vaccine | Definition, Types, History, & Facts | Britannica
    , suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease.
    1. Vaccine - Wikipedia
      A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.

That's kind of the point.

This new mRNA vaccine technology has never before been used on humans, and it has never been adequately tested. It's something very different from traditional vaccination. Anyone know who receives it is being used as a test subject for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective.

To take that kind of risk, out of fear of an overhyped flu bug that poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority of us, is just plain stupid.
"for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective."

I'm guessing you havent read the reports that allowed it emergency approval from that statement?
You believe all Republican's are Nazi's?

How in the world is anyone supposed to have a civil conversation with you when you start from that premise?
Do you believe that Democrats are communists?
No, No, No. Vaccine prevents disease.

  1. vaccine | Definition, Types, History, & Facts | Britannica
    , suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease.
    1. Vaccine - Wikipedia
      A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.
No stupid. They dont always prevent you catching diseases. They make your body recognize pathogens and enable it to fight off disease. Its not like bug spray that will keep a mosquito away.
News flash. It was already their fault. 99% of the deaths from the Rona are people that are not vaxxed.
Let us know when the negroid population is fully vaccinated. Whites are the most vaccinated, brown skinners not so much.
Yes it does hurt small business. And another shutdown will be devastating even though I don't think it will come to that. Masks? Social distancing? Less crowds?...yes.
One then wonders why won't people get vaccinated? I can understand black and Latino hesitation given past experiences. But their community leaders are working to combat that hesitancy and encourage them to get vaccinated.
What excuse does the white, right leaning, mostly Trump supporting crowd have then? Answer?..none. They're comfortable in the misinformation and conspiracy theories their right wing media outlets are pumping out almost 24x7.
Well, thanks for the response....I don't know why people don't want to get the vaccine. I suspect it has to do with a number of things...

Politicizing the vaccine during the campaign, Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take it...

Muddled messaging, all over the place from Fauci and others in the scientific community.

And yes some really stupid stuff...

But, I do know that people won't stand for another lock down, where businesses are shuttered...If that happens, Biden will take the fall....
As already correctly noted: it’s conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters, and others on the right responsible for the spike in COVID-19 cases and deaths.

Trump supporters won’t ‘get’ blamed – their blame was long ago established as fact.
And again: Trump got the vaccination, Trump supporters get the vaccination. Your lies are biting you in the ass at this point. Let's look into those Democrats on the plane that claim they were all vaccinated but turned into super spreaders. I think they are lying. I bet none to very few of them actually got the vaccination.
Do you believe that Democrats are communists?
Communists? not really...I think that some Democrats are infacuated with Socialism, and think that would be superior to Capitalism...But, as much as they love the thought of Socialism, I don't really think they are completely sure what that would do for themselves.
And again: Trump got the vaccination, Trump supporters get the vaccination. Your lies are biting you in the ass at this point. Let's look into those Democrats on the plane that claim they were all vaccinated but turned into super spreaders. I think they are lying. I bet none to very few of them actually got the vaccination.
Drumpf supporters are anti-vax and Drumpf is doing nothing to convince them to get vaxxed. Tells you exactly what kind of lump of shit he is.
"for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective."

I'm guessing you havent [sic] read the reports that allowed it emergency approval from that statement?

The point of the “emergency approval” was to get it to the market before it had been tested to the standards that are usually required of such a treatment. If its safety and efficacy had been adequately proven, then there'd be no need for the “emergency approval”.
So, it's about you then?
Yeah with lefties it's all about them and they like to make fun of the truly mentally handicapped.
No stupid. They dont always prevent you catching diseases. They make your body recognize pathogens and enable it to fight off disease. Its not like bug spray that will keep a mosquito away.
But vaccines work most of the time if they didn't there would be no yearly flu shot. You idiot.

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