Mitt Romney says 'Obamacare' adds trillions to the deficit


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011


How is it that a law can raise taxes and cut spending, but also add trillions to the deficit?

That was Mitt Romney’s claim after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the core of the health care law on June 28, 2012.

"Obamacare raises taxes on the American people by approximately $500 billion. Obamacare cuts Medicare -- cuts Medicare by approximately $500 billion," Romney said. "And even with those cuts and tax increases, Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt, and pushes those obligations on to coming generations."

Here, we’re fact-checking Romney’s claim that "Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt." It’s a topic we’ve researched before.

We asked the Romney campaign for their evidence for this statement, but we didn’t hear back.

For claims about laws that are not yet fully enacted, our go-to source is the Congressional Budget Office. It’s a nonpartisan, widely respected agency with an expert staff that generates projections and reports about how proposed laws affect the federal budget.

The Congressional Budget Office is not always right in its projections. In recent years, for example, it overestimated how much it would cost to cover prescription drugs for seniors in Medicare. The program actually came in under projections.

But for claims about deficits, we consider the Congressional Budget Office, often called the CBO, to be the standard by which we fact-check claims.

The CBO said this about the health care law back in 2010: It lowers the deficit, by about $124 billion over 10 years.

More to read in the article.
Not to fret people, obama just raised taxes on you by 500 billion

Now get out there and re-elect him
because about 20 or 30 million will get this on the taxpayers dime. gawd damn but democrats izzz dumb shitz.
PolitiFact | Mitt Romney says 'Obamacare' adds trillions to the deficit


How is it that a law can raise taxes and cut spending, but also add trillions to the deficit?

That was Mitt Romney’s claim after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the core of the health care law on June 28, 2012.

"Obamacare raises taxes on the American people by approximately $500 billion. Obamacare cuts Medicare -- cuts Medicare by approximately $500 billion," Romney said. "And even with those cuts and tax increases, Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt, and pushes those obligations on to coming generations."

Here, we’re fact-checking Romney’s claim that "Obamacare adds trillions to our deficits and to our national debt." It’s a topic we’ve researched before.

We asked the Romney campaign for their evidence for this statement, but we didn’t hear back.

For claims about laws that are not yet fully enacted, our go-to source is the Congressional Budget Office. It’s a nonpartisan, widely respected agency with an expert staff that generates projections and reports about how proposed laws affect the federal budget.

The Congressional Budget Office is not always right in its projections. In recent years, for example, it overestimated how much it would cost to cover prescription drugs for seniors in Medicare. The program actually came in under projections.

But for claims about deficits, we consider the Congressional Budget Office, often called the CBO, to be the standard by which we fact-check claims.

The CBO said this about the health care law back in 2010: It lowers the deficit, by about $124 billion over 10 years.

More to read in the article.

Romney sounds more and more like the worst of the USMB right every day.
Not to fret people, obama just raised taxes on you by 500 billion

Now get out there and re-elect him

I will.

I like when people are straight with me.

Not when they force 2 wars, a new medicare drug benefit, a new government department, and lots of spending in general through congress, while cutting taxes on the wealthy, like Bush did.

That really isn't a straight deal. Stuff isn't free. It has to be paid for..

You can't simply run up a tab..and blame it on the guy picking up the check.
Early diagnosis and treatment of most disease reduces costs and human misery. The uninsured use denial, delay and finally the emergency room which costs all of us who use the health care system a pretty penny, estimated at $1,000 per person per year.

Candidate Romney promises to repeal "Obamacare" on his first day in office. Every American student who has completed the 8th grade understands a president does not have the power to do so, sadly, WT and Stephanie lack such understanding.

Once again they and others like them have fallen prey to false promises and the rhetoric of fear, putting democracy in America at risk. Maybe an ID is a less necessary to protect democracy than the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time?
Early diagnosis and treatment of most disease reduces costs and human misery. The uninsured use denial, delay and finally the emergency room which costs all of us who use the health care system a pretty penny, estimated at $1,000 per person per year.

