Mitt Romney's Going Down In Flames: The Numbers Bears It Out


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Folks, the numbers are in and it doesn't look good for Mitt, not by a longshot.

Here, have a look:

01. The polls show Obama in the same position he was four years ago against McCain.

Election '12 vs. Election '08 Four Years Ago Today: ---- Aug., 09, 2008: Obama +3.6% Avg. #POLL RCP Lead vs Aug. 09, 2012: Obama +3.9%

02. New CNN poll: Obama 52%, Romney 45%.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

03. New CNN poll: Obama holds a 9-point lead among Independents (53%-42%).
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

04. New CNN poll: Romney's unfavorable rating jumps from 42% in July to 48% now.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

05. New CNN poll: 52% of Independents have a negative view of Romney.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

06. New CNN poll: 63% of Americans think Obama will win re-election.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

07. New CNN poll: 45% of Americans say the country would be better if Democrats controlled Congress; 39% say Republicans.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

08. New CNN poll: 64% of Americans think Mitt Romney "favors the rich."

09. New CNN poll: 54% of Americans think the attacks on Mitt Romney are fair or have no opinion on them.

10. New CNN poll: 63% think Romney should release more tax returns.

11. New CNN poll: 55% of people making less than $50,000 have an unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney.

12. Fox News poll has Obama up 9 -- 49 to 40
Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News

Coupled by how many conservatives have no faith, whatsoever in Mint Raw Money...
Conservatives Have No Faith in the GOP Nominee—for Good Reason - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

and how the conservatives have already resigned to the fact that things are dismal for Mittens...
Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working « Commentary Magazine

HOW are so many USMB RWers projecting & expecting victory? Is it just self-delussion? Fear, or outright ignorance?

How many more polls before Republicans realize Romney's strategy isn't working? CNN (Obama +7), Reuters (Obama +7), Pew (Obama +10).

The RepubliCON$ are toast...TOAST I said! :lol:
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Stop the election! No reason. Just give Obama four more years to fuck up the country. CNN polls said he won.

*Scott Walker interrupts, "ummm...
You guys #FAIL to notice the FOXNEWS poll in there too huh?
Stop the election! No reason. Just give Obama four more years to fuck up the country. One Fox poll said he won.

*Scott Walker interrupts, "ummm...
This shit happens ever election cycle. The media is trying to Create a feeling of Inevitability that Obama is going to win, to Both Boost Democrat Turn out, and Lower Republican, and thereby Help Obama. Why else would they keep over sampling Democrats by 8 and 9 Points in Key states, when that is not how the Turn out was 2 years ago, or is projected to be now.

And every time there is some Useful Idiot like Mac to Post it for us and tell us how it's inevitable now. lol
Folks, the numbers are in and it doesn't look good for Mitt, not by a longshot.

Here, have a look:

01. The polls show Obama in the same position he was four years ago against McCain.

Election '12 vs. Election '08 Four Years Ago Today: ---- Aug., 09, 2008: Obama +3.6% Avg. #POLL RCP Lead vs Aug. 09, 2012: Obama +3.9%

02. New CNN poll: Obama 52%, Romney 45%.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

03. New CNN poll: Obama holds a 9-point lead among Independents (53%-42%).
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

04. New CNN poll: Romney's unfavorable rating jumps from 42% in July to 48% now.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

05. New CNN poll: 52% of Independents have a negative view of Romney.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

06. New CNN poll: 63% of Americans think Obama will win re-election.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

07. New CNN poll: 45% of Americans say the country would be better if Democrats controlled Congress; 39% say Republicans.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

08. New CNN poll: 64% of Americans think Mitt Romney "favors the rich."

09. New CNN poll: 54% of Americans think the attacks on Mitt Romney are fair or have no opinion on them.

10. New CNN poll: 63% think Romney should release more tax returns.

11. New CNN poll: 55% of people making less than $50,000 have an unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney.

12. Fox News poll has Obama up 9 -- 49 to 40
Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News

Coupled by how many conservatives have no faith, whatsoever in Mint Raw Money...
Conservatives Have No Faith in the GOP Nominee—for Good Reason - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

and how the conservatives have already resigned to the fact that things are dismal for Mittens...
Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working « Commentary Magazine

HOW are so many USMB RWers projecting & expecting victory? Is it just self-delussion? Fear, or outright ignorance?

How many more polls before Republicans realize Romney's strategy isn't working? CNN (Obama +7), Reuters (Obama +7), Pew (Obama +10).

The RepubliCON$ are toast...TOAST I said! :lol:

If the polls were correct then every Republican for President since Reagan would have lost their elections. We go through this every four years. The polls also showed favorable for democrats in the 2010 congressional election. Everyone knows what's going on here. It's nothing new for republican candidates.
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You guys #FAIL to notice the FOXNEWS poll in there too huh?

