Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return To Be Released At 3 PM Today

:eusa_boohoo: Boooooohooooo LMFAO!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mitt Romney released his taxes.. sniffle sniffle-- he has a lot of money.. whine whine..

Liberals covet.. sickos

The only person whining is you.

That doesn't seem to be the case, now does it? You've been in and out of this thread all day long crying like a biatch in heat about Romney's tax returns.. LOL

It absolutely does. I've laid out a serious and substantive argument. You've ran around crowing about people being bitter.
You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

I only respond to your racism because I like others to see it. Keep up the good work.

As a voter, everything about Mitt is MY business.

(smile) Lakhota you have the brain of a gnat you are so completely conditioned to deman something from others that it is hilarious.

You don't pay any taxes, you don't work, and you are stupid....I can live with your idiocy.
You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

The vast majority of people that actually have no tax liability are old white folks. Pretty sure that's a Romney demo.
Also dishonest.


In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. “I don’t pay more than are legally due,” he told Muir. “And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president. I’d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
Please show us a quote by Obama claiming the 5%.
In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. “I don’t pay more than are legally due,” he told Muir. “And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president. I’d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
Please show us a quote by Obama claiming the 5%.

He either:
1. Won't be back.
2. Will post something widely out of context.
Mitt Romney's Cynical Tax Ruse | Mother Jones

So this afternoon's big news is that Mitt Romney finally released his 2011 taxes. He paid $1.9 million on $13.7 in income, for an effective tax rate of 14.1%.

But there's more! His tax rate would have been about 9% or so, but he decided not to deduct all of his charitable contributions in order to get his tax rate up to 14%. Why? Here's the official statement:

“The Romneys [] limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the governor’s statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13 percent in income taxes in each of the last 10 years,” said R. Bradford Malt, Mr. Romney’s trustee.

Romney previously said that if he paid more taxes than he owed, he wouldn't be qualified to serve as president. Oops.

My God, you fiend, would you have the man invade his principal? Have you no shame?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

Try voting for Republicans who want to cut SPENDING.
You should have no problem with WORKING families keeping more of what they earned.

Since when did the pubpots want to cut spending? The one thing that is always true of the pibpots is that they want to spend lots and lots more. You know, like when ReaganBushBush were in office and ran our debt through the roof.

LyinRyan wants to add more than $5TRILLION to the debt. So do his cronies. But if yu ask how they'll pay it down, they get all shy and shit. They tell us we have to wait until after the election to find out.

Meanwhile, they want to pass a gaggle of new laws to take rights away from Americans and control the most personal aspects of our lives.

You must be talking about some other pubpot party.

Yeah, that's it.
You always seem interested in my personal life. How is that any of your business?

Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

Too funny assbite :)

I adore nobody but my wife.

People like you and Lakhota are the excrement of America.

No, the 47% don't pay their "fair" share, they pay nothing federally.
They/you live off of me.

Your half white President looks at you and smiles....he is rich, he has practiced crony capitalism, and continues that every day and you clamor for more jizz.

If we drug tested you and Lakhota you'd both be kicked off welfare...or you should be.

You lazy piece of shits make me vomit....all you can do is cry about how much everyone owes you.

Lakhota doesn't have to tell me anything, she is a lazy piece of shit who pays no taxes federally....and yet collects 2000 a month simply because 100 years ago her people were conquered.

Pardon me for puking on you takers.
In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. “I don’t pay more than are legally due,” he told Muir. “And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president. I’d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
Please show us a quote by Obama claiming the 5%.

Please show us a quote by Obama that explains the " typical white person" comment.
No one is coveting his money. All that has been said is that he should have to pay by the same rules as everyone else. For some reason, you people seem to think that being wealthy means the rest of society is obligated to run around with a moist towelette ready the wipe the rears of our Overlords any time they fart crossways.

You have no basis for making the claim that he paid his taxes. There is zero evidence he's paid taxes in any year other than 2010 and 2011. Am I saying he didn't pay taxes in other years? No, but there is no evidence that he did.

