Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Mitt Romney's Cynical Tax Ruse | Mother Jones

So this afternoon's big news is that Mitt Romney finally released his 2011 taxes. He paid $1.9 million on $13.7 in income, for an effective tax rate of 14.1%.

But there's more! His tax rate would have been about 9% or so, but he decided not to deduct all of his charitable contributions in order to get his tax rate up to 14%. Why? Here's the official statement:

“The Romneys [] limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the governor’s statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13 percent in income taxes in each of the last 10 years,” said R. Bradford Malt, Mr. Romney’s trustee.

Romney previously said that if he paid more taxes than he owed, he wouldn't be qualified to serve as president. Oops.

He just said it would disqualify him to be president.

For once I agree with Mitt.

Also dishonest.


In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. “I don’t pay more than are legally due,” he told Muir. “And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president. I’d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
OK, so you understand your statement is dishonest, right? He never said he would be dishonest if he didnt take every deduction possible. That isn't what he said.


He just said it would disqualify him to be president.

For once I agree with Mitt.

Also dishonest.


That's exactly what he said...

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Speaking of froot loops, Mittens really is.

Is he trying to look more like Trump?

With thanks to Ravi, here's Mittens, speaking at an NAACP function, asking them to vote for him ...


He'll probably look like Al Jolson by November 6.
no one cares about the tax returns that were purposely geared to the presidential run...

then he files an amended tax return right after the election.

besides, it's the older ones that are legit.

mitt's so funny

If you guys have such a bug up your ass about how much Mitt or anybody pays in taxes
why don't you go after your Rep's and Senators to change the tax code.
If a person files a legal tax return why are you breaking their balls.

He just said it would disqualify him to be president.

For once I agree with Mitt.

Also dishonest.


That's exactly what he said...

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

:eusa_boohoo: Boooooohooooo LMFAO!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mitt Romney released his taxes.. sniffle sniffle-- he has a lot of money.. whine whine..

Liberals covet.. sickos
Aw, what a great racist personal attack comeback. Care to comment on Romney's "sudden" suntan right before addressing a Latino audience?

Nothing "racist" about you being a lazy ass.

You didn't answer the question, are you taxed on your tribal stipend?

You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.
Liberals lie aboout Mitt Romney to include the Majority Leader of the United States Senate .. so now their next line of attack is Mitt Romneys skin.. While embassies burn, Americans die.. while this President smooches the asses of America's enemy.. dumbazz libs worry about Romney's skin color..


Hey, libs would prefer he talk SPECIFICS about what he plans to do with the money he steals from his hated 47% but, well, all he says is we have to wait until after the election.
no one cares about the tax returns that were purposely geared to the presidential run...

then he files an amended tax return right after the election.

besides, it's the older ones that are legit.

mitt's so funny

If you guys have such a bug up your ass about how much Mitt or anybody pays in taxes
why don't you go after your Rep's and Senators to change the tax code.
If a person files a legal tax return why are you breaking their balls.

Liberals only covet Conservative money.. They think they're entitled to what we make and to tell us how we should spend our own money.. I think Polk has shit himself today with envy! ROFLMAO
Coveting other people's money is such a nasty trait.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT..It's none of your damn biznez.. IT'S HIS MONEY, period.. he can spend it any damn way he likes! He paid his taxes unlike you LIAR libs said claiming he paid NO TAXES.. now today you have egg all of your faces and rightly so.. so you come here and moan and piss thinking you have some right to tell this man what to do with this money. We know you liberals try to tell us what foods we can eat, if we can have sugar in drinks, NO SUVS, what type of car we can buy, NO WALMART, where to shop.. You little dictators think this is Communist China.. WRONG..

Where are Hussein Obama's records? Time to demand the same of the President. If you have nothing to hide Barack, release all of your college transcripts, records, papers..

No one is coveting his money. All that has been said is that he should have to pay by the same rules as everyone else. For some reason, you people seem to think that being wealthy means the rest of society is obligated to run around with a moist towelette ready the wipe the rears of our Overlords any time they fart crossways.

You have no basis for making the claim that he paid his taxes. There is zero evidence he's paid taxes in any year other than 2010 and 2011. Am I saying he didn't pay taxes in other years? No, but there is no evidence that he did.

As for the President, he has released tax returns going all the way back to 2000, so I don't know why you think this is such a great criticism.

YES, liberals covet his money. He paid his taxes according to existing laws. Why is is so hard for envious, jealous liberals to understand that the tax rate for investment income is different from the tax rate on earned income?

As far as running around with towelette it is the bleeding-heart liberals who are running around wiping the crocodile tears of those who feel tread upon by rich exploiters because they had to actually work for a living. Well, at least hogging and occupying a job granted by affirmative action.

You have no basis to claim that Governor Romney has NOT paid his taxes. There is zero evidence that he has not paid them, other than the undeniable fact that if he had not paid his taxes, the IRS would be on him like a ton of bricks.

I must say I admire the President for his shameless hutzpah. Most decent people would be ashamed for their stingy cheapness if they gave to charity as he has.

The entire point is that much of his so-called investment income isn't investment income at all. It's sales commissions, which should be taxed at ordinary rates.
no one cares about the tax returns that were purposely geared to the presidential run...

then he files an amended tax return right after the election.

besides, it's the older ones that are legit.

mitt's so funny

If you guys have such a bug up your ass about how much Mitt or anybody pays in taxes
why don't you go after your Rep's and Senators to change the tax code.
If a person files a legal tax return why are you breaking their balls.

. why don't they discuss gazillions Obamas?
Nothing "racist" about you being a lazy ass.

You didn't answer the question, are you taxed on your tribal stipend?

You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

I only respond to your racism because I like others to see it. Keep up the good work.

As a voter, everything about Mitt is MY business.
Also dishonest.


That's exactly what he said...

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

:eusa_boohoo: Boooooohooooo LMFAO!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mitt Romney released his taxes.. sniffle sniffle-- he has a lot of money.. whine whine..

Liberals covet.. sickos

The only person whining is you.
Paying taxes is patriotic.


No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

Try voting for Republicans who want to cut SPENDING.
You should have no problem with WORKING families keeping more of what they earned.
That's exactly what he said...

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

:eusa_boohoo: Boooooohooooo LMFAO!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mitt Romney released his taxes.. sniffle sniffle-- he has a lot of money.. whine whine..

Liberals covet.. sickos

The only person whining is you.

That doesn't seem to be the case, now does it? You've been in and out of this thread all day long crying like a biatch in heat about Romney's tax returns.. LOL
Nothing "racist" about you being a lazy ass.

You didn't answer the question, are you taxed on your tribal stipend?

You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

That article doesn't even really hit the real point: there is absolutely no reason to believe the PwC numbers are accurate.

Bwhahahahahaha Polk says so.. it must be true and yet an Accounting Firm and the IRS haven't said so.. POLK knows all.. How much for a palm reading crazy leftist?

PwC isn't the IRS. Also, it would only be an IRS issue if he had an unpaid tax liability. Saying he paid no taxes doesn't mean he has an unpaid liability. If he paid zero dollars in taxes in a given year, he paid no taxes, whether or not it was legal for him to do so.

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