FOX itself admits they over sampled Democrats by 9 in the poll.

Some how I don't think turn out is going to be plus 9 for Democrats this time around. The Polls are flawed, yes even FOX.

Obama is leading, but the Gap is not as large as these polls are showing.
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I took a poll of all my republican friends. It appears Obama will lose in a landslide.
I didn't feel it was necessary to include any dems in my poll either.
You guys #FAIL to notice the FOXNEWS poll in there too huh?

I guess that was the only one (other than CNN) that backed up your claims. Newsflash... Votes elect Presidents, not polls. I have lied on every damn poll I ever got called for, so they really don't mean a thing. November is going to be painful for you isn't it?
Folks, the numbers are in and it doesn't look good for Mitt, not by a longshot.

Here, have a look:

01. The polls show Obama in the same position he was four years ago against McCain.

Election '12 vs. Election '08 Four Years Ago Today: ---- Aug., 09, 2008: Obama +3.6% Avg. #POLL RCP Lead vs Aug. 09, 2012: Obama +3.9%

02. New CNN poll: Obama 52%, Romney 45%.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

03. New CNN poll: Obama holds a 9-point lead among Independents (53%-42%).
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

04. New CNN poll: Romney's unfavorable rating jumps from 42% in July to 48% now.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

05. New CNN poll: 52% of Independents have a negative view of Romney.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

06. New CNN poll: 63% of Americans think Obama will win re-election.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

07. New CNN poll: 45% of Americans say the country would be better if Democrats controlled Congress; 39% say Republicans.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

08. New CNN poll: 64% of Americans think Mitt Romney "favors the rich."

09. New CNN poll: 54% of Americans think the attacks on Mitt Romney are fair or have no opinion on them.

10. New CNN poll: 63% think Romney should release more tax returns.

11. New CNN poll: 55% of people making less than $50,000 have an unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney.

12. Fox News poll has Obama up 9 -- 49 to 40
Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News

Coupled by how many conservatives have no faith, whatsoever in Mint Raw Money...
Conservatives Have No Faith in the GOP Nominee—for Good Reason - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

and how the conservatives have already resigned to the fact that things are dismal for Mittens...
Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working « Commentary Magazine

HOW are so many USMB RWers projecting & expecting victory? Is it just self-delussion? Fear, or outright ignorance?

How many more polls before Republicans realize Romney's strategy isn't working? CNN (Obama +7), Reuters (Obama +7), Pew (Obama +10).

The RepubliCON$ are toast...TOAST I said! :lol:

Do these polls reflect the Ryan pick? I think Ryan might give him a temporary bump!
I took a poll of all my republican friends. It appears Obama will lose in a landslide.
I didn't feel it was necessary to include any dems in my poll either.
So you're suggesting that CNN and ORC ONLY interviews Democrats?

WoW!! I dunno what to say...

Folks, the numbers are in and it doesn't look good for Mitt, not by a longshot.

Here, have a look:

01. The polls show Obama in the same position he was four years ago against McCain.

Election '12 vs. Election '08 Four Years Ago Today: ---- Aug., 09, 2008: Obama +3.6% Avg. #POLL RCP Lead vs Aug. 09, 2012: Obama +3.9%

02. New CNN poll: Obama 52%, Romney 45%.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

03. New CNN poll: Obama holds a 9-point lead among Independents (53%-42%).
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

04. New CNN poll: Romney's unfavorable rating jumps from 42% in July to 48% now.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

05. New CNN poll: 52% of Independents have a negative view of Romney.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

06. New CNN poll: 63% of Americans think Obama will win re-election.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

07. New CNN poll: 45% of Americans say the country would be better if Democrats controlled Congress; 39% say Republicans.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

08. New CNN poll: 64% of Americans think Mitt Romney "favors the rich."

09. New CNN poll: 54% of Americans think the attacks on Mitt Romney are fair or have no opinion on them.

10. New CNN poll: 63% think Romney should release more tax returns.

11. New CNN poll: 55% of people making less than $50,000 have an unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney.

12. Fox News poll has Obama up 9 -- 49 to 40
Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News

Coupled by how many conservatives have no faith, whatsoever in Mint Raw Money...
Conservatives Have No Faith in the GOP Nominee—for Good Reason - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

and how the conservatives have already resigned to the fact that things are dismal for Mittens...
Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working « Commentary Magazine

HOW are so many USMB RWers projecting & expecting victory? Is it just self-delussion? Fear, or outright ignorance?

