Mitt Romney is a toad

The obama white house ALWAYS sides with rioters and terrorists. It's why the obama white house supported the occupiers in the United States. It's the only consistency the obama white house has.

Tell that to bin Laden, Gaddafi, al Awaki, countless other Taliban and al Quada and other enemies of the US.

You are such an ass.

Being a COWBOY..Now part of the Democratic platform!!! booooyah!

and hey is that the Gaddaffi the past dictator of the 'nation' we just lead from behind to assist freeing itself, where our ambassador got killed? ( and 2, 3?) of his aides? :rolleyes:

Karzai has issued his own commendation too,oh not of the violence, but of the movie etc etc..

This statement they made no where mentions that the hallmarks of a free and vibrant civil society is….taaadaaaa free press and free speech…..exactly what the Arab Spring is supposed to be all about? :rolleyes:

Instead we get mealy mouthed platitudes and commiseration. When you give folks like that the leverage to feel aggrieved they are going ot act on it, its like reinforcing their own views, because you have assisted with that by issuing statements that make it appear we have something to be guilty for…get it?

The U.S. embassy issued a statement directed at Muslims offended by an unspecified film being produced inside the U.S. that allegedly insulted the prophet Muhammed.
"The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions," the embassy said in a statement published online.
"Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy," the embassy said.
"Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others," the embassy said

Oh and apparently Obama and his team found the time and energy necessary to condemn Romney BEFORE they condemned the violence at the embassy……:lol:

And they walked back the apology, I mean ‘statement’ anyway? So why attack Romney for something they have taken back?

I gotta tell you, its been a bad couple of decades for the US ala sec. of states, we have had a flotilla of nimrods, NotSoBright, Rice and now Hillary.
Romney Repeats False Libya Attack, Accuses Obama Of ‘Apology’ For America | TPM2012

just as it was for the White House, last night by the way — to say that the statements were inappropriate, and in my view a disgraceful statement on the part of our administration to apologize for American values.”

Let's ignore everything that is going on, all of the missteps of our Government, the lack of leadership, and attack Romney. What a load of crap.

We have a State Department apologizing for the exercise of Free Speech, within our Borders, wondering if we are Sharia compliant enough, that is just precious. What does it matter if the apology came before or after the Riots??? I guess it's not important who participated in the attacks, or who tipped them off, as to the location of the Ambassador, I mean, shit, Romney is just so mean spirited, right. What a joke.
False Libya attack? What exactly is false about it? The media lying about our Ambassador being attacked and Americans being dead?

While he may be a toad, He remains stronger in character and morals then you are capable of.

one cant have strong morals if they shift daily. The fact you defend Mittens shows your lack of character.

And whats that say about your defense of Obama? If we use your logic, that means you have as much character as a toad.
Romney Repeats False Libya Attack, Accuses Obama Of ‘Apology’ For America | TPM2012

just as it was for the White House, last night by the way — to say that the statements were inappropriate, and in my view a disgraceful statement on the part of our administration to apologize for American values.”

Let's ignore everything that is going on, all of the missteps of our Government, the lack of leadership, and attack Romney. What a load of crap.

We have a State Department apologizing for the exercise of Free Speech, within our Borders, wondering if we are Sharia compliant enough, that is just precious. What does it matter if the apology came before or after the Riots??? I guess it's not important who participated in the attacks, or who tipped them off, as to the location of the Ambassador, I mean, shit, Romney is just so mean spirited, right. What a joke.

The State Department's job is diplomacy. They also had a vested interest in preventing Americans abroad from being killed. They issued no apology, they merely stated that they didn't underwrite attacks on religion.

I'm sorry to see you stoop to lying.
While he may be a toad, He remains stronger in character and morals then you are capable of.

one cant have strong morals if they shift daily. The fact you defend Mittens shows your lack of character.

And whats that say about your defense of Obama? If we use your logic, that means you have as much character as a toad.

im talking about mittens dipshit, Stop deflecting back to obama..Stupid twat
Ravi, congradulations. Truthmatters, Chris, RDean... and now Ravi. You've made it... did you tear out and throw away your critical thinking, or does the DNC now do thinkectomies as well as late term abortions? Check with Sandra Fluke, I think that they can get that as a covered procedure under Obamacare.

