Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

I would never say he does nothing for the poor. But I also wouldn't count any money he gives to his church as giving to charity, as it's a tenant of the church that all Mormons give them 10% of their income.

It' still charity. If he was such a greedy fuck, he could do like joe biden.... quit the Mormon church and join the Brotherhood of Hypocritical Tightwads.
Making up all those lies won't make them true.

Not a single lie in the bunch :)

Bammy is no better than any other rich white man......except that he makes you think his blackness makes him "down with the cause".

You are pathetic in your weakness.

Why do you keep making up lies about other posters? You can't PROVE your crazy statements, not even one of them.

Every single word you have said about me is a lie.

Keep your racism and hate to yourself. Nothing good can come of it.

Sorry sweet cheeks, but you believe everything our white prez lies have been told except by you.

Are you a non-white too, is that what your problem is?
I still don't get why it matters how much a person pays in taxes. Personally, none of it is going to affect how the economy is run, or how he will create jobs etc. Much, much more important issues to be focused on than how much someone pays in taxes.

I'm sure Bernie Madoff's returns LOOKED just "fine", as well.


you're a douchenozzle.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

lol, what about harry reids source that told us Mitt paid no taxes. Well there goes what little credibility reid had left
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

how much went to his church

14 million minus 10% of his earnings. 1.4?

so 1.4 he donated to his mormon buddies, which leaves 0.6 someplace else...

not that i care, his money, donate how ever you want. Doesnt make him a swell guy.
As it turns out, the Romneys are relatively poor.

With an income of just over 13 million they are outearned by

Simon Cowell at 90 million
Gordon Ramsay at 38 million
Ellen Degeneres at 50 million
Kim Kardashian at 18 million
Oprah Winfrey at 165 million
Tyra Banks at 25 million
Donald Trump at 63 million
Jay Leno at 32 million
Diane Sawyer and Katie Couric both at 15 million
Ryan Seacrest at 59 million

Paycheck, Salary, Income: Ellen Degeneres, Cheryl Cole, Piers Morgan, Simon Cowell, Bristol Palin, Jon Stewart, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest, Tyra Banks, Oprah, David Letterman, Gordon Ramsay, Jay Leno, Katie Couric and other Talk Show Hosts Salarie

David Letterman makes more that double what Romney makes at 40 million a year.

David Letterman, The Top 100 Celebrities -

You have really outdone yourself with this.

Are you REALLY as empty headed as you appear here on this board?

Were you the idiot who posted that Soros has more money than Mittens? (You fools run together and I really don't remember which idiot said that.)

Do you really not know that Mittens has as much as $264MILLION DOLLARS? Do you really not know that he has more money that ALL the presidents since Nixon COMBINED?

Do you really not understand the difference between earned income and wealth?

You just seem to get dumber and dumber and more and more desperate with every passing day.
You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

First and foremost You and Lakhota combined could not muster an IQ past your shoe size.

Second, giving out personal information that one can be proud of does not make one a lame ass creep or a fool. The one who has nothing to be revealed and/or be proud of is a fool and an ass creep.

Third, it is a PROVEN fact that some don't pay any income tax. Fair share?? Define fair share. Most of those who don't pay income tax (well, probably ALL of them) will vote for Obama. Can you refute that? Poll shows that Romney will get ZERO percent of the Black vote. No reflection on Romney, but surely, it is a reflection on the idiocy of the folks who were described by Herman Cain as "BRAINWASHED". The only mistake Mr. Cain made was mentioning "brain" in the same sentence.

Obama looks down on the very people who he takes for granted, so much so that he refuses to attend the NAACP convention. He demands that you call a fellow African-American an Uncle Tom (or equally denigrating female equivalent) anyone who dares not to carry water for him.

Seeing that, I just shake my head in disbelief.
Not a single lie in the bunch :)

Bammy is no better than any other rich white man......except that he makes you think his blackness makes him "down with the cause".

You are pathetic in your weakness.

Why do you keep making up lies about other posters? You can't PROVE your crazy statements, not even one of them.

Every single word you have said about me is a lie.

Keep your racism and hate to yourself. Nothing good can come of it.

Sorry sweet cheeks, but you believe everything our white prez lies have been told except by you.

Are you a non-white too, is that what your problem is?

You SAY you're not lying but you are.

If you're not lying, PROVE that what you have said about me and others is true.

I dare you.


Less than half of my tax rate. Mitt is just an average Joe who feels my pain.

Does your half white Prez feel your pain?

Does he give you any of his millions?

Did he level your housing in Chicago?
Did his wife funnel your po ass to a hospital that took po folk?
Did Bammy defend the slumlord who shoved yo po ass out into to the cold cause he had given Bammy a contribution?

The same slumlord that was fined 50 bucks for kicking po folk out into sub zero temps?

You people are stupid fucks fo believing a fake black man who says he feels yo pain.

You disgust me with your stupidity.
lets hear from harry:rolleyes:;

-Anjeanette Damon Anjeanette Damon ‏@AnjeanetteDamon

Reid on Romney deciding to release 2011 returns: "He's hiding something. He's hiding something! It is so evident he's hiding something!"

-Neal Carruth ‏@nealcarruth@AnjeanetteDamon

Where did Reid say that about Romney?

-Anjeanette Damon ‏@AnjeanetteDamon

On a conference call with reporters.

Anjeanette Damon - Las Vegas Sun News
NaziCons continue to play the same old "Starve the Beast" game - cut taxes and starve social programs.

Some social programs SHOULD be, MUST be starved.

There is absolutely no reason why the retirement age and the Medicare eligibility age should stay at 65.

The age of 65 years was set, when NOBODY lived past 64. Sometime in the 19th century.

In other words, when there were more givers than takers.

Now, with better health care, longer life expectancy it should be at least 70. Or more.

I know when I had to retire at 65 (I actually retired at 64, because I could not report to a total jackass boss and figured that keeping on working I would be working for about $4.00 a day), I would have been happy to work longer, because I knew I was not only useful, but valuable to my company.

Of course, I knew my value and worth because I managed to get myself free of the shackles and brainwashing of a union.
Less than half of my tax rate. Mitt is just an average Joe who feels my pain.


what do you pay on your capital gains/investment portfolio?


-Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.

so you pay over 30%?

14.1 x 2 = 28.2. But, yes, I pay around 30%.

I pay almost 33.....but I am living of income.....not investments....see...the laws are the laws...and only whiny assed lefty's scream about "fairness".

You sissy asses.
In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. “I don’t pay more than are legally due,” he told Muir. “And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president. I’d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
Please show us a quote by Obama claiming the 5%.

You notice the question mark in parentheses after the 5%? It is because I was not sure just how low Obama promised the unemployment rate would be. Whatever it was, he obviously FAILED.

And of course, GITMO is still open and likely to remain so.

As far as disqualification for the Presidency, let the people decide.

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