Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

Gotta agree. I don't blame any taxpayer for following the letter of the law. In fact, I would consider anyone who pays more than required to be a poor steward of their own money and I wouldn't trust them with mine.

But still - you can't push for tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans when you find out they pay about 14%.

Dang, y'all what's 14% of five million???? Then add the charitable contributions on top of that.

A charitable contribution is not equivalent to paying tax. It's not a substitute for paying taxes. We don't pick and choose which programs our tax dollars go to fund like you do with charitable contributions.

Charitable contributions are great. I applaud them and I applaud those who make them. But they aren't funding our nation's needs with them.

14% is NOT overtaxing the rich. I think many will believe that we can expect a bigger contribution from our wealthiest Americans. Especially when folks who make a lot less, pay a higher effective tax rate.

Which do you think is more effective? A Charity that gives food, clothing, housing, heating and cooling assistance with one or two administrators and dozens of volunteers or a Federal agency that administers these same types of programs with thousands of government unionized employees with multiple layers of management.
You're right. If he had done his taxes differently it wouldn't accord with what he later said about them.

Do you ever think about what you write before you write it?

What he said was dishonest. He has previously stated that if he didn't take every deduction he possible could, he would not be qualified to be President.

Where was this?

In an interview just a few months ago.

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Page 2: Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News

Then again, we're talking about Lord Mitt. You can't hold him accountable in September for what he said in July.

And what deduction did he not take he could have?
And can you make up your mind? If he takes deductions you blast him for using loopholes. If he doesn't take deductions you blast him for being inconsistent.

He did not take the full deductions for his charitable giving. I criticize him because he's dishonest. If you promised your wife that you wouldn't shop at particular coffee shop anymore, would you say you've been honest with her if you stand outside in the morning and hand someone a five to pick up a cup for you? That's effectively what Romney did. He exploited enough loopholes so that his taxable income would be below 13%, then chose to not claim full deductions so he didn't break the letter of his promise (while shattering the spirit).

And if he releases the rest of his tax returns back to 1977 will you vote for him, you stupid humbug?

I won't vote for him because I do not agree with his failed policy prescriptions. That doesn't change the fact that the public has a right to know the basic deals of the financial dealings of someone asking to lead the nation.
Romney is a hedge fund tycoon and has exploited this practice to greatly enrich himself.

Actually, not. Bain Capital is not a hedge fund. Furthermore, even if it was, they are entirely legal.

When did making money and obeying every letter of the law in the process become something reprehensible?

Answer: When it became obvious Obama couldn't run on his record.

I'm supposed to be impressed that he didn't commit a crime (well, other than when he perjured himself) while behaving immorally?
Well since the left essentially said he was, then yes, you should be impressed.

You morons did the same thing with Sarah Palin. Demanded all this fucking crap on her, and all it did was make her look better, and you guys look like dicks.
He had to pay more than he owed so he wouldn't be proven a liar from back when he said he never paid less than 13% ?

How great is that? Who thought Romney could end the week worse than he started it?
Romney is a hedge fund tycoon and has exploited this practice to greatly enrich himself.

Actually, not. Bain Capital is not a hedge fund. Furthermore, even if it was, they are entirely legal.

When did making money and obeying every letter of the law in the process become something reprehensible?

Answer: When it became obvious Obama couldn't run on his record.

I'm supposed to be impressed that he didn't commit a crime (well, other than when he perjured himself) while behaving immorally?

When was Romney convicted of perjury?

Who said you were supposed to be impressed? You're implying that Romney has done something reprehensible by making money at Bain capital. Where's the beef?
So he gave lots of money to help the Poor?

Isn't that what keeps the Poor poor, in Conservatopian philosophy? them handouts, and thus conditioning them to expect handouts?
This is what happens when you let billionaires choose your candidate.

Welcome to the Citizens United States of America.
He had to pay more than he owed so he wouldn't be proven a liar from back when he said he never paid less than 13% ?

How great is that? Who thought Romney could end the week worse than he started it?


And once Romney loses in November, he will amend his taxes to take his full charitable deductions, and his rate will be 9%.
Made about 14 Million, Paid 2 Million in Tax, and gave 4 Million to Charity, but only claimed half that amount on Taxes.

Yeah, He does nothing for the poor.

STFU liberals.
A decision that led to him paying a higher effective tax rate. Romney in August declared that he had paid at least 13 percent in taxes over the past decade. Had he deducted all of his $4 million in charitable donations, his tax rate would have fallen below that figure.

Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News

ROMNEY: "If I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."
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So he could have paid 9%, and yet,

his tax plan includes a huge tax cut for himself; thus, in essence, he believes he's overtaxed at 9%.
"When I was young I used to think that being rich and being famous would make me happy. And boy - was I right!" - Mitt Romney
What he said was dishonest. He has previously stated that if he didn't take every deduction he possible could, he would not be qualified to be President.

Where was this?

In an interview just a few months ago.

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Page 2: Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News


OK, so you understand your statement is dishonest, right? He never said he would be dishonest if he didnt take every deduction possible. That isn't what he said.
Where was this?

In an interview just a few months ago.

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Page 2: Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News


OK, so you understand your statement is dishonest, right? He never said he would be dishonest if he didnt take every deduction possible. That isn't what he said.


He just said it would disqualify him to be president.

For once I agree with Mitt.
In an interview just a few months ago.

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Page 2: Transcript: David Muir Interview With Mitt Romney - ABC News


OK, so you understand your statement is dishonest, right? He never said he would be dishonest if he didnt take every deduction possible. That isn't what he said.


He just said it would disqualify him to be president.

For once I agree with Mitt.

Also dishonest.

I would never say he does nothing for the poor. But I also wouldn't count any money he gives to his church as giving to charity, as it's a tenant of the church that all Mormons give them 10% of their income.

And what does their church do with the money? Yea... spends it on the less fortunate... aka, charity. Tricky to make the connection - if you're a twit.

I don't give a flying fuck what the church does with the money, thats not the point. If one man gives to charity because he wants to help the needy, and another man gives to charity because it's a commandment of his god and he wants to go to heaven. I value the gift given freely more then one given out of obligation more.

Along that same line of thinking, his Taxes aren't any of your fucking business.
It's all about punishing people for their thoughts and beliefs.

That's what progressives are about.
It's all about punishing people for their thoughts and beliefs.

That's what progressives are about.

Poor woodel republicans.

Always the victims.

Having the billionaires and Karl Rove on your side is not enough.

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