Mitt Romney looks ten times more Presidential than Barry ever has or will. Every American, and believe it or not that includes Mitt Romney, has the right to say what ever they want to, even when it's about events that are unfolding. I'm kind of shaky on the details here, but I think it's in the FIRST AMENDMENT (I know you lefties believe it only protects speech you like). Just like the guy in California has the RIGHT to make the film depicting Mohammed as the idiot he really is.

I rarely look at threads started by dink (you DO know what a dink is?) political hacks... Now I get to add your name to the list.
Dink: double income no kids. Doesn't fit me.

"looking" presidential (why, because he's white?) doesn't make one presidential and freedom of speech is fine for all, even Mitten, but being an asshole whore does not a president make.

You're welcome.

Double-Income No Kids??? Ha,ha,ha,ha... uh, no. In the case of cattle, a dink is an animal that is neither good for breeding or butchering. It's just an animal that takes up feed, space, and hay. In other words it doesn't add to the herd and is usually sold at auction (if you're lucky enough to sell it).

Because he's white... The minute I read that I had to laugh outloud. Really??? What the hell is it in the warped liberal mind that makes race so overall important? When you go to Starbucks, do you overtly look at the race of the two clerks and make up your mind that you need to go to the one that is a member of a minority so that you can be 'fair'?

An asshole whore? God, are you LIVING with Truthmatters now? Or are liberals just predisposed to believe that if a President is not apologing to someone for something, then he's being an "asshole whore"? Hey, I know... go find Harry Reid, he'll surrender to the protestors.
one cant have strong morals if they shift daily. The fact you defend Mittens shows your lack of character.

And whats that say about your defense of Obama? If we use your logic, that means you have as much character as a toad.

im talking about mittens dipshit, Stop deflecting back to obama..Stupid twat

Oh I get it. You dont care about being a freakin hypocrite do you? You dont like being held to your own standards because youd rather defend an incompetant leader than deal with reality.
Romney Repeats False Libya Attack, Accuses Obama Of ‘Apology’ For America | TPM2012

just as it was for the White House, last night by the way — to say that the statements were inappropriate, and in my view a disgraceful statement on the part of our administration to apologize for American values.”

Let's ignore everything that is going on, all of the missteps of our Government, the lack of leadership, and attack Romney. What a load of crap.

We have a State Department apologizing for the exercise of Free Speech, within our Borders, wondering if we are Sharia compliant enough, that is just precious. What does it matter if the apology came before or after the Riots??? I guess it's not important who participated in the attacks, or who tipped them off, as to the location of the Ambassador, I mean, shit, Romney is just so mean spirited, right. What a joke.

your first sentence is not reality... and if you want to complain about government, try starting with the 'i hope he fails' extreme right.

no one apologized.

and so what... they are in a dangerous country in a dangerous situation. the people they have to work with on a daily basis do not HAVE freedom of speech. their job is to be sensitive to where they are...

and they were...

and while i understand the pos had the right to put out the video, i have the right to call him a pos

which still doesn't justify the violence, but no one is saying it did.
And whats that say about your defense of Obama? If we use your logic, that means you have as much character as a toad.

im talking about mittens dipshit, Stop deflecting back to obama..Stupid twat

Oh I get it. You dont care about being a freakin hypocrite do you? You dont like being held to your own standards because youd rather defend an incompetant leader than deal with reality.

You missed his point...

It's that you are a stupid twat, stupid twat.
Ravi, congradulations. Truthmatters, Chris, RDean... and now Ravi. You've made it... did you tear out and throw away your critical thinking, or does the DNC now do thinkectomies as well as late term abortions? Check with Sandra Fluke, I think that they can get that as a covered procedure under Obamacare.

Mitt Romney looks ten times more Presidential than Barry ever has or will. Every American, and believe it or not that includes Mitt Romney, has the right to say what ever they want to, even when it's about events that are unfolding. I'm kind of shaky on the details here, but I think it's in the FIRST AMENDMENT (I know you lefties believe it only protects speech you like). Just like the guy in California has the RIGHT to make the film depicting Mohammed as the idiot he really is.

I rarely look at threads started by dink (you DO know what a dink is?) political hacks... Now I get to add your name to the list.
Dink: double income no kids. Doesn't fit me.

"looking" presidential (why, because he's white?) doesn't make one presidential and freedom of speech is fine for all, even Mitten, but being an asshole whore does not a president make.

You're welcome.

