Mitt Romney: Gay Couples Should Be Able To Adopt Out Of Wedlock

Going to be walking that one back.

[ame=]Michael Jackson Moonwalk collection - YouTube[/ame]
By Elise Foley

Mitt Romney said Thursday that same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children, but they should not be married because children should be raised by a mother and a father.

More: Mitt Romney: Gay Couples Should Be Able To Adopt Out Of Wedlock

Mitt Romney is a very strange creature...

This made Living on a Thin Line come to mind:
url=]The Kinks - Living on a Thin Line - YouTube[/url]
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if that was what he said, that would be pretty stupid.

of course, it's not what he said, and you're pretty stupid.

if that was what he said, that would be pretty stupid.

of course, it's not what he said, and you're pretty stupid.


Are you saying that Romney was misquoted? If so, please explain.
if that was what he said, that would be pretty stupid.

of course, it's not what he said, and you're pretty stupid.


Are you saying that Romney was misquoted? If so, please explain.

did you read beyond the first paragraph in that piece?

"I happen to believe that the best setting for raising a child is where this is the opportunity to a mom and a dad to be in the home," Romney said. "I know there are many circumstances where that is not possible, through death or divorce. I also know many gay couples are able to adopt children. That's fine."

he then said he didn't support gay marriage.

if in your mind that adds up to the same thing as the gibberish you posted and the hack at huffpo wrote- that's your problem. :lol:
So he is fine with gay couples adopting children but the couple should not get married?

That is what the title of the thread says isn't it?
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Romney says he's "fine" with gay couples adopting children - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

(CBS News) Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Thursday that while he opposes same-sex marriage, he is "fine" with gay couples adopting children. The presumptive nominee also declined to criticize President Obama's reversal on the issue, saying he would "respect the right of the president to reach the conclusion he has."

In his most detailed comments to date on the issue of civil rights for gay people, Romney told Fox News television host Neil Cavuto, "I know many gay couples that are able to adopt children. That's fine. But my preference is that we ... continue to define marriage as the relationship between man and a women."

The statement seemed to put Romney in the position of condoning same-sex families with children as long as the parents do not marry.

Yeah, that was my perception.
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There's video of him talknig that says he's for it and video that says he's against.
Is it just me or did pro-gay positions get really mainstream really fast? Even the Republican candidate is all right with adoption by gay parents and who knows, Mittens may be the last GOP candidate (and thus the last major party candidate) opposed to gay marriage, ever.

Will and Grace must've really killed in the ratings.
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Romney is a closet liberal nonetheless, the irony is if he’d just own up to it he’d might realize more respect. He’ll still lose the GE, of course, but at least with some dignity.

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