Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Liberals give a big FUCK YOU to the poor when it comes to their own money.. They'll STEAL yours all day long..

Romney/Ryan 2012- Truly helping the poor.. NOT JUST WORDS.

That's why the want government to force it over, they are stingy and selfish and expect everyone else to be the same way.
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.

I would never say he does nothing for the poor. But I also wouldn't count any money he gives to his church as giving to charity, as it's a tenant of the church that all Mormons give them 10% of their income.

The "tenant" of a Church is a poor mouse. Or you in your rent-controlled hovel.
Loopholes is just another way of saying credits. Everyone uses them, and many use enough of them to pay no income tax at all. 2 sides of the same coin.

Like the Obama's contributing to their daughter's college funds, you realize that's a loophole, right??

How about Obama's daughters marked on the Airforce jets as "Senior Advisors" so they don't have to pay their way on vacations around the world? That was a nifty trick! Talk about a CRAZY LOOPHOLE to avoid paying for something!

Michelle Obama Listed Daughters Malia and Sasha as “Senior Staffers” for $432,142 African Trip
Michelle Obama Listed Daughters Malia and Sasha as “Senior Staffers” for $432,142 African Trip | The Gateway Pundit

WH Says Judicial Watch Wrong About First Lady
He can't even do THIS right.

A letter from his accountant, telling the country that he's not a liar???

The prez-wanabe got a FRIGGIN LETTER FROM HIS ACCOUNTANT????? Why not a letter from Queen Ann telling "you people" to "stop it".

This will only fuel the fire and he's too damn dumb to understand why.

Notice he didn't take certain deductions ... They stick out like sore thumbs. Why would he do that ON the return he released? Is he just stoopid? No, he's not. And, any accountant worth paying would advise against that. So, why do it ...?

Next few years, he'll just file amended returns and his effective tax rate will plummet. But, of course, we'll never see that.

All he has done is reinforce what we all know about him. He's a phony, out of touch and wants every cent he can get from the 47%.

Even rw's know this is way beyond mere lame.
The big problem I have with mittens and his taxes is this,

He exploits loopholes in order to benefit himself.

If someone wants to be leader of the free world and they are exploiting this, or exploiting anything as a matter of fact, I don’t want him leading the free world!

Its as simple as that.

Last April, as I was preparing my tax return, I decided that maybe, for the first time, I should go to H&R Block.

They showed me how to "exploit" some areas of the tax-code I had been unfamiliar with, all just to "benefit" myself.

If Romney was smart enough to use a "loophole" in order to "benefit himself", I am sure he will be smart enough, as President to take advantage of any and all legal diplomatic loopholes, in order to suck it to America's enemies, instead of going on a groveling apology tour.
He can't even do THIS right.

A letter from his accountant, telling the country that he's not a liar???

The prez-wanabe got a FRIGGIN LETTER FROM HIS ACCOUNTANT????? Why not a letter from Queen Ann telling "you people" to "stop it".

This will only fuel the fire and he's too damn dumb to understand why.

Notice he didn't take certain deductions ... They stick out like sore thumbs. Why would he do that ON the return he released? Is he just stoopid? No, he's not. And, any accountant worth paying would advise against that. So, why do it ...?

Next few years, he'll just file amended returns and his effective tax rate will plummet. But, of course, we'll never see that.

All he has done is reinforce what we all know about him. He's a phony, out of touch and wants every cent he can get from the 47%.

Even rw's know this is way beyond mere lame.

Shut the fuck up you pole smoker.....he released him, Harry REid was dead wrong, now you're worried about style points of releasing tax returns? Jesus you have no issues to talk about do you?
Gotta agree. I don't blame any taxpayer for following the letter of the law. In fact, I would consider anyone who pays more than required to be a poor steward of their own money and I wouldn't trust them with mine.

But still - you can't push for tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans when you find out they pay about 14%.

Dang, y'all what's 14% of five million???? Then add the charitable contributions on top of that.

A charitable contribution is not equivalent to paying tax. It's not a substitute for paying taxes. We don't pick and choose which programs our tax dollars go to fund like you do with charitable contributions.

Charitable contributions are great. I applaud them and I applaud those who make them. But they aren't funding our nation's needs with them.

14% is NOT overtaxing the rich. I think many will believe that we can expect a bigger contribution from our wealthiest Americans. Especially when folks who make a lot less, pay a higher effective tax rate.

A charitable donation is, indeed, NOT equivalent to tax.

A charitable donation finds its way to the intended receiver without filtering that sucks off funds to pay freeloading bureaucrats. Using tax money to help the poor is the perfect illustration of the old adage that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

NOOO, it won't. They need to find fault with it, to continue the deflection form the economy and the real truth on why the Middle East is on fire. And not because of any film....
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

NOOO, it won't. They need to find fault with it, to continue the deflection form the economy and the real truth on why the Middle East is on fire. And not because of any film....

