Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

So he could have paid 9%, and yet,

his tax plan includes a huge tax cut for himself; thus, in essence, he believes he's overtaxed at 9%.

Yet Romney paid more than he had to...

The Romneys also donated $4m to charity last year, nearly 30 per cent of their income but claimed a tax deduction for only $2.25m of this.

If Mr Romney had claimed the full deduction, his tax rate would have been under 10 per cent. The candidate had previously said he paid about 13 per cent of his income in tax over the past 10 years.

“The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year,” Mr Malt wrote.

Romney releases tax return details -

Like I said, he owed 9% and still he thinks his taxes are too high.

How much lower do you think his taxes should be?

If Romney would have made no charitable contributions, his effective tax rate would have been closer to 17% but he would have kept more of his cash to himself. Personally, I can't get upset with him choosing to pay a 10% effective tax rate while giving 30% of his income to charity rather than a 17% effective tax rate while keeping more of his money to himself.

The way I see it, this is a lose-lose situation for people criticizing Romney. He's done nothing you or I can't do.
Coveting other people's money is such a nasty trait.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT..It's none of your damn biznez.. IT'S HIS MONEY, period.. he can spend it any damn way he likes! He paid his taxes unlike you LIAR libs said claiming he paid NO TAXES.. now today you have egg all of your faces and rightly so.. so you come here and moan and piss thinking you have some right to tell this man what to do with this money. We know you liberals try to tell us what foods we can eat, if we can have sugar in drinks, NO SUVS, what type of car we can buy, NO WALMART, where to shop.. You little dictators think this is Communist China.. WRONG..

Where are Hussein Obama's records? Time to demand the same of the President. If you have nothing to hide Barack, release all of your college transcripts, records, papers..

No one is coveting his money. All that has been said is that he should have to pay by the same rules as everyone else. For some reason, you people seem to think that being wealthy means the rest of society is obligated to run around with a moist towelette ready the wipe the rears of our Overlords any time they fart crossways.

You have no basis for making the claim that he paid his taxes. There is zero evidence he's paid taxes in any year other than 2010 and 2011. Am I saying he didn't pay taxes in other years? No, but there is no evidence that he did.

As for the President, he has released tax returns going all the way back to 2000, so I don't know why you think this is such a great criticism.

YES, liberals covet his money. He paid his taxes according to existing laws. Why is is so hard for envious, jealous liberals to understand that the tax rate for investment income is different from the tax rate on earned income?

As far as running around with towelette it is the bleeding-heart liberals who are running around wiping the crocodile tears of those who feel tread upon by rich exploiters because they had to actually work for a living. Well, at least hogging and occupying a job granted by affirmative action.

You have no basis to claim that Governor Romney has NOT paid his taxes. There is zero evidence that he has not paid them, other than the undeniable fact that if he had not paid his taxes, the IRS would be on him like a ton of bricks.

I must say I admire the President for his shameless hutzpah. Most decent people would be ashamed for their stingy cheapness if they gave to charity as he has.

So did the 47% who paid no income tax:)
Coveting other people's money is such a nasty trait.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT..It's none of your damn biznez.. IT'S HIS MONEY, period.. he can spend it any damn way he likes! He paid his taxes unlike you LIAR libs said claiming he paid NO TAXES.. now today you have egg all of your faces and rightly so.. so you come here and moan and piss thinking you have some right to tell this man what to do with this money. We know you liberals try to tell us what foods we can eat, if we can have sugar in drinks, NO SUVS, what type of car we can buy, NO WALMART, where to shop.. You little dictators think this is Communist China.. WRONG..

Where are Hussein Obama's records? Time to demand the same of the President. If you have nothing to hide Barack, release all of your college transcripts, records, papers..

No one is coveting his money. All that has been said is that he should have to pay by the same rules as everyone else. For some reason, you people seem to think that being wealthy means the rest of society is obligated to run around with a moist towelette ready the wipe the rears of our Overlords any time they fart crossways.

You have no basis for making the claim that he paid his taxes. There is zero evidence he's paid taxes in any year other than 2010 and 2011. Am I saying he didn't pay taxes in other years? No, but there is no evidence that he did.

As for the President, he has released tax returns going all the way back to 2000, so I don't know why you think this is such a great criticism.

