Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

so, you've moved on from he didn't pay taxes to he will rescind and amend next year...:lol:[/QUOTE]

No, retard, Reid is talking about the years "prior" to 2010.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

and what did I say you imbecile?

Moved on from where? After Romney released his 2010 tax return, who ever said they didn't believe he paid any income tax in "2011"? I don't recall Reid saying that. No one is dumb enough to think Romney didn't pay any income taxes in a year he said he WOULD release. It's the years prior to 2010 in question.
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Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?
Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?

Not in my lifetime - and I'm 65. In fact, no one ever even came close to Romney/Ryan lies.
Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?

Not in my lifetime - and I'm 65. In fact, no one ever even came close to Romney/Ryan lies.

A lot of candidates have lied about policy, but no one has lied as much about who they are or what they believe.
Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?

Not in my lifetime - and I'm 65. In fact, no one ever even came close to Romney/Ryan lies.

Nixon perhaps..
No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?

Not in my lifetime - and I'm 65. In fact, no one ever even came close to Romney/Ryan lies.

Nixon perhaps..

Nope, Romney is worse than Nixon IMO - and he isn't even president. Actually, I liked ole Tricky Dick and voted for him - before I realized he wasn't playing with a full deck.
Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

so, you've moved on from he didn't pay taxes to he will rescind and amend next year...:lol:

No, retard, Reid is talking about the years "prior" to 2010.

10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Did Romney Participate in IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009? | Daily Agenda

Now you really don't believe that Romney as Governor of the State of Mass. didn't file Federal income tax returns do you?---:badgrin:

What these returns show along with Romney's record is that he is a very GENEROUS man.

In 2002 while CEO of the Utah Winter Olympic games--he not only donated 1 million to the games--but also his entire 3 year salary of 1.4 million to charity.

Romney was chosen by Utah figures looking for someone with expertise in business and law and with connections to the state and the LDS Church.[147] The appointment faced some initial criticism from non-Mormons, and fears from Mormons, that it represented cronyism or gave the Games too Mormon an image.[41] Romney and his wife contributed $1 million to the Olympics, and he donated to charity the $1.4 million in salary and severance payments he received for his three years as president and CEO.[151]
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mitt Romney paid $1.95 million in federal income taxes on 2011′s investment income of $13.7 million, meaning his effective tax rate was 14.1 percent.

In 2010, Romney paid nearly $3 million in federal income taxes on his 2010 investment income of $21.7 million, meaning his effective tax rate was 13.9 percent.

Of course, the Republican presidential candidate’s tax rate for both years was pushed downwards by the amount he donated to charity.

Romney’s 2011 tax return shows charitable contributions totaling a little over $4 million, meaning he donated 30 percent of his income. Romney’s 2011 tax return shows he claimed a deduction for only $2.25 of the $4 million he donated.

Here are the Official Numbers for Romney’s 2011 Tax Returns |


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
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Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

I would never say he does nothing for the poor. But I also wouldn't count any money he gives to his church as giving to charity, as it's a tenant of the church that all Mormons give them 10% of their income.

It' still charity. If he was such a greedy fuck, he could do like joe biden.... quit the Mormon church and join the Brotherhood of Hypocritical Tightwads.

Sooo, Romney again deceived us by skipping some tax deductions to avoid showing an embarrassingly low rate. However, he can file an amended return after the election and recoup those losses and we'll never know about it. He's a master of deception.

Mitt Romney Could Recoup Extra Tax Payments After Election With Amended Return

No doubt he will amend his returns after he loses the election, and his rate will drop to 9%.

Has there ever been a candidate for president who lied about himself more than Mitt Romney?

Not in my lifetime - and I'm 65. In fact, no one ever even came close to Romney/Ryan lies.

Obama has done a lot of lying and as far as I'm concerned set the record for a vague campaign and lies. "hope and change", the "oceans receding", closing Gitmo, repeal the tax cuts and the lists go on and on.

Every time the guy spoke, he never said anything and promised the world would change.
You really should get a new accountant.... just FYI :eusa_whistle:

It has nothing to do with an accountant. That's the rate I've been paying. It's actually pretty standard for working stiffs like me. I'm not lucky enough to sit back and rake in capital gains income at <14%.

Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

It's a desperate attempt on Mitt's part and won't help him.. We need the old ones, too little too late Mitt.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

It's a desperate attempt on Mitt's part and won't help him.. We need the old ones, too little too late Mitt.

What you need is a brain cell in your head.. empty up there with Sandra Fluke and her uterus.

-BTW- Speak for yourself in regard to women's concerns ... we care about things such as the economy and national security. We understand that you need 9 bucks to pay for birth control and that your ovaries demand fair representation.. if it's all the same, go fuck yourself and pay for your own damn birth control.

Oh and lastly, your ovaries are just that.. your own affair.. When did ovaries demand constitutional rights?? ROFLMAO
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