Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!

I haven't taken the jab yet, not sure I will. That's a choice between myself and my doctor. I have no problem with anyone who chose to get vaccinated but I find there are millions on the Left who want me crucified for not doing as they do and say. Fully vaxxed people still carry the virus and can spread it. Fully vaxxed people are saying that even if they contract C-19 or one of its iterations, they will have a "less severe case".

That's great to know but we've understood since last year that MOST who contract this virus HAVE MINOR SYMPTOMS. So how in the bloody hell can they know if their case is just a typical outcome or if they'd have had a more dire disease process with worse downstream sequelae if they HADN'T taken the jab?

The answer is that they don't, they CAN'T KNOW FOR SURE. That doesn't stop them from using a health scare to trash political opponents, does it? Feckin' vultures spewing hate at the ignorant while assuming they are the wise and righteous among us.
"Fully vaxxed people still carry the virus and can spread it."

Hey stupid. Vaxxed people can and will get it from unvaxxed.

Its real simple. The less unvaxxed that dont provide a breeding ground for the virus the less chance it mutates into something even more deadly.
You obviously have selective memory.

So CNN says FOX NEWS is antivax? Then they show a video of an OPINION show on FOX. You see, FOX, unlike CNN, has real journalists that do hard news. They separate that from their opinion programming like Tucker Carlson. CNN has no real journalists it's all opinion it's just that they lie and say they are journalists. The video is a farce.
It is not all doctors. There are plenty that say do not take it and have just as many degrees as the sycophant doctors you listen to. It is what Big Tech and the illegitimate administration call misinformation.

It isn't. It is information. The kind people need to make an informed decision. But that is for people that think for themselves. And you aren't one of them.
Oh....well then....Non-doctors. Why didn't you say so? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So CNN says FOX NEWS is antivax? Then they show a video of an OPINION show on FOX. You see, FOX, unlike CNN, has real journalists that do hard news. They separate that from their opinion programming like Tucker Carlson. CNN has no real journalists it's all opinion it's just that they lie and say they are journalists. The video is a farce.
You totally deflected. You have Faux employees sending anti vax messages on Faux news shows.
Nice to see that YOU aren't selfish......can't say the same for some whitey righties.
I've traveled extensively and been vaccinated for everything from anthrax to yellow fever. I figured what's one more? Plus they were looking for a few folks like that just to cover all bases.
Are you vaccinated? If not, you are part of the pandemic problem.


Gullible, cowardly, worthless cretins, such as yourself, who mindlessly fall for the sort of exaggerations, fearmongering, and outright lies on which the entire #CoronaHoax2020 is based; and who submissively believe and obey whatever the corrupt filth behind this #CoronaHoax tell them to believe and obey, are a very large part of the problem.

The crooks who promote this bullshit would not be able to accomplish much by so doing, without a large base of suckers such as yourself to fall for it.
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