YES, liberals covet his money. He paid his taxes according to existing laws. Why is is so hard for envious, jealous liberals to understand that the tax rate for investment income is different from the tax rate on earned income?

As far as running around with towelette it is the bleeding-heart liberals who are running around wiping the crocodile tears of those who feel tread upon by rich exploiters because they had to actually work for a living. Well, at least hogging and occupying a job granted by affirmative action.

You have no basis to claim that Governor Romney has NOT paid his taxes. There is zero evidence that he has not paid them, other than the undeniable fact that if he had not paid his taxes, the IRS would be on him like a ton of bricks.

I must say I admire the President for his shameless hutzpah. Most decent people would be ashamed for their stingy cheapness if they gave to charity as he has.

Liberals do not generate or create wealth. They covet other's wealth and want the ability, in fact, demand the right/ability to say how it should be spent. They have a deep rooted entitlement complex.

Their main philosophy is to tear down to their level not aspire to a higher level. They are weak, selfish and lazy. Look at who and what comprise the far left of their party.
Dang, y'all what's 14% of five million???? Then add the charitable contributions on top of that.

A charitable contribution is not equivalent to paying tax. It's not a substitute for paying taxes. We don't pick and choose which programs our tax dollars go to fund like you do with charitable contributions.

Charitable contributions are great. I applaud them and I applaud those who make them. But they aren't funding our nation's needs with them.

14% is NOT overtaxing the rich. I think many will believe that we can expect a bigger contribution from our wealthiest Americans. Especially when folks who make a lot less, pay a higher effective tax rate.

Which do you think is more effective? A Charity that gives food, clothing, housing, heating and cooling assistance with one or two administrators and dozens of volunteers or a Federal agency that administers these same types of programs with thousands of government unionized employees with multiple layers of management.

When out of the goodness of your heart you offer an unopened packaged sandwich from a reputable restaurant to a homeless person crying that he is hungry, you are quickly told what to do with your sandwich and what to do to yourself.

The sandwich offered is like direct charity. It would ease and appease hunger. Government-sponsored charity is like cash given to the homeless. It ends up in the cash-register of a liquor store or in the pocket of a drug dealer.
Holy Shit...The Huffington Post. WOW, there's an unbiased source! How'd ya ever find that?

Feel free to post PROOF the source is wrong. Otherwise, who cares what you say?

Liberals do not generate or create wealth.

You're a liar.

Or, do you have PROOF of your ASSSSinine claim?

You mean Bill Gates did not create his own wealth?

SO SICK of you screwball lying rw's.
Liberals lie aboout Mitt Romney to include the Majority Leader of the United States Senate .. so now their next line of attack is Mitt Romneys skin.. While embassies burn, Americans die.. while this President smooches the asses of America's enemy.. dumbazz libs worry about Romney's skin color..

Do you pay taxes on your Tribal Stipend OCIHI SNI/ohncheehee-shnee?

Aw, what a great racist personal attack comeback. Care to comment on Romney's "sudden" suntan right before addressing a Latino audience?

Nothing "racist" about you being a lazy ass.

You didn't answer the question, are you taxed on your tribal stipend?

Shitting Bull is as much a Native American as that shrew Elizabeth Warren is.. aka Fauxahontas.
Holy Shit...The Huffington Post. WOW, there's an unbiased source! How'd ya ever find that?

Feel free to post PROOF the source is wrong. Otherwise, who cares what you say?

Liberals do not generate or create wealth.

You're a liar.

Or, do you have PROOF of your ASSSSinine claim?

You mean Bill Gates did not create his own wealth?

SO SICK of you screwball lying rw's.

...and yet nedPuss is content to rage against the machine in his mother's basement....what were you planning to do to us rightwingers dick breath?
Do you pay taxes on your Tribal Stipend OCIHI SNI/ohncheehee-shnee?

Aw, what a great racist personal attack comeback. Care to comment on Romney's "sudden" suntan right before addressing a Latino audience?

Nothing "racist" about you being a lazy ass.

You didn't answer the question, are you taxed on your tribal stipend?

You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?
Where was this?

In an interview just a few months ago.

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Page 2: Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News


OK, so you understand your statement is dishonest, right? He never said he would be dishonest if he didnt take every deduction possible. That isn't what he said.

I never said he said that. Your reading comprehension for the birds.

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