Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Yep... all these stupid ass liberal out there asking the gov't to raise their taxes....

Paying taxes is patriotic.


No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.
Ahhh, shucks....there goes the liberals' bullshit about Romney only paying 13% in taxes.
Paying taxes is patriotic.


No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

Yes and he actually believes it can be done without spending cuts.....this passes for intelligence on the Left.
Paying taxes is patriotic.


No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

You need to move to CA or IL, where they've done just that. Of course in both cases taxes went up but so did the deficit.
I guess that's a loser of a plan. Like you.
I just heard a real gem. This is why Romney didn't release them at first. Why he did is beyond me. It won't gain him any votes at this point. Maybe someone posted this already.

A Lib called into a radio show and said that Romney donated so much money because he wanted to look good since he was going to run for President.

There it is. A no win situation. Libs spin every bit of info you give them.

That's why Republicans need to say no and pretty much go fuck yourselves.

Independents are smart enough to see the truth.

You can never please a Lib or gave one any information that they won't find a way to spin

Knuckle dragging bottom feeders...
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No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

Then do it... why ya have to be told to?

Oh yeah, you're a drone.
I love that response raise taxes to cut deficit of course if you continue to spend more than you bring in with the increased taxes you really don't reduce anything.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?
You'd think he could have afforded an accountant that could have had those returns appropriately-"doctored", long-before-NOW!!!

I wonder how soon we'll get to see his actual-returns????


I am sure these tax returns are every bit as legitimate as President Obama's birth certificate.
Romney ignored $2 million in deductions to get his rate up from 9% to 14%.

After he loses the election, he will refile and take his $2 million in deductions.

Romney bows to call for tax disclosure -

His 2011 tax return showed that the candidate – and his wife, Ann – paid $1.9m in taxes on $13.7m in income, which was derived mostly from investments. That put their effective tax rate at 14.1 per cent, according to Mr Malt’s post.

The Romneys also donated $4m to charity last year, nearly 30 per cent of their income but claimed a tax deduction for only $2.25m of this.

If Mr Romney had claimed the full deduction, his tax rate would have been under 10 per cent. The candidate had previously said he paid about 13 per cent of his income in tax over the past 10 years.

Same premise as what I posted a few replies back. He released it and 4 hours later the spin is alive and well.

They don't want serious discourse. They just want it their way and only their long as they don't have to pay for it or own the repercussions of their actions.

He could have donated $100,000,000 and they would find something to bitch about.

I wonder how many of them secretly wished that Ann Romney's plane would have crashed earlier today. They are that low.
So loopholes are the defining factor for you, huh? You do know that Obama "exploits" loopholes too, right. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah.....they all "exploit" loopholes.

I bet you didn't have an issue when John Kerry and his wife "exploited" tax loopholes.

Just admit that your a liberal and you don't want a republican to win. It's okay, that's what this great nation is all about.

Loopholes is just another way of saying credits. Everyone uses them, and many use enough of them to pay no income tax at all. 2 sides of the same coin.

Like the Obama's contributing to their daughter's college funds, you realize that's a loophole, right??

How about Obama's daughters marked on the Airforce jets as "Senior Advisors" so they don't have to pay their way on vacations around the world? That was a nifty trick! Talk about a CRAZY LOOPHOLE to avoid paying for something!

Michelle Obama Listed Daughters Malia and Sasha as “Senior Staffers” for $432,142 African Trip
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Usually releasing information at 3pm on a Friday implies hopes it won't get much attention, but Willard just waited till the last possible minute...weird.

Why is it that liberals ALWAYS give the benefit of doubt to fellow liberals, communists, socialists, drug dealers, crooks, hookers, murderers, wife abusers, child rapists, Black Panthers, etc... etc..., but ALWAYS assume the worst about their political opponents??

BTW, will we hear Dingy Harry apologize???
I still don't get why it matters how much a person pays in taxes. Personally, none of it is going to affect how the economy is run, or how he will create jobs etc. Much, much more important issues to be focused on than how much someone pays in taxes.

I'm sure Bernie Madoff's returns LOOKED just "fine", as well.


Comparing Governor Romney to Bernie Madoff is like comparing President Obama to Stalin.
Mitt Romney's Cynical Tax Ruse | Mother Jones

So this afternoon's big news is that Mitt Romney finally released his 2011 taxes. He paid $1.9 million on $13.7 in income, for an effective tax rate of 14.1%.

But there's more! His tax rate would have been about 9% or so, but he decided not to deduct all of his charitable contributions in order to get his tax rate up to 14%. Why? Here's the official statement:

“The Romneys [] limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the governor’s statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13 percent in income taxes in each of the last 10 years,” said R. Bradford Malt, Mr. Romney’s trustee.

how much went to his church

14 million minus 10% of his earnings. 1.4?

so 1.4 he donated to his mormon buddies, which leaves 0.6 someplace else...

not that i care, his money, donate how ever you want. Doesnt make him a swell guy.

How much of your income do you donate to your church?? Other charities?? Come on, you can share with us. :badgrin:

I have two kids that get all my charity. Nor do we make 20 million a year. If i did i would donate to certain groups. Mostly animal shelters and such. Also some womens shelters to pay back for the help we have received.

My charity just went to my brake lines for my car.

Like i said it doesn't matter to me what he does with his money. I was just brainstorming. I know, i know, you don't know what that is.

Excuse of why you don't give, what a freakin hypocrite. There is a word for people like you...asshole.

If I did. lol but the bottom line is you didn't . Dry the tears dope head.
I didn't read the whole thread... But can someone link me to the actual returns. I'm not good at swallowing what the media tells me. I need proof.

Now I really don't give two shits about his tax returns... But I have the feeling this is going to be talked about in great detail and it's hard to tell people when they are fucking retarded without actual proof that they are.
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

how much went to his church

14 million minus 10% of his earnings. 1.4?

so 1.4 he donated to his mormon buddies, which leaves 0.6 someplace else...

not that i care, his money, donate how ever you want. Doesnt make him a swell guy.

How much of your income do you donate to your church?? Other charities?? Come on, you can share with us. :badgrin:

He won't because he can't.

His key board is missing the buttons for "0", "Z", "E", "R", and "O".

Almost like the computer in the basement of the Bidens.
I didn't read the whole thread... But can someone link me to the actual returns. I'm not good at swallowing what the media tells me. I need proof.

Now I really don't give two shits about his tax returns... But I have the feeling this is going to be talked about in great detail and it's hard to tell people when they are fucking retarded without actual proof that they are.

You can count on it being talked about. The only good part is that by the time the debates come around it will be old news. Then they will have nothing to distract with.

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