Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Yep, Because his only income is from Capital gains.

You too can enjoy this low % when you see gains in your own Retirement Portfolio, It is not just for the rich.

Ask yourself this:

What percent of capital gains income in the United States applies to rich people, and what percent applies to everyone else?

If raising the Cap Gains rate negatively affects older people, then an exception can be made on retirement income.

The lefties want to end the Bush tax cuts to the rich....I get it already...
The lefties want a higher tax rate on top of that....?
The lefties want to raise the rate on Capital Gains?...Do I have that right?

And what do the Libs want to do with all this extra revenue?....

You guys know where I am most of the time....
I really want an answer on this.
You guys have been screaming like little school girls that you want the rich to pay their fair share....

Where does this extra revenue go?
Considering he has quite a number of jobs in recently history where he earned $1 a year by choice, im surprised he has to pay that much.
Conversely, CEO wages have ballooned to close to 400 times that of their employees.

Are you not free to become a CEO, or whatever other career path you choose to follow??

You have the freedom to succeed that goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail.... and not to mention the freedom to negotiate whatever compensation your skills, experience, etc demand
Conversely, CEO wages have ballooned to close to 400 times that of their employees.

Are you not free to become a CEO, or whatever other career path you choose to follow??

You have the freedom to succeed that goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail.... and not to mention the freedom to negotiate whatever compensation your skills, experience, etc demand

^This poster speaks the truth of/TO Liberty and the Free Market that is rapidly disappearing thanks to Statists...
Yep, Because his only income is from Capital gains.

You too can enjoy this low % when you see gains in your own Retirement Portfolio, It is not just for the rich.

Ask yourself this:

What percent of capital gains income in the United States applies to rich people, and what percent applies to everyone else?

If raising the Cap Gains rate negatively affects older people, then an exception can be made on retirement income.

The lefties want to end the Bush tax cuts to the rich....I get it already...
The lefties want a higher tax rate on top of that....?
The lefties want to raise the rate on Capital Gains?...Do I have that right?

And what do the Libs want to do with all this extra revenue?....

You guys know where I am most of the time....
I really want an answer on this.
You guys have been screaming like little school girls that you want the rich to pay their fair share....

Where does this extra revenue go?
To moochers that didn't earn it.
i also play the market and pay less tax than you suckers punching a clock. it's a sweet deal. especially when you consider that you have to have a pretty substantial amount of money to make good money. it keeps all you little guys out and allows me to compete against less people.
So subjectivity rules everything.... and as suspected... you are all for the unequal treatment of others when it benefits you... and only equal treatment when it benefits you...

Typical lefty

Someone making assumptions without information....and It's DiamondDave....Typical.

No.. we have plenty of your posting history to draw from...

You only believe in equality in treatment when it benefits you and your political cause... when it comes to treating someone unequally, as evidenced by the type of taxation scheme you repeatedly support, you abandon equality like a red headed step child

Says someone who advocates a flat tax. I know you work for the government and are a hypocrite, what do you know about me? Let's hear it. This should be good.
Yep, Because his only income is from Capital gains.

You too can enjoy this low % when you see gains in your own Retirement Portfolio, It is not just for the rich.

Ask yourself this:

What percent of capital gains income in the United States applies to rich people, and what percent applies to everyone else?

If raising the Cap Gains rate negatively affects older people, then an exception can be made on retirement income.

The lefties want to end the Bush tax cuts to the rich....I get it already...
The lefties want a higher tax rate on top of that....?
The lefties want to raise the rate on Capital Gains?...Do I have that right?

And what do the Libs want to do with all this extra revenue?....

You guys know where I am most of the time....
I really want an answer on this.
You guys have been screaming like little school girls that you want the rich to pay their fair share....

Where does this extra revenue go?

To pay down the national debt.
Yes god forbid people keep more of their own money

The rich having been keeping more for years, where has that left us. It's time to keep less.

No.. it is time they kept the same % as every other citizen... not getting gouged while 50% of the population pays nothing in income tax and many times draws much more out in entitlements...

See... like I said.. your support of unequal treatment when it benefits you

Asshole progressive

How does it benefit me? Are you implying that I am poor? Since you know so much about me, tell me specifically how my support of a progressive tax benefits me. When you can't do that, it will shoot down your entire piece of shit, baseless argument. And I won't even have to resort to calling you names to win my case. Novel idea, I know.
Someone making assumptions without information....and It's DiamondDave....Typical.

No.. we have plenty of your posting history to draw from...

