Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

Vaccination and shutdowns merely guarantee that Wuhan Flu will continue for decades. Usntil we quit messing with Mother Nature (OK, Gaia} she cannot cull the heard to eliminate the weak. Keep them from breeding new spavined liberals. Yes, fewer people (big step toward saving the planet, lobbies...embrace it or you're an earth-hating terrorist). God or who/whatever, gives us plagues or the ability to create plagues to keep things in balanced. If you're a mush-minded liberal or otherwise unable to fend for ourself and offspring then you're part of the problem. Do your duty to your own kind. Get Covid and see if you make the cut.

The intentional "slow-down" of the virus prolonged it intentionally, and revealed incompetence by primarily hospitals and medical care facilities. There was zero excuse for not being prepared given the events of past outbreaks like SARS1 and dating at least back to 9/11/01. Medical heads and their medical boards were asleep at the wheel and should have been fully stocked up without question. They had years to fund a project for ventilators that wouldn't have cut into their profit margin. Had hospitals and other medical facilities been adequately stocked up, would we still have been told that we needed to flatten the curve? That question needs to be gone over with a fine toothed comb and answered by non-political experts.
The shutdown hurt lots of people, namely small business owners who in many cases operate day to day....I think another shutdown would be devistating...
Yes it does hurt small business. And another shutdown will be devastating even though I don't think it will come to that. Masks? Social distancing? Less crowds?...yes.
One then wonders why won't people get vaccinated? I can understand black and Latino hesitation given past experiences. But their community leaders are working to combat that hesitancy and encourage them to get vaccinated.
What excuse does the white, right leaning, mostly Trump supporting crowd have then? Answer?..none. They're comfortable in the misinformation and conspiracy theories their right wing media outlets are pumping out almost 24x7.
You totally deflected. You have Faux employees sending anti vax messages on Faux news shows.
Deflected? I commented on YOUR video!! Which FOX journalists are sending anti-vax messages? Hint: Tucker Carlson is not a journalist he's provides an OP ED show. You are confused because CNN is all OP ED and you think they are journalists. At least FOX has the decency to separate the two. No, it is YOU who are deflecting here. BTW I do watch FOX among other media and I am fully vaxxed. You are a stupid idiot.
Deflected? I commented on YOUR video!! Which FOX journalists are sending anti-vax messages? Hint: Tucker Carlson is not a journalist he's provides an OP ED show. You are confused because CNN is all OP ED and you think they are journalists. At least FOX has the decency to separate the two. No, it is YOU who are deflecting here. BTW I do watch FOX among other media and I am fully vaxxed. You are a stupid idiot.
"Which FOX journalists are sending anti-vax messages? "

The ones in the video I posted and you claimed to have watched.
Yes it does hurt small business. And another shutdown will be devastating even though I don't think it will come to that. Masks? Social distancing? Less crowds?...yes.
One then wonders why won't people get vaccinated? I can understand black and Latino hesitation given past experiences. But their community leaders are working to combat that hesitancy and encourage them to get vaccinated.
What excuse does the white, right leaning, mostly Trump supporting crowd have then? Answer?..none. They're comfortable in the misinformation and conspiracy theories their right wing media outlets are pumping out almost 24x7.
And again, Trump got the vaccination himself, Trump supporters get the vaccination, I am a Trump supporter and I am fully vaccinated. You are making up fairytales.
You just came across as intelligent by accident.
You've never come close to coming off as intelligent. Even by accident.

Your logic:
I'm waiting for a long term study to see if the vax has side affects.
I'm good with everything shutting down until I get that study.
I'm good with the virus killing me or the people around me until I get my study.

Youre a fucking idiot. :)
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I haven't taken the jab yet, not sure I will. That's a choice between myself and my doctor. I have no problem with anyone who chose to get vaccinated but I find there are millions on the Left who want me crucified for not doing as they do and say. Fully vaxxed people still carry the virus and can spread it. Fully vaxxed people are saying that even if they contract C-19 or one of its iterations, they will have a "less severe case".

That's great to know but we've understood since last year that MOST who contract this virus HAVE MINOR SYMPTOMS. So how in the bloody hell can they know if their case is just a typical outcome or if they'd have had a more dire disease process with worse downstream sequelae if they HADN'T taken the jab?

The answer is that they don't, they CAN'T KNOW FOR SURE. That doesn't stop them from using a health scare to trash political opponents, does it? Feckin' vultures spewing hate at the ignorant while assuming they are the wise and righteous among us.
"That doesn't stop them from using a health scare to trash political opponents"......:heehee: Isn't it funny how moronic orange cultists fall right into the anti-vaccine trap.....:heehee:
So what are the long term side effects?

How would anyone know that right now dummy?

That's kind of the point.

This new mRNA vaccine technology has never before been used on humans, and it has never been adequately tested. It's something very different from traditional vaccination. Anyone know who receives it is being used as a test subject for something that is not adequately proven to be safe or effective.

To take that kind of risk, out of fear of an overhyped flu bug that poses no credible threat to the overwhelming vast majority of us, is just plain stupid.
Yes indeed the guy is a whackadoodle.
He also looks forward to more online education, involving “the use of virtual and augmented reality” to “dramatically improve educational outcomes” (14), to sensors “installed in homes, clothes and accessories, cities, transport and energy networks” (15) and to smart cities, with their all-important “data platforms”. (16)

All things will be smart and connected to the internet”, says Schwab, and this will extend to animals, as “sensors wired in cattle can communicate to each other through a mobile phone network”. (17)

Hell they don't want natural animals either.

smart cells

He loves the idea of “smart cell factories” which could enable “the accelerated generation of vaccines” (18) and “big-data technologies”. (19)

These, he assures us, will “deliver new and innovative ways to service citizens and customers” (20) and we will have to stop objecting to businesses profiting from harnessing and selling information about every aspect of our personal lives.....

Schwab repeats this message time and time again, as if to be sure we have been duly warned.

“The mind-boggling innovations triggered by the fourth industrial revolution, from biotechnology to AI, are redefining what it means to be human,” (34) he writes.

“The future will challenge our understanding of what it means to be human, from both a biological and a social standpoint”. (35)

“Already, advances in neurotechnologies and biotechnologies are forcing us to question what it means to be human”. (36)...

He spells it out in more detail in Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us.

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