As for the President, he has released tax returns going all the way back to 2000, so I don't know why you think this is such a great criticism.

YES, liberals covet his money. He paid his taxes according to existing laws. Why is is so hard for envious, jealous liberals to understand that the tax rate for investment income is different from the tax rate on earned income?

As far as running around with towelette it is the bleeding-heart liberals who are running around wiping the crocodile tears of those who feel tread upon by rich exploiters because they had to actually work for a living. Well, at least hogging and occupying a job granted by affirmative action.

You have no basis to claim that Governor Romney has NOT paid his taxes. There is zero evidence that he has not paid them, other than the undeniable fact that if he had not paid his taxes, the IRS would be on him like a ton of bricks.

I must say I admire the President for his shameless hutzpah. Most decent people would be ashamed for their stingy cheapness if they gave to charity as he has.

Liberals do not generate or create wealth. They covet other's wealth and want the ability, in fact, demand the right/ability to say how it should be spent. They have a deep rooted entitlement complex.

Their main philosophy is to tear down to their level not aspire to a higher level. They are weak, selfish and lazy. Look at who and what comprise the far left of their party.

Nice and polite way that they are THIEVES.
In July, while travelling to Israel, Romney was asked about his taxes in an interview with ABC News' David Muir. &#8220;I don&#8217;t pay more than are legally due,&#8221; he told Muir. &#8220;And frankly if I had paid more than are legally due, I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;d be qualified to become president. I&#8217;d think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.&#8221;

Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns and By His Own Words They 'Disqualify' Him From the Presidency | Alternet

It's kind of like your idol said that if unemployment is not down to 5 (?)% by the end of his first term, he should be a one term president?

Or how about closing GITMO?
Please show us a quote by Obama claiming the 5%.
No shit sherlock... Do you pay extra?

Do you check that box and add more to your return?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I vote for Democrats who want to raise taxes to cut the deficit.

I have no problem paying more to help working families.

Try voting for Republicans who want to cut SPENDING.
You should have no problem with WORKING families keeping more of what they earned.

REALLY? Tell Jeb!ro Bush & Vulture Scott, every tax they could find has skyrocketed in Florida. 1% option tax, property, MORE things subject to sales tax, Court fees, AND government building parking, copying costs, license fees, access fees, you name it.

PLUS, some counties have cut back on hours county services are offered, try to get a license between 10:00am & 3pm. if you are lucky. This is right wing "government".:D

Speaking of froot loops, Mittens really is.

Is he trying to look more like Trump?

With thanks to Ravi, here's Mittens, speaking at an NAACP function, asking them to vote for him ...


At least Mitt Romney attended the NAACP function, unlike Obama, who spat in their eyes, taking them for granted, dissing them and pissing on them. Because he knew fully well that when the good Lord handed out brains, the shining stars of the NAACP were in the back row, missing out on the last crumbs, and they were, as they always are ready to be taken undeserved advantage of.

Romney had the COURAGE, something Obama will never be accused of having.

At least not until he has the courage to appear with an interviewer who will ask a question tougher than "What is your favorite ....... whatever".
Ahhhh and there is the rub is Mitt's any of yours?

You are part of the 47% that doesn't pay shit....and yet YOU are worse because you get that extra money for no other reason than your people weren't strong enough to fight off the white man.

First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

Too funny assbite :)

I adore nobody but my wife.

People like you and Lakhota are the excrement of America.

No, the 47% don't pay their "fair" share, they pay nothing federally.
They/you live off of me.

Your half white President looks at you and smiles....he is rich, he has practiced crony capitalism, and continues that every day and you clamor for more jizz.

If we drug tested you and Lakhota you'd both be kicked off welfare...or you should be.

You lazy piece of shits make me vomit....all you can do is cry about how much everyone owes you.

Lakhota doesn't have to tell me anything, she is a lazy piece of shit who pays no taxes federally....and yet collects 2000 a month simply because 100 years ago her people were conquered.

Pardon me for puking on you takers.

