Mitt Romney: We don’t need more cops, firefighters or teachers

The Republicans are using the weak job numbers against the President, when in fact one of the main reasons that weakness is occurring is because the Republicans are getting exactly what they want,

massive cutbacks in government jobs.
First fact, the stimulus worked, same as how Keynesian economics prevented a complete meltdown after the past 30 years of republican mismanagement

30 years ??? you sure you want to run with that?? befor 1997 who held the house for what 46 years straight?

I get a kick ut of these clowns that think their party is clean and innocent,and somehow not connected to anything.

That is basically right.

After the grand experiment of Reagan trickle down payers were left holding the bag on multiple meltdowns..including..interestingly enough, Silverado..a bank run by the Bushies.

I'll hand to George HW Bush, however, he did right alot of the wrongs of the Reagan era and did a good job of cleaning up the fiscal mess.

Clinton ran with that ball and went one better..he produced surpluses instead of Deficits.

When GW Bush came to down, boy howdy..back to the Grand Ol' Republican experiment again. And what a mess that turned into.

But now that the mess is getting cleaned up again..they want another trickle downer in office.

Gotta love it.
We don't need more Teachers cops or firefighters.

The student teacher ratio is lower than it ever has been and our schools still suck. Do you think adding more teachers will help?

And it seems to me we have plenty of cops hell I see 3 or 4 state troopers sitting in parked cars on the side of the road every day. There obviously isn't so much crime other than a few speeders to worry about.

So if the good bishop wins office and the public sector starts hiring at a good know..maybe the veterans returning home..or something..

You'll get outraged, put on a tri corner hat..and protest Washington, right?


Why would we want the public sector to hire more people? We don't need any more public employees

We should be worried about the private sector hiring more people. The fucking government already can't pay its bills and you want government to add to its payroll expenses.

Not too savvy there.
The Republicans are using the weak job numbers against the President, when in fact one of the main reasons that weakness is occurring is because the Republicans are getting exactly what they want,

massive cutbacks in government jobs.

Which is funny, because they should be estatic about this.

Most of Europe sees these sort of numbers..but they don't let the unemployed languish with small unemployment checks..or nothing at all.

For all their "braying" about "right to life"...after a human leaves the womb, most conservatives can't wait until that person dies. Unless it's friends or family.

Jan Brewer proved that.
Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube

This time, however, Romney deserves points for honesty: He has forthrightly declared that the class of government workers holding back other Americans does include cops, firefighters and teachers. And in so doing, he has singlehandedly reframed the debate from one over despised government bureaucrats to one over whether we should hire more cops, firefighters and teachers to get the economy going. This is a debate the White House will be happy to have.

Mitt Romney: We don't need more cops, firefighters or teachers - The Washington Post


Wow, the problem is policemen, firemen and teachers.

Now it's clear why Republicans worked so very hard to keep health care from the first responders. Now, the right wingers at USMB can't possibly say that's not true.

DEANY no you don't need more police because the police are not legally bound to protect they take reports.
You don't need more firemen because you have a volunteer fire department.

And you do not need more government hired teachers when you can send your children to a private school of your choosing.
For all their "braying" about "right to life"...after a human leaves the womb, most conservatives can't wait until that person dies. Unless it's friends or family.

Jan Brewer proved that.

You just don't know very many do you?,you couldn't be more wrong.
For all their "braying" about "right to life"...after a human leaves the womb, most conservatives can't wait until that person dies. Unless it's friends or family.

Jan Brewer proved that.

You just don't know very many do you?,you couldn't be more wrong.

Well no.

I am not.

Jan Brewer let 2 people die from lack of funding for medical procedures.

Then there is the whole war thing in Iraq. Over 100K killed, for what? A big "Opps".

The resistance to getting health care out to people with out insurance is attributed to what? The very same people willing to waste 300 Billion on the joint strike fighter, a plane that never got deployed..or 81 Billion dollars on Missile Defense, a system that does not work..are absolutely against making sure that no one in this country DIES due to lack of health care. the 100K or so Iraqis that died because of that big "Opps"'s not friends or family.
For all their "braying" about "right to life"...after a human leaves the womb, most conservatives can't wait until that person dies. Unless it's friends or family.

Jan Brewer proved that.