Candidate Romney promises to repeal "Obamacare" on his first day in office. Every American student who has completed the 8th grade understands a president does not have the power to do so, sadly, WT and Stephanie lack such understanding.

Once again they and others like them have fallen prey to false promises and the rhetoric of fear, putting democracy in America at risk. Maybe an ID is a less necessary to protect democracy than the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time?

keep me out of your idiot rantings, no one gives a shit if you think others lack understanding
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Not to fret people, obama just raised taxes on you by 500 billion

Now get out there and re-elect him

I will.

I like when people are straight with me.

Not when they force 2 wars, a new medicare drug benefit, a new government department, and lots of spending in general through congress, while cutting taxes on the wealthy, like Bush did.

That really isn't a straight deal. Stuff isn't free. It has to be paid for..

You can't simply run up a tab..and blame it on the guy picking up the check.

Straight with you??? This President??? :lmao:
Holy you are one blind
It's amazing how the left needs the government to do everything for them, including wipe their ass. More government intrusion. More government dependency.
Early diagnosis and treatment of most disease reduces costs and human misery. The uninsured use denial, delay and finally the emergency room which costs all of us who use the health care system a pretty penny, estimated at $1,000 per person per year.

Candidate Romney promises to repeal "Obamacare" on his first day in office. Every American student who has completed the 8th grade understands a president does not have the power to do so, sadly, WT and Stephanie lack such understanding.

Once again they and others like them have fallen prey to false promises and the rhetoric of fear, putting democracy in America at risk. Maybe an ID is a less necessary to protect democracy than the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time?

keep me out of your idiot rantings, no one gives a shit if you think others lack understanding

You don't know what others care about - that you believe otherwise is at best silly.

Justice Roberts was obviously just kidding when he referenced the taxes acssociated with the law.

The tax is paid by those who don't have and don't want insurance you moron.

well so much about JUSTICE FOR ALL
of course you people never cared about that

Everyone is subject to this 'tax', unless you have healthcare. Just like everyone is subject to cigarette taxes,

unless you don't smoke.
Early diagnosis and treatment of most disease reduces costs and human misery. The uninsured use denial, delay and finally the emergency room which costs all of us who use the health care system a pretty penny, estimated at $1,000 per person per year.

Candidate Romney promises to repeal "Obamacare" on his first day in office. Every American student who has completed the 8th grade understands a president does not have the power to do so, sadly, WT and Stephanie lack such understanding.

Once again they and others like them have fallen prey to false promises and the rhetoric of fear, putting democracy in America at risk. Maybe an ID is a less necessary to protect democracy than the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time?

keep me out of your idiot rantings, no one gives a shit if you think others lack understanding

You don't know what others care about - that you believe otherwise is at best silly.

and you aren't the judge of what other people understand...though you believe yourself above everyone
Win, win for Romney and the GOP.

Way ta go Roberts.


So if the law had been struck down you'd be on here today saying that was a victory for Obama?

I never cease to be amused by the stupidity of conservatives. If for no other reason, liberals should take comfort and confidence that they are on the right side,

just by observing how stupid you have to be to even be a conservative.
keep me out of your idiot rantings, no one gives a shit if you think others lack understanding

You don't know what others care about - that you believe otherwise is at best silly.

and you aren't the judge of what other people understand...though you believe yourself above everyone

We all make judgments, in your post above you made the judgment that "no one gives a shit..." How do you know? Better yet, why do you believe "no one ..."? I know you don't (give a shit) and I also judge that you are one of the willfully ignorant (that's okay, ignorance is bliss and I wish you all the happiness which that provides you).
You don't know what others care about - that you believe otherwise is at best silly.

and you aren't the judge of what other people understand...though you believe yourself above everyone

We all make judgments, in your post above you made the judgment that "no one gives a shit..." How do you know? Better yet, why do you believe "no one ..."? I know you don't (give a shit) and I also judge that you are one of the willfully ignorant (that's okay, ignorance is bliss and I wish you all the happiness which that provides you).

fine, like I said, KEEP me out of your idiot rantings..

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