Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

No, to be part of the problem, he'd have to be a lazy, brainwashed loser sitting around on his dead ass, waiting for Mommy Government to come along and make his existence happy and worthwhile.

Of course, if that were the case, he wouldn't be running for President. He'd be sitting on an Internet chat board, being treated to my special brand of contempt and disdain, the way you . . . oops. Sorry. :eusa_whistle:

Oh god, you got me. Yep you sure got me.

I'm not a highly-paid, highly-skilled professional at all. I'm really a lazy welfare recipient living on the dole, who happens to be able to access the computer at the local library just to harrass you.

Yep, I guess I'm caught.

We've known this for some time.... but you must feel better for coming clean.
I think during the next debate, someone should ask Newt Gingrich if he will raise capital gains tax rates.
I think during the next debate, someone should ask Newt Gingrich if he will raise capital gains tax rates.

And shut down tax shelters like the ones in question that Romney is taking advantage of.
Just goes to show how little you really know about economics and investments. Of course, all of your posts do that.

OR, it just goes to show that my worldview, where workers are an essential and contributing part of a company, and the economy, is different from your worldview, where rich investors are the only contributors to a company, and workers are just leeches that need to be paid so that they can survive to the next day to make more money for the investors.

Oh, and you know what all your posts show? That you're an enormous prick that likes to be condescending, but can't quite figure out the situations where it's appropriate to be so.

No, dimwit, your worldview is "Rich people are evil; poor people are good". All the blather in the world isn't going to hide that simplistic, puerile attitude. Neither wealth nor poverty are virtues, and neither of them are vices, either. Your idea that the wealthy should be punished (because they're obviously stealing from everyone else) and the poor should be venerated (because they're obviously victims) is both retarded and destructive, to the poor as well as the wealthy and to the nation in general.

I have never said that rich investors are the only contributors. What I WILL say is that people get compensated for their contribution commensurate with that contribution, with the risk associating with the contribution, and with the compensation they negotiated for. Only a total freaking dumbass thinks the Fryolator Guy at the Burger King down the street is the REAL engine of capitalism there, and the guy who laid out a million dollars to open that franchise is just a bloodsucker lying around and getting fat off the Fryolator Guy's labor.

And I don't enjoy being condescending. It's just unavoidable when talking to halfwits.
If Newt Gingrich were asked if he would raise capital gains taxes, you would see one backpedaling, tongue swallowing, class warfare playing, hypocritical piece of shit caught in the headlights.
No, dimwit, your worldview is "Rich people are evil; poor people are good". All the blather in the world isn't going to hide that simplistic, puerile attitude. Neither wealth nor poverty are virtues, and neither of them are vices, either. Your idea that the wealthy should be punished (because they're obviously stealing from everyone else) and the poor should be venerated (because they're obviously victims) is both retarded and destructive, to the poor as well as the wealthy and to the nation in general.

I have never said that rich investors are the only contributors. What I WILL say is that people get compensated for their contribution commensurate with that contribution, with the risk associating with the contribution, and with the compensation they negotiated for. Only a total freaking dumbass thinks the Fryolator Guy at the Burger King down the street is the REAL engine of capitalism there, and the guy who laid out a million dollars to open that franchise is just a bloodsucker lying around and getting fat off the Fryolator Guy's labor.

And I don't enjoy being condescending. It's just unavoidable when talking to halfwits.

That's funny, because there are a whole lot of rich people that I like. And since I'm actually in the top 20% of incomes, I guess that would mean I hate myself (?). Though perhaps I'm not rich enough for you to have respect for.

And the workers ARE the "real engine of capitalism". The CEO's are the drivers. The investors are the ones financing the car.

All are important, but one cannot function without the others.

It's your kind that think that the only important people in the equation are the investors, or the "Job Creators", as you're so fond of calling them.

I'm not a socialist, I just happen to think that workers deserve the same respect and consideration as the top 1%.

You however, seem to be a true Ayn Rand Ultra-Capitalist. And in true Ayn Rand fashion, you seem to view anyone who's not in the investor class as a lower life-form.
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And you do seem to enjoy being condescending.

If you don't enjoy it, then you sure seem to engage in an activity you hate quite often.

It's not just me you try this tactic with, it's pretty much anyone on the board who disagrees with you.
Capital Gains Taxes: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Take, for example, the capital gains tax paid on a pharmaceutical stock. The value of that stock equals the discounted present value of all of the company’s future proceeds. If the company is expected to earn $100,000 a year for the next twenty years, the sales price of the stock will reflect those returns. The “gain” the seller realizes from the sale of the stock will reflect those future returns, and thus the seller will pay capital gains tax on the future stream of income. But the company’s future $100,000 annual returns will also be taxed when they are earned. So the $100,000 in profits is taxed twice—when the owners sell their shares of stock and when the company actually earns the income. That is why many tax analysts argue that the most equitable rate of tax on capital gains is zero.

But I'm sure you know more about it than they do.

Since employee are paid from the same revenue pool, one could apply that to all payrolls.

If the company was not making as much money, they would not be able to afford to pay their workers as much.

Therefore, the "Taxed Twice" argument could be applied to anyone who works for a company that is taxed. Which would pretty much cover a vast majority of employees in the USA.

Just goes to show how little you really know about economics and investments. Of course, all of your posts do that.
yeah, that is such a head shaker isn't it. Sadly there are too many like him/her who just don't have a clue and the MSM who have a stake in the election certainly aren't going to try and educate the public on the facts. You will instead get hit piece after hit piece from garbage journalism like Time and Newsweek and NYTimes etc pandering to the ignorant masses, Deplorable and really unethical, but that's what will happen and that's what this country is about today. Uneducated masses being mislead by educated liberal liars.
yeah, that is such a head shaker isn't it. Sadly there are too many like him/her who just don't have a clue and the MSM who have a stake in the election certainly aren't going to try and educate the public on the facts. You will instead get hit piece after hit piece from garbage journalism like Time and Newsweek and NYTimes etc pandering to the ignorant masses, Deplorable and really unethical, but that's what will happen and that's what this country is about today. Uneducated masses being mislead by educated liberal liars.

Yes, of course. How dare anyone think the workers, or the "ignorant masses", as you like to refer to them, should get the same respect as the all-holy "Job Creators"?

It's obvious that the workers are just the scum on the bottom of the "Job Creator" shoes.

How did it take me so long to realize this? Man, I need to brush up on my Ayn Rand I guess.
I think during the next debate, someone should ask Newt Gingrich if he will raise capital gains tax rates.

And shut down tax shelters like the ones in question that Romney is taking advantage of.

If the capital gains tax was increased, it would affect retirements of millions of people. This tax is open to the middle class participants in the stock market as it is to high income earners.

There's plenty of loopholes that should be closed, but this isn't one of them. Middle class America invests for their future retirements and shouldn't be discouraged by large taxes on their investment incomes.
If the capital gains tax was increased, it would affect retirements of millions of people. This tax is open to the middle class participants in the stock market as it is to high income earners.

There's plenty of loopholes that should be closed, but this isn't one of them. Middle class America invests for their future retirements and shouldn't be discouraged by large taxes on their investment incomes.

If the capital gains tax was changed to equal income tax, no such thing would occur, as people on a fixed income wouldn't have to pay much tax anyway, and a great deal more revenue would be made, as most capital gains income is earned by the rich.
I think during the next debate, someone should ask Newt Gingrich if he will raise capital gains tax rates.

And shut down tax shelters like the ones in question that Romney is taking advantage of.

If the capital gains tax was increased, it would affect retirements of millions of people. This tax is open to the middle class participants in the stock market as it is to high income earners.

There's plenty of loopholes that should be closed, but this isn't one of them. Middle class America invests for their future retirements and shouldn't be discouraged by large taxes on their investment incomes.

Sure it would impact their future effective growth but then they were saving and retiring long before the capitol gains tax was cut.
I'm not a socialist, I just happen to think that workers deserve the same respect and consideration as the top 1%.

Almost makes it SEEM like you want equal treatment... but that's only a 1 way street for you...

I happen to think that everybody deserves the same equal treatment, burden, say, etc when it comes to government... for if you truly want equality, you have to be willing to take everything that goes with it
I'm not a socialist, I just happen to think that workers deserve the same respect and consideration as the top 1%.

Almost makes it SEEM like you want equal treatment... but that's only a 1 way street for you...

I happen to think that everybody deserves the same equal treatment, burden, say, etc when it comes to government... for if you truly want equality, you have to be willing to take everything that goes with it

Hahah, no you don't. Everything you stand for says you want poor people to have it even harder than they have it now and for the rich to receive even bigger breaks.
yeah, that is such a head shaker isn't it. Sadly there are too many like him/her who just don't have a clue and the MSM who have a stake in the election certainly aren't going to try and educate the public on the facts. You will instead get hit piece after hit piece from garbage journalism like Time and Newsweek and NYTimes etc pandering to the ignorant masses, Deplorable and really unethical, but that's what will happen and that's what this country is about today. Uneducated masses being mislead by educated liberal liars.

Yes, of course. How dare anyone think the workers, or the "ignorant masses", as you like to refer to them, should get the same respect as the all-holy "Job Creators"?

It's obvious that the workers are just the scum on the bottom of the "Job Creator" shoes.

How did it take me so long to realize this? Man, I need to brush up on my Ayn Rand I guess.

Where was any of this said or even implied? Because you are proven to be ignorant doesn't give you the right to rewrite the history of the communication. This isn't about "respect" it's about facts.
Where was any of this said or even implied? Because you are proven to be ignorant doesn't give you the right to rewrite the history of the communication. This isn't about "respect" it's about facts.

Since your side of the argument seems to consist of:

1. Blanket denials of what your opponent is saying without any evidence to back up your argument.

2. Personal attacks claiming that anyone who disagrees with you is "ignorant".


3. Comments about the "uneducated masses"

It only seems fitting for me to answer in equally offensive, non-sequitors.

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