Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

Biden has recently made public statements about "domestic enemies" but he wasn't talking about domestic terrorism from what I understand. I need to watch the clip but I read the transcript. He should be held accountable for that statement to define who he meant. No way would they have asked him that, even if allowed to do so. Where is the yellow press hiding with a much needed follow-up? Anyone have the details or link to a press conference follow-up I missed?

Otto-not attempting to change direction of your thread but responding to what was just discussed by two other posters which connects back to actions of the current administration. Hope I'm good here but I'll count on you to tell me to stick to the OP:)
Tell that to the Pelosi staffers that tested positive from the vaccinated fleeing Democrats from TX....Who were also btw, supposed to be vaccinated....

For the record I have had both shots, but I believe it is up to each person to decide for themselves...
I haven't taken the jab yet, not sure I will. That's a choice between myself and my doctor. I have no problem with anyone who chose to get vaccinated but I find there are millions on the Left who want me crucified for not doing as they do and say. Fully vaxxed people still carry the virus and can spread it. Fully vaxxed people are saying that even if they contract C-19 or one of its iterations, they will have a "less severe case".

That's great to know but we've understood since last year that MOST who contract this virus HAVE MINOR SYMPTOMS. So how in the bloody hell can they know if their case is just a typical outcome or if they'd have had a more dire disease process with worse downstream sequelae if they HADN'T taken the jab?

The answer is that they don't, they CAN'T KNOW FOR SURE. That doesn't stop them from using a health scare to trash political opponents, does it? Feckin' vultures spewing hate at the ignorant while assuming they are the wise and righteous among us.
There is no getting through to inbred kool-aid drinking dumbasses. They live in an alternate fake reality and are willfully stupid and ignorant.
Well, then I would have to ask, what you are doing in a site where we are supposed to be debating issues....
There is no getting through to inbred kool-aid drinking dumbasses. They live in an alternate fake reality and are willfully stupid and ignorant.
Again, and for the last time...What exactly are you doing on a debate message board where the goal is to debate with your political opposition?

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