You just don't know very many do you?,you couldn't be more wrong.

Well no.

I am not.

Jan Brewer let 2 people die from lack of funding for medical procedures.

Then there is the whole war thing in Iraq. Over 100K killed, for what? A big "Opps".

The resistance to getting health care out to people with out insurance is attributed to what? The very same people willing to waste 300 Billion on the joint strike fighter, a plane that never got deployed..or 81 Billion dollars on Missile Defense, a system that does not work..are absolutely against making sure that no one in this country DIES due to lack of health care. the 100K or so Iraqis that died because of that big "Opps"'s not friends or family.

So how many more civilian deaths are there with obama's drone attacks? He uses them more than bush did. and the civilian death count was high. Are you suggesting that has stop for some reason? Looks like since obama has used drones more the civilian death count should be more.
Bain Capital 'purchased' KB for the respectable price of $ 305 million dollars on December 8, 2000.

Bain Capital only offered $ 18 million in cash, the rest was leaveraged debt put on the company.

Sixteen months after the buyout, Bain Capital paid itself $85 million in dividends in early 2002.

January 14, 2004, K·B Toys filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and closed 365 stores.

Three years later the rest of the 156 stores were closed down.

It's just like when people buy a house & do a cash out refinance, walk away with the cash & let the house go back to the lender. He saw that KB had good credit & took advantage of it & the lenders which was probably some big pension funds.

So vulture corporatism is a good model for the US government?

Man..the shit conservatives want to saddle this country with is amazing.

The problem is that the federal, state & local government backed union pension funds. Then a vulture capitalist like Bain puts lipstick on a pig like KB & tells the pension fund manager that it is AAA rated investment. Bain takes the pension fund for millions & us tax payers are left with the tab. NO MORE TAX PAYER BACKED PENSIONS PERIOD!!!!!!!!

This same crap happened with government backed bonds for water & sewer systems. Eventually your taxes & utilities will skyrocket to pay for these bond time bombs.

Tax payers should not be on the hook for others stupidity & corruption. We should get the services we pay for & not have all the money we pay for taxes & utilities go to pay their debts & not for the services we should be getting.
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Anyone who has read my posts, you fucking shitstain, knows what a strong supporter I am of the police.

Because I feel the Republican Party has become extreme, ignorant, dangerous to the country doesn't translate into a lack of support for either the military or law enforcement.

It's your kind that feel they are patriotic even as they bring down the economy and send young Americans off to war for no other reason than to die. Republican ideals are much closer to al Qaeda than to the the American Middle class. Let him die? Applauding executions? Those are your ideals and ethics, not mine.

I don't call "American helping American" the path to "socialism".

Dean your an take quotes from pretty dam Conservative people or the fringe and attribute that to anyone on the right,and to top it off you put a spin on it to try and make it look your education and science bullshit.....i deliver mail to many Conservatives who are college educated and get all over their kids for doing bad in school.....if i did the same to the people on the left as you do to the right i would get treated just like you get treated,only from 90% of the Liberals are an obsessed idiot and should seek some help....

So Jeb Bush must be an asshole too. He says he's not "conservative" enough for this Republican party, which he refers to as "troubling".
good for Jeb Bush....i look at the republican and democratic party as both being "troubling" this Country....
You notice every group dean supports has a union? Deany is defending union jobs fuck the rest isn't that right deany?
You know....not to stick up for Dean in this instance....he did go over the top....however, I find it amusing that you get sick of his "Republicans are the anti-Christ threads", but can't even comprehend all of the Democrats are the anti-Christ threads the permeate this fucking board on a daily basis. Perhaps that might explain SOME...maybe even MOST of Dean's vitriol.....but no....that can't be it.....can it......Mr. "LIBERALISM IS A DISEASE"?

the reason Dean gets singled because thats all he does.....every fucking post.....your basically a Liberal Steel.....but your no where near Deans dont wake up thinking Conservatives are coming to get you.....Dean does....Dean has a problem....every Republican/Conservative to him is like the most far right individual you can find....and yes we have a few Righties here that are reverse the same thing he does...only with the Democrats....the Tea Party lady being one....
its up to the municipalities to adjust their work force size based on needs, contingencies, funding etc...