Double-Income No Kids??? Ha,ha,ha,ha... uh, no. In the case of cattle, a dink is an animal that is neither good for breeding or butchering. It's just an animal that takes up feed, space, and hay. In other words it doesn't add to the herd and is usually sold at auction (if you're lucky enough to sell it).

Because he's white... The minute I read that I had to laugh outloud. Really??? What the hell is it in the warped liberal mind that makes race so overall important? When you go to Starbucks, do you overtly look at the race of the two clerks and make up your mind that you need to go to the one that is a member of a minority so that you can be 'fair'?

An asshole whore? God, are you LIVING with Truthmatters now? Or are liberals just predisposed to believe that if a President is not apologing to someone for something, then he's being an "asshole whore"? Hey, I know... go find Harry Reid, he'll surrender to the protestors.
Ah, I forgot. Dink also means a stupid, useless asshole. Good nickname for Mitten.
Nah, Mitts's not a Toadie....

[ame=]The Toadies - Possum Kingdom - YouTube[/ame]

Opps you said Toad, my bad......
im talking about mittens dipshit, Stop deflecting back to obama..Stupid twat

Oh I get it. You dont care about being a freakin hypocrite do you? You dont like being held to your own standards because youd rather defend an incompetant leader than deal with reality.

You missed his point...

It's that you are a stupid twat, stupid twat.

No. I understood his point. And yours. You are desperately trying to defend the indefensible and you have no problem selling your souls to do that. Better to lie to yourself and lie about Romney than to look at yourselves in the mirror and admit youve made a mistake defending incompetence.

People are dead because of a failure in leadership. People are dead because too many people fail to learn from history. How many times do these events have to reoccur before we stop doing the same exact things over and over and expect different results?
Here's more on the POS Romney's dance:

Here’s the problem: The fallout over Romney’s reaction has much less to do with the content of the initial embassy statement and a lot more to do with the timing of what unfolded Tuesday night. The embassy’s condemnation of an anti-Muslim film was issued before the compound in Egypt was breached and before an attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya killed four people, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. That order of events directly undercuts Romney’s statement Tuesday night that “the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

Romney tried to get around this blatant contradiction Wednesday by saying he was referring to tweets by the embassy affirmed their initial statement after the Egypt protest got out of hand (but well before the Libya murders). But even those tweets actually included a condemnation of the embassy breach as well. Either way, it takes a pretty massive leap to get from ambiguous tweets by besieged social media outreach staff member at an embassy in Egypt to claiming the White House itself reacted to the death of Americans in Libya by expressing sympathy for militants.

In fact, the first reactions from the State Department and White House were strong condemnations.

“Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet,” said a statement from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued Tuesday evening. “The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

That reaction did not satisfy Romney, either: He said Clinton’s statement, combined with the embassy tweets, constituted “mixed signals.”

The original embassy tweets condemned an anti-Muslim film promoted by Florida pastor Terry Jones. Many critics have bristled at the idea that America should have to account for an individual citizen’s speech abroad.

But according to talking points from the Romney campaign obtained by CNN, Romney’s surrogates have been instructed to condemn Jones using language nearly identical to Clinton’s:

Take Three: Romney Camp’s New Explanation Of Libya Reaction Still Doesn’t Make Sense | TPM2012
And whats that say about your defense of Obama? If we use your logic, that means you have as much character as a toad.

im talking about mittens dipshit, Stop deflecting back to obama..Stupid twat

Oh I get it. You dont care about being a freakin hypocrite do you? You dont like being held to your own standards because youd rather defend an incompetant leader than deal with reality.
so your answer is to deflect more?

stupid twat.
Oh I get it. You dont care about being a freakin hypocrite do you? You dont like being held to your own standards because youd rather defend an incompetant leader than deal with reality.

You missed his point...

It's that you are a stupid twat, stupid twat.

No. I understood his point. And yours. You are desperately trying to defend the indefensible and you have no problem selling your souls to do that. Better to lie to yourself and lie about Romney than to look at yourselves in the mirror and admit youve made a mistake defending incompetence.

People are dead because of a failure in leadership. People are dead because too many people fail to learn from history. How many times do these events have to reoccur before we stop doing the same exact things over and over and expect different results?

well no,but you are a liar and fraud,so who cares about your stupid twat opinions.
Rummy, that idiot that fucked us over during the invasion of Iraq, has sided with Mitten.


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