Making up all those lies won't make them true.
First, and most obvious is that Lakhota is not running for president of the United States.

Second, anyone who gives personal info about themselves to some lame ass creep on line is a fool.

Third, are you really so stupid as to believe that Mittens' 47% does not and has not paid their fair share?

WHAT is wrong with you idiot rw's? Why do you believe this ENTITLED empty suit of a man is worth the adoration and loyalty that he does not give to you?

He looks down at you, makes fun of you, demands that you turn against your neighbor and your fellow countrymen and you suck up to him.

You just make me shake my head in disbelief.

Too funny assbite :)

I adore nobody but my wife.

People like you and Lakhota are the excrement of America.

No, the 47% don't pay their "fair" share, they pay nothing federally.
They/you live off of me.

Your half white President looks at you and smiles....he is rich, he has practiced crony capitalism, and continues that every day and you clamor for more jizz.

If we drug tested you and Lakhota you'd both be kicked off welfare...or you should be.

You lazy piece of shits make me vomit....all you can do is cry about how much everyone owes you.

Lakhota doesn't have to tell me anything, she is a lazy piece of shit who pays no taxes federally....and yet collects 2000 a month simply because 100 years ago her people were conquered.

Pardon me for puking on you takers.

Making up all those lies won't make them true.

Not a single lie in the bunch :)

Bammy is no better than any other rich white man......except that he makes you think his blackness makes him "down with the cause".

You are pathetic in your weakness.

Do you pay taxes on your Tribal Stipend OCIHI SNI/ohncheehee-shnee?

Aw, what a great racist personal attack comeback. Care to comment on Romney's "sudden" suntan right before addressing a Latino audience?

You should be proud of Governor Romney. His suntan (if it is indeed a suntan, not photo shopping or effect of lighting) proves that he strives to look like and be as perfect as all Native Americans, or Latinos, like you are.

That is because he probably never read any of your posts on this forum.
Too funny assbite :)

I adore nobody but my wife.

People like you and Lakhota are the excrement of America.

No, the 47% don't pay their "fair" share, they pay nothing federally.
They/you live off of me.

Your half white President looks at you and smiles....he is rich, he has practiced crony capitalism, and continues that every day and you clamor for more jizz.

If we drug tested you and Lakhota you'd both be kicked off welfare...or you should be.

You lazy piece of shits make me vomit....all you can do is cry about how much everyone owes you.

Lakhota doesn't have to tell me anything, she is a lazy piece of shit who pays no taxes federally....and yet collects 2000 a month simply because 100 years ago her people were conquered.

Pardon me for puking on you takers.

Making up all those lies won't make them true.

Not a single lie in the bunch :)

Bammy is no better than any other rich white man......except that he makes you think his blackness makes him "down with the cause".

You are pathetic in your weakness.

Why do you keep making up lies about other posters? You can't PROVE your crazy statements, not even one of them.

Every single word you have said about me is a lie.

Keep your racism and hate to yourself. Nothing good can come of it.
Last edited:
As it turns out, the Romneys are relatively poor.

With an income of just over 13 million they are outearned by

Simon Cowell at 90 million
Gordon Ramsay at 38 million
Ellen Degeneres at 50 million
Kim Kardashian at 18 million
Oprah Winfrey at 165 million
Tyra Banks at 25 million
Donald Trump at 63 million
Jay Leno at 32 million
Diane Sawyer and Katie Couric both at 15 million
Ryan Seacrest at 59 million

Paycheck, Salary, Income: Ellen Degeneres, Cheryl Cole, Piers Morgan, Simon Cowell, Bristol Palin, Jon Stewart, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest, Tyra Banks, Oprah, David Letterman, Gordon Ramsay, Jay Leno, Katie Couric and other Talk Show Hosts Salarie

David Letterman makes more that double what Romney makes at 40 million a year.

David Letterman, The Top 100 Celebrities -
goddamned hypocrite liberals.

you wanna be entertained, look at joe biden's charitable donations as compared to his income.

It'll make you SICK.

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

crybaby hypocrites.

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