Desperation is fun to watch...
Who gives a flying squirrel? What is wrong with the liberal left when all they can do is tear down? Obama is caught outright lying and that is nothing to the liberal left. But Romney's tax returns, somehow that is relevant? It is all BS.
So he could have paid 9%, and yet,

his tax plan includes a huge tax cut for himself; thus, in essence, he believes he's overtaxed at 9%.

Yet Romney paid more than he had to...

The Romneys also donated $4m to charity last year, nearly 30 per cent of their income but claimed a tax deduction for only $2.25m of this.

If Mr Romney had claimed the full deduction, his tax rate would have been under 10 per cent. The candidate had previously said he paid about 13 per cent of his income in tax over the past 10 years.

“The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year,” Mr Malt wrote.

Romney releases tax return details -

Like I said, he owed 9% and still he thinks his taxes are too high.

How much lower do you think his taxes should be?
Via Breaking News twitter page:

This morning, Gov. and Mrs. Romney filed their 2011 tax return with the IRS. At 3:00pm today, the Romney for President campaign will be posting the 2011 return online.

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

NOOO, it won't. They need to find fault with it, to continue the deflection form the economy and the real truth on why the Middle East is on fire. And not because of any film....

Romney's the one who diverted atttention to his taxes. Today.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

NOOO, it won't. They need to find fault with it, to continue the deflection form the economy and the real truth on why the Middle East is on fire. And not because of any film....

Romney's the one who diverted atttention to his taxes. Today.

The Lib's responses to him doing what they wanted are priceless. Like Romney said prior to their release...damned if I do, damned if I don't.. (Paraphrased of course since Romney doesn't curse :D )
"You could do the exact same thing they do, you just don't know how and it p*sses you off they earn more than you do, just tell the truth."


Of all the despicable human emotions, the most despicable is ENVY.

ENVY is the mother and the root of all hate. It is the driving force of liberalism and unions.
Via Breaking News twitter page:

Link: Note From Trustee Brad Malt

Maybe, this will shut the liberals up?

NOOO, it won't. They need to find fault with it, to continue the deflection form the economy and the real truth on why the Middle East is on fire. And not because of any film....

Romney's the one who diverted atttention to his taxes. Today.

Now when he releases them...he's diverting...You can't make this stuff up, folks :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Holy Shit...The Huffington Post. WOW, there's an unbiased source! How'd ya ever find that?
Well... I think Reid is a little to rabid about the subject myself... However... He is right about one thing... A note from his accountant is meaningless to people like myself. Good news for Willard... I'm a minority.

To be honest, I no longer even bother to read what Lakhota posts. All she does is whine about everyone's I just give her a dose of her own medicine. Sorta like her own personal "Medicine Man" :D
Romney is a hedge fund tycoon and has exploited this practice to greatly enrich himself.

Coveting other people's money is such a nasty trait.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT..It's none of your damn biznez.. IT'S HIS MONEY, period.. he can spend it any damn way he likes! He paid his taxes unlike you LIAR libs said claiming he paid NO TAXES.. now today you have egg all of your faces and rightly so.. so you come here and moan and piss thinking you have some right to tell this man what to do with this money. We know you liberals try to tell us what foods we can eat, if we can have sugar in drinks, NO SUVS, what type of car we can buy, NO WALMART, where to shop.. You little dictators think this is Communist China.. WRONG..

Where are Hussein Obama's records? Time to demand the same of the President. If you have nothing to hide Barack, release all of your college transcripts, records, papers..

No one is coveting his money. All that has been said is that he should have to pay by the same rules as everyone else. For some reason, you people seem to think that being wealthy means the rest of society is obligated to run around with a moist towelette ready the wipe the rears of our Overlords any time they fart crossways.

You have no basis for making the claim that he paid his taxes. There is zero evidence he's paid taxes in any year other than 2010 and 2011. Am I saying he didn't pay taxes in other years? No, but there is no evidence that he did.

As for the President, he has released tax returns going all the way back to 2000, so I don't know why you think this is such a great criticism.

YES, liberals covet his money. He paid his taxes according to existing laws. Why is is so hard for envious, jealous liberals to understand that the tax rate for investment income is different from the tax rate on earned income?

As far as running around with towelette it is the bleeding-heart liberals who are running around wiping the crocodile tears of those who feel tread upon by rich exploiters because they had to actually work for a living. Well, at least hogging and occupying a job granted by affirmative action.

You have no basis to claim that Governor Romney has NOT paid his taxes. There is zero evidence that he has not paid them, other than the undeniable fact that if he had not paid his taxes, the IRS would be on him like a ton of bricks.

I must say I admire the President for his shameless hutzpah. Most decent people would be ashamed for their stingy cheapness if they gave to charity as he has.

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