Mitt Makes discoveries!

This is what Real reporters do....No wonder bloggers are more trustworthy.

It think Andrea might want to consider retirement.

In her mind she didnt so anything wrong....Dont you know we are all stupid and need her as asshats like her to tell us what to think?

I'm sure plenty of her friends will say it was a nice attempt.

Sorry it didn't work out for her.

We can expect a lot of this crappola from here on out.

This is what they call journalism.
It think Andrea might want to consider retirement.

In her mind she didnt so anything wrong....Dont you know we are all stupid and need her as asshats like her to tell us what to think?

I'm sure plenty of her friends will say it was a nice attempt.

Sorry it didn't work out for her.

We can expect a lot of this crappola from here on out.

This is what they call journalism.

And the scary part is that neither Convention has happened yet...

They should have left that part in, since the claim they edited out was an out-and-out lie. He claimed the form is 48 pages. It's 4 pages, and that includes the instructions.

He didn't claim it was 48 pages.

He claimed it was 33 pages.

Provide a link on how many pages the form actually is or maybe you should try to criticize something else.

I get tired of the left parsing words, jumping on every single friggen syllable,.......but they never say phffffft when Obama says the GOP is for dirty air and dirty water.

I'm sorry. You're correct, he did say 33 pages. I was working from memory of something I read earlier (I haven't seen the clip). The form is only 4 pages though, including the instructions.

I think it depends what they wanted him to do.

The form you linked was 4 pages. That was for Medicaid.

However he also has to fill out forms for Medicare. I'm looking at the Medicare cms855i form (application for service providers). It's 28 pages. Plus they have to submit another form if they provide care for group plans. If they haven't filled out a cms 855i form since 2003 they are required to fill out another one even if they're already enrolled.
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

The machine does not make a sandwich and is not a vending machine. You walk up to an IPad like device, punch in what type of sandwich you want, type of bread, condiments and whatever else you want. Somebody behind the counter makes it for you and you pay at the counter
Not brain surgery, but kind of neat
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

The machine does not make a sandwich and is not a vending machine. You walk up to an IPad like device, punch in what type of sandwich you want, type of bread, condiments and whatever else you want. Somebody behind the counter makes it for you and you pay at the counter
Not brain surgery, but kind of neat

Yeah......I know.

They didn't doctor the tape. They selective edited what they aired, but that didn't create fake footage.

Out of context = "fake, but accurate"....stop making excuses for this bullshit.

If you scroll up, you'll see that I said the story is stupid even if the portrayal was completely accurate. However, there is a pretty big difference between selectively editing something and making up a story whole cloth.

yet, the story was complely made up
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

He wasn't amazed at the idea of a machine, dumbass... he was amazed at the ease with which he could order a freaking sandwich at WaWa, but how people had to go through hoops to get a freaking change of address.

Even morons like you and Sallow should understand that, partisan blinders or not.
How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

How are you still talking about a non-existant machine when we know that MSNBC doctored the tapes?

They didn't doctor the tape. They selective edited what they aired, but that didn't create fake footage.

funny, people on the left in here raised holy hell about 'selective editing' when it was something they didn't like being done by the right... but when they do it themselves, it's suddenly an acceptable practice.

Fucking hypocrites.
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

The machine does not make a sandwich and is not a vending machine. You walk up to an IPad like device, punch in what type of sandwich you want, type of bread, condiments and whatever else you want. Somebody behind the counter makes it for you and you pay at the counter
Not brain surgery, but kind of neat

same type of machine is how I order lunch meat at the deli in the supermarket. It's easier, faster, more accurate, and I don't have to wait in line for 15 minutes. I place my order on the machine, do my shopping and they call my number when the order is ready.
Out of context = "fake, but accurate"....stop making excuses for this bullshit.

If you scroll up, you'll see that I said the story is stupid even if the portrayal was completely accurate. However, there is a pretty big difference between selectively editing something and making up a story whole cloth.

Oops, I missed that post. sorry. :eusa_whistle:

At any rate, I think we both agree that this type of "selective editing" is wrong.

I would, but there is still a substantive difference between editing something poorly and just making something up.
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

The machine does not make a sandwich and is not a vending machine. You walk up to an IPad like device, punch in what type of sandwich you want, type of bread, condiments and whatever else you want. Somebody behind the counter makes it for you and you pay at the counter
Not brain surgery, but kind of neat

Oh, that's all it does? Heck, I'm shocked a big shot like Romney have never been in an airport, because almost every one I've ever gone through has that at the food stands.
Listen, Sallow, a lot of Americans have never heard of Wawa. And a lot of people have never seen their ordering system, which is NOT the same as a vending maching, since vending machines don't make sandwiches to order.

So are you claiming that a lot of Americans are out of touch?

I wouldn't be surprised if Obummer is studying up on Wawa so he can come out and proclaim that HE understands how Wawa works.

If this is the best you can come up with to complain about Romney, Obummer is going to lose and lose big in November.

How is a machine that makes a sandwich so radically different from a machine that lets you select a coffee then add cream? Those have been around for decades. I agree that this story is stupid, but Romney's amazement at it does make him look like an idiot.

He wasn't amazed at the idea of a machine, dumbass... he was amazed at the ease with which he could order a freaking sandwich at WaWa, but how people had to go through hoops to get a freaking change of address.

Even morons like you and Sallow should understand that, partisan blinders or not.

Yeah, so many hoops to change your address. You fill out a two page form or you fill out a short web form. Such a challenge.
How are you still talking about a non-existant machine when we know that MSNBC doctored the tapes?

They didn't doctor the tape. They selective edited what they aired, but that didn't create fake footage.

funny, people on the left in here raised holy hell about 'selective editing' when it was something they didn't like being done by the right... but when they do it themselves, it's suddenly an acceptable practice.

Fucking hypocrites.

You didn't seem to mind selective editing when it happened to the President recently. And this is nothing compared to Fox, which has been caught red-handed making up stories.
Oh, that's all it does? Heck, I'm shocked a big shot like Romney have never been in an airport, because almost every one I've ever gone through has that at the food stands.

You seem to still be under the false impression that what Romney was amazed about was the machine rather the dichotemy between the private market and government.
How are you still talking about a non-existant machine when we know that MSNBC doctored the tapes?

They didn't doctor the tape. They selective edited what they aired, but that didn't create fake footage.

funny, people on the left in here raised holy hell about 'selective editing' when it was something they didn't like being done by the right... but when they do it themselves, it's suddenly an acceptable practice.

Fucking hypocrites.

At least they're consistently hypocritical....
Ooooooooooh.....changing the context isn't enough now.

CGI has to be used to make it a fake.

Saying a tape was doctored has a specific meaning.

Yes....alloyed, altered, contaminated, falsified, impure, loaded, tampered.

Doctored Synonyms, Doctored Antonyms |

Yeah. Notice something about those words (specifically falsified and tampered)? They're things that require making changes.

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