How many more polls before Republicans realize Romney's strategy isn't working? CNN (Obama +7), Reuters (Obama +7), Pew (Obama +10).

The RepubliCON$ are toast...TOAST I said! :lol:

Do these polls reflect the Ryan pick? I think Ryan might give him a temporary bump!
No, this thread was two days coming.

But I'm a pretty busy man, you know...running my own business and such.
This shit happens ever election cycle. The media is trying to Create a feeling of Inevitability that Obama is going to win, to Both Boost Democrat Turn out, and Lower Republican, and thereby Help Obama. Why else would they keep over sampling Democrats by 8 and 9 Points in Key states, when that is not how the Turn out was 2 years ago, or is projected to be now.

And every time there is some Useful Idiot like Mac to Post it for us and tell us how it's inevitable now. lol

Useful Idiots. My favorite part of this interview:

[ame=]Bezmenov on Marxists - YouTube[/ame]

You could show them black is black and white is white, but it will not matter. They won't believe it. They have been so far programmed it won't matter to them.
Republicans won't believe those polls. They only believe things they want to believe. You know, that Obama is a secret muslim, Obamacare is unconstitutional, Obama was born in kenya, and fox news is fair and balanced and says true things. They still have republicans denyiong obama is president because he was not born in america.
Folks, the numbers are in and it doesn't look good for Mitt, not by a longshot.

Here, have a look:

01. The polls show Obama in the same position he was four years ago against McCain.

Election '12 vs. Election '08 Four Years Ago Today: ---- Aug., 09, 2008: Obama +3.6% Avg. #POLL RCP Lead vs Aug. 09, 2012: Obama +3.9%

02. New CNN poll: Obama 52%, Romney 45%.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

03. New CNN poll: Obama holds a 9-point lead among Independents (53%-42%).
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

04. New CNN poll: Romney's unfavorable rating jumps from 42% in July to 48% now.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

05. New CNN poll: 52% of Independents have a negative view of Romney.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

06. New CNN poll: 63% of Americans think Obama will win re-election.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

07. New CNN poll: 45% of Americans say the country would be better if Democrats controlled Congress; 39% say Republicans.
CNN Poll: Obama holds 7-point lead over Romney – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

08. New CNN poll: 64% of Americans think Mitt Romney "favors the rich."

09. New CNN poll: 54% of Americans think the attacks on Mitt Romney are fair or have no opinion on them.

10. New CNN poll: 63% think Romney should release more tax returns.

11. New CNN poll: 55% of people making less than $50,000 have an unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney.

12. Fox News poll has Obama up 9 -- 49 to 40
Fox News poll: Obama's lead grows as Romney's support slips | Fox News

Coupled by how many conservatives have no faith, whatsoever in Mint Raw Money...
Conservatives Have No Faith in the GOP Nominee—for Good Reason - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

and how the conservatives have already resigned to the fact that things are dismal for Mittens...
Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working « Commentary Magazine

HOW are so many USMB RWers projecting & expecting victory? Is it just self-delussion? Fear, or outright ignorance?

How many more polls before Republicans realize Romney's strategy isn't working? CNN (Obama +7), Reuters (Obama +7), Pew (Obama +10).

The RepubliCON$ are toast...TOAST I said! :lol:

Do these polls reflect the Ryan pick? I think Ryan might give him a temporary bump!
No, this thread was two days coming.

But I'm a pretty busy man, you know...running my own business and such.

You mean your own business that other people built?:lol:
I took a poll of all my republican friends. It appears Obama will lose in a landslide.
I didn't feel it was necessary to include any dems in my poll either.
So you're suggesting that CNN and ORC ONLY interviews Democrats?

WoW!! I dunno what to say...


No. I was making a post as pointless as those polls. Sorry to confuse you.

You don't see a problem with stacking a poll to get the results you desire?
You consider that credible?
Republicans won't believe those polls. They only believe things they want to believe. You know, that Obama is a secret muslim, Obamacare is unconstitutional, Obama was born in kenya, and fox news is fair and balanced and says true things. They still have republicans denyiong obama is president because he was not born in america.

You got that right sis...these people would swear their life away on a bogus backwater rumor if it was against Obama. However, facts upon fact upon facts couldn't budge these Palookas if it supported him.

It's uncanny.

I took a poll of all my republican friends. It appears Obama will lose in a landslide.
I didn't feel it was necessary to include any dems in my poll either.
So you're suggesting that CNN and ORC ONLY interviews Democrats?

WoW!! I dunno what to say...


No. I was making a post as pointless as those polls. Sorry to confuse you.

You don't see a problem with stacking a poll to get the results you desire?
You consider that credible?
There you go again, asserting the same bogus assertion.

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