I agree, some states, counties, parishes, cities, towns, and villages may, some may not. Obama's comment concerning the private sector being economically "fine" DID need to be retracted. Romney jumped of course, had he waited a day or so, then noted both the flub, and the explanation" would had a greater impact.

The jump on Romney is unjustified.

When the Federal government offers states, counties, cities, etc taxpayers money to hire more cops and firemen, some local politicians take it and go on a hiring binge even if it is not justified. When the Federal money dries up, they can raise taxes or layoff cops and firemen.

The cops and firemen layoff ruse has been used by local politicians to get increased taxes passed for decades.
its up to the municipalities to adjust their work force size based on needs, contingencies, funding etc...

But.....but.....Barry wants us to hire mooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrre!!!!!

We need more union teachers, cops, and firemen that pay union dues which goes directly into the Democrats' election funds.

It seems that during Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II..hiring for Federal, State and Municipal employees was up.

When Obama came to office..we lost over 600,000 of those employees.

And the number of private sector hires has been over 4 million.

So given those conservatives should be quite happy with the results.

Contraction of government..and a hiring boom in the private sector.

Nothing..really to complain about, right?

Oh do.


many of those Federal workers maybe as much as 30-40% were from the PO and Obama had nothing to do with that....just sayin....
First fact, the stimulus worked, same as how Keynesian economics prevented a complete meltdown after the past 30 years of republican mismanagement. Students, remember Harding Coolidge and Hoover, they too screwed up, students, see the one consistent fact here, republicans suck at governing. Truman got it right.

Now to Mitty and his BS, I've come to the conclusion based on reading a bit of his father and mother's politics and the republican transition to the party of the stupid, that Romney will say anything to please the crazies. Sadly America has become a divided land of the privileged revisionists and reality. Say something serious and deep, and you will lose. Read about his mom's run for office in a recent Time for instance.

Oh and read the winguts on USMB if you doubt that retardation is a fundamental characteristic of the far right today.

Hate It or Love It, the Stimulus Worked

Romney will say anything to please the crazies.

gee you mean no other Politicians do that?....
Anybody seeking to blame the economic meltdown on THE PEOPLE of the USA is a obsequious liar or a complete ignoramous.

There's about 20 BANSTER CEOs who ought to be stood in front a wall and shot for TREASON, kids.


Isn't the goal of conservatism to create an ultra rich class of people?

Well they make 700 times what the average working stiff makes.

And that's not enough..because they are fleecing 401ks.

Mission accomplished.


thats the goal of Liberals too least the rich ones....Rich people are all alike no matter what your political persuasion....
Bain Capital 'purchased' KB for the respectable price of $ 305 million dollars on December 8, 2000.

Bain Capital only offered $ 18 million in cash, the rest was leaveraged debt put on the company.

Sixteen months after the buyout, Bain Capital paid itself $85 million in dividends in early 2002.

January 14, 2004, K·B Toys filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and closed 365 stores.

Three years later the rest of the 156 stores were closed down.

What does this have to do with anything?
First fact, the stimulus worked, same as how Keynesian economics prevented a complete meltdown after the past 30 years of republican mismanagement. Students, remember Harding Coolidge and Hoover, they too screwed up, students, see the one consistent fact here, republicans suck at governing. Truman got it right.

Now to Mitty and his BS, I've come to the conclusion based on reading a bit of his father and mother's politics and the republican transition to the party of the stupid, that Romney will say anything to please the crazies. Sadly America has become a divided land of the privileged revisionists and reality. Say something serious and deep, and you will lose. Read about his mom's run for office in a recent Time for instance.

Oh and read the winguts on USMB if you doubt that retardation is a fundamental characteristic of the far right today.

Hate It or Love It, the Stimulus Worked

How come government spending worked when Roosevelt did it, but failed when Hoover did it?
First fact, the stimulus worked, same as how Keynesian economics prevented a complete meltdown after the past 30 years of republican mismanagement

30 years ??? you sure you want to run with that?? befor 1997 who held the house for what 46 years straight?

I get a kick ut of these clowns that think their party is clean and innocent,and somehow not connected to anything.

HE is also forgetting the inconvenient fact that Clinton was in there for a few years. Apparently he was so useless it is easier to pretend he never existed, unless they want to claim he balanced the budget.

Of course, balanced budgets are bad now, so that might explain it.

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