You only believe in equality in treatment when it benefits you and your political cause... when it comes to treating someone unequally, as evidenced by the type of taxation scheme you repeatedly support, you abandon equality like a red headed step child

Says someone who advocates a flat tax. I know you work for the government and are a hypocrite, what do you know about me? Let's hear it. This should be good.

I know you're a leftist... and that is 1 more thing than you know about me

You see.. a flat tax is blind to situation, income, feelings, etc.. which is how it should be... not some subjective fairness bullshit that can be played for politics and used to pander for votes in class warfare rhetoric...

You sir, when you only advocate for equality in treatment when it benefits you, yet calls fir unequal treatment of others when it benefits you, are proven to be the hypocrite
The rich having been keeping more for years, where has that left us. It's time to keep less.

No.. it is time they kept the same % as every other citizen... not getting gouged while 50% of the population pays nothing in income tax and many times draws much more out in entitlements...

See... like I said.. your support of unequal treatment when it benefits you

Asshole progressive

How does it benefit me? Are you implying that I am poor? Since you know so much about me, tell me specifically how my support of a progressive tax benefits me. When you can't do that, it will shoot down your entire piece of shit, baseless argument. And I won't even have to resort to calling you names to win my case. Novel idea, I know.

Do you make less than the top 1%?? Do you pay less than the top rate? I would venture to say yes with confidence... Hence... It benefits you

You call for the unequal treatment of others in order for them to pay a higher % for the same services, that you get at a lesser taxation rate...

You can argue all you want about capital gains.. but it falls on deaf ears since I call for all income to be taxed the same, including capital gains and including the monies earned by the 50% that pay no income tax....
Keep in mind that not only are we going to find out that Romney paid a low tax rate,

his proposed tax plan would cut his taxes even further.
Maybe even less.

Tax analysts say Romney may have good reason to be reluctant to release his returns.

His vast fortune is invested in dozens of funds linked to Bain Capital LLC, the powerhouse private equity firm he co-founded and led for 15 years. Several Bain funds have offshore connections and take advantage of tax breaks used only by the U.S. financial elite.

His tax returns could shed light on how Romney and Bain use offshore strategies to avoid taxes, said Daniel Berman, a former U.S. Treasury deputy international tax counsel and now director of tax at Boston University's graduate tax program.

Romney says he is taxed at around 15 percent rate | Reuters
Yep, Because his only income is from Capital gains.

You too can enjoy this low % when you see gains in your own Retirement Portfolio, It is not just for the rich.

Ask yourself this:

What percent of capital gains income in the United States applies to rich people, and what percent applies to everyone else?

If raising the Cap Gains rate negatively affects older people, then an exception can be made on retirement income.

The lefties want to end the Bush tax cuts to the rich....I get it already...
The lefties want a higher tax rate on top of that....?
The lefties want to raise the rate on Capital Gains?...Do I have that right?

And what do the Libs want to do with all this extra revenue?....

You guys know where I am most of the time....
I really want an answer on this.
You guys have been screaming like little school girls that you want the rich to pay their fair share....

Where does this extra revenue go?

My guess is another "Porkulus" like the last one.

-- $233,000 to the University of California at San Diego to study why Africans vote. Jobs created: 12, but seven of those are Africans in Africa.

-- In Nevada, $2 million in stimulus money built a new fire station, but because of budget cuts, the county can't afford to hire firefighters to work there.

-- Penn State University got $1.5 million to study plant fossils in Argentina. Of 5 jobs created, 2 belong to Argentines.

-- Researchers the State University of New York at Buffalo got $389,000 to pay 100 Buffalonians $45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink -- and how much pot smoke each day. Consumption is then reported via an automated phone hotline. Cost per job: almost $200,000.

-- The Obama administration is spending $5 billion to weatherize homes. But one Texas county spent $4 million to weatherize just 47 homes. That's $78,000 per house. Each retrofit is supposed to save homeowners $500 a year in energy costs. That means taxpayers will recoup their investment in 156 years, long after the home is probably torn down.

-- Two Arizona universities got almost $1 million dollars so 3 grad students can study how ants work. That's more than $300,000 per job.

-- Companies that raise tropical fish, shellfish, catfish, alligators and even turtles qualify for $50 million in tax money to buy fish food.

Read more: Millions In Stimulus Spending Being Doled Out For Questionable Jobs | Fox News
Why is EVERYONE so concerned with what someone else pays? Shouldn't you be focusing on what you pay and the validity of its fairness? The poor suck from our system while putting little into it so obviously a break here or there for the ones who actually pay is a okay with me.

All you leeches